A root principle of Spartan Christianity is the idea that your poverty does not make you righteous, and similarly, you can be wealthy and still be of good character. This was the case for Abraham (Genesis 13:2) and Job (Job 1), you can make it the case for you. Riches do not determine spirituality, but character does.
Please understand that this is not a health-wealth gospel, but simply a refutation of the “Riches = Materialism/worldliness” gospel, which is just as pervasive and just as damaging to men.

Here is a principle passage for the proper management of riches:
Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
If you have headings in your bible you may find that it says, “instructions to the rich.” This line was likely directed at men who were already rich in possessions and were converted to Christianity at a later time. However, this passage undoubtedly can apply to people who are in the process of gaining riches as well. Even though Paul tells us not to be greedy or love money in previous verses of 1 Timothy 6, the fact of the matter is people are going to have wealth, so what they need to know is how to manage it.
Though men should not be greedy, they should still be ambitious. And ambition tends to be followed by riches. Given that many men will achieve success and riches, they should train their character so they can handle that wealth. This can be a difficult balance – ambition versus contentment.
This passage gives four brief points that outline how individuals with wealth should behave:
- Do good
- Be rich in good works
- Ready to give
- Willing to share
Technically you could lump these into two groups based on similarity:
1. Do good + be rich in good works.
2. Ready to give + Be willing to share.
This is as simple as it gets. If you happen to have riches, supplement that with good works. Be rich in good works. Engage in masculine behavior (which just so happens to be Christian behavior).
In addition to that, be willing to share those riches. Understand that you are a manager of material possessions while on earth so do good with them by helping those in need and using wise generosity.
The management of riches can also be supplemented with 1 John 3:17:
“But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”
1 John 3:17
It is interesting to note that one of the ways an individual who just so happens to have riches can demonstrate godly love is by helping a brother (a fellow member of the church) who is in need. This idea certainly goes against the notion that “he who has wealth is worldly“. In reality, he who has wealth can help him who is in need. He who does not have wealth can help no one.
These five parts together are the foundational principles of how to have riches and still be a man of character simultaneously. The majority of the difficulty will come from dealing with self-righteous church members who believe that the only reasons they are not rich as well is because they are “super spiritual and not focused on worldly possessions“.
Do not place your riches above God.
That is the philosophy that is encapsulated in the five notes we mentioned before. If you are not placing your wealth above God, then you will naturally do good, be rich in good works, be willing to share, ready to give, and help needy brothers. You understand that the focus in this life is not on the material, but on the spiritual. You understand that the earth is temporary but the character is forever.
Begin to work on your character and it will not matter if you made 10 dollars or one-hundred million, you will be the same man. To be constant in our philosophy and behavior despite changing circumstances is the key.
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