“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
James 2:22
“In all labor there is profit, But idle chatter leads only to poverty.”
Proverbs 14:23
People have a problem with taking action. They can talk all day long about what they are going to do, or how cool they were “back in the day”, but no one cares. The only thing that matters is action.
No one cares what you say.
No one cares how you feel.
No one cares what you did in the past.
What are you doing today, in this present moment that is making a difference in your life or in the lives of others?
Are you working on yourself, or are you merely talking about working on yourself? Are you finally starting that diet, or do you just never shut up about your plans to start?
Get. Started.
The Church is filled with pathetic men who have stopped taking action years ago. All they can do is look behind them into their past to see their best days as they rot away in the present moment.
That is depressing. Do not be that man who has lost his masculinity. The Church is not for the weak, yet in recent years it has become infested with the feeble of heart and mind. Do not allow yourself to contribute to that mass of pathetic individuals.
You must be the one strong man in a sea of androgenous beta males.
The mistake most people make is in assuming that the action must be massive and difficult or else it will not matter or produce any results. KEY: any action taken towards your goals is massive compared to the no-action lifestyle you have lived for 20 years. Just get up and get started, don’t worry about the details, all things become clear when you finally start. Stop talking, start doing, it is a simple formula for success.
Boys talk.
Men take action.
Be a man.
I take action today. I do not talk, I only do.

Take action towards your goals. Even if you only do it today, that’s more than you did yesterday. Commit to one day of action and see how you feel.
Write down your goals and then write down the smallest possible step you could take in the direction of that action and then take it. Any progress is better than no progress.
Eat one clean healthy meal instead of the garbage you have been stuffing into your face. Eat chicken and broccoli and some rice for just one meal.
Write just two sentences in that book you have been talking about writing. They do not even have to be good, just write them.
Do one set of push-ups today. Just one set of two push-ups is more than most people are doing. Take action.
Conduct yourselves like Men
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