Any religious institution attempting to follow God must bear the name of Christ. This is non-negotiable when it comes to churches.
Yet how many religious groups want to claim to follow Christ and name themselves whatever they want?
The names of churches are getting more ridiculous as days go by. I can point out an emotionalistic church just by the name.
“Life church”
“New Way Water Springs church”
“Justice Healer Church”
It is not hard to start picking out those groups who are religious because it is convenient, and who gather together to worship because it is emotionally stimulating to them.
When Christ built the church in Acts 2, even though He was not there to see the opening, He still hung His name on it. The followers of Christ must call themselves after the name of Christ. Can they really claim to follow Christ if they are not?
In Ephesians 5, the church is compared to the relationship of marriage. and in marriage, the bride takes on the groom’s name. If she refuses to take on his name, it is a bad sign. It is a red flag for feminism in my view.
Many women who have become successful and made themselves something outside of their husbands may choose to refuse their husbands’ names. This usually happenings with celebrities or highly successful women.

But has the body and bride of Christ made itself something outside of Christ? No, it has not. The bride of Christ must take on His name and must reflect Him and represent Him well to the outside world, just like wives reflect their own husbands.
You cannot serve God and not wear the name of Christ. You must wear the name personally and be called Christian. And you must also wear the name of Christ in your religious group – your church must be named after Him for it is illegitimate.
A church cannot be the church that Christ built if it does not wear the name of Christ.