One of the more embarrassing images many individuals have of Christian is that of the subservient nice-guy. The guy who will do what anyone says and does not want to hurt feelings. He will compromise his own time and interests for others and always defers to women or other men. He has no self-direction but is incredibly kind.
And most importantly, he has not one ounce of aggression in his body.

Most religious people think Christian men should be like castrated dogs. They are expected to lie around, eat and come when called. They are kicked when they bark and beaten when they bite.
Somehow people have gotten it in their heads that passivity equals righteousness. Religious people have the constant bad habit of conflating two characteristics that are generally unrelated. The way most Christians equate wealth with materialism or poverty with righteousness is an example of this.
The problem is that poverty and righteousness are not the same. Even more so, passivity and righteousness are not the same. the passive man is not strong or masculine because he is simply taken along by the current of life.
What I encourage you to do is to avoid being a white knight at all costs. Instead of being a knight in shining armor, be a Viking in bloody chainmail.

Be the man who goes to war with those who oppose him. You must be willing to engage in social conflict for the sake of the truth. Be willing to cast down the wrong arguments of others (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Again, be a Viking in Bloody Chainmail.
The rules of engagement do not apply to you. You understand that you have to use any and every weapon at your disposal to preserve righteousness.
You do not have to be passive to be righteous, you can be aggressive and still be righteous. Please understand that I am not encouraging you to be physically violent towards your brothers or neighbors (if you decide to be violent, that is left to your personal discretion). I am encouraging you to never back down from an opportunity to preserve the truth. You must be willing to attack false doctrine or poor behavior without fearing the consequences.
Never allow your need for approval or acceptance to override your responsibility to be a man of the truth. Be the man who stands by the truth without faltering. You are the rock cliff that the waves crush against, but never manage to move. You are the immovable force of nature.
The man who dilutes truth to be accepted is no man.
You do not have to go to war and be physically violent to be a Viking in bloody chainmail. Just viciously and ferociously assault the incorrect ideas, positions, and behaviors of others.