“When the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel, who delivered them: Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he judged Israel. He went out to war, and the Lord delivered Cushan-Rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand, and his hand prevailed over Cushan-Rishathaim”.
Judges 3:9-10
Othniel was the first official judge of Israel in the days before the kings. The opening chapters of the book of Judges tell us that Israel would repeatedly go after foreign gods and be punished with captivity as a result. They would rebel against God time and time again and pursue the sexually impudent nations of Canaan. After a few years of captivity and harsh oppression, they would cry out to God, repent and God would raise a leader to deliver them.
We learn from earlier verses that Othniel is the younger brother of Caleb, who was one of only two men who were optimistic about attacking the Canaanite country.
God raised Othniel and activated the latent warlike spirit in him, which leads to my favorite component of today’s verse: He went out to War.
The Israelite nation was repeatedly saved because men were willing to rise against their captors and go to war. We can see that freedom is bought through the price of war and it is this warlike nature that we must cultivate as men. After cultivating it we must direct that energy into constructive pursuits.
Men are made to go to war. David saw Bathsheba because he was not out with his men “During the time that kings go out to battle (2 Samuel 11:1). Though it is easy to sit back in the comfort of our warm homes and couches and criticize David for his sin, it could have been avoided entirely had he gone out to war.
I go out to war.
Today, identify just one component of your life and go to war with it. It can be something you want to change about yourself such as a bad habit, or it can be an item on your to-do list that has been there for weeks. Whatever it may be, conjure up your aggressive energy and direct it towards the task at hand. Do not let religious people discourage you from using violent energy to accomplish your goals. This warlike nature is a gift from God that allows men to go to war, whether with a physical enemy or with their weaknesses.
This warrior spirit is a powerful reserve of energy that remains untapped by so many men because they are taught from a young age to not hit, bite, and to share; and now many young boys are being punished in schools for drawing guns on paper! While that is useful for making men more socially acceptable, it is not beneficial in times of war when men need to take up swords and spears against an enemy. Nor is it helpful when men need to conjure up the energy necessary to go to war with themselves. As we constantly mention, we are at war with our flesh (1 Peter 2:11). Since we are at war we must take violent, warlike action against our flesh.
Like Othniel, the judge of old, you must go out to war with yourself.
Conduct Yourselves like Men.