Hardcore Christianity
“Spartan” – ADJECTIVE: Showing or characterized by austerity or a lack of comfort or luxury.
Religion decays when men are effeminate and weak. Over the past several generations society has allowed for weak men to have weak sons. The world is so safe that even the beta male can find a mate with whom to have children. These weak sons have grown up and have birthed even weaker sons than themselves. This trend will continue until warfare forces men to once again become men and fight.
Spartan Christianity aims to improve men before it gets to that point. We encourage men to stimulate their masculine natures through behaviors the pseudo-religious world may deem “inappropriate” due to their ignorance of what masculinity is. Embrace and control the power of the Masculine Mind.
One question you may be asking yourself is, “Who are you to talk about masculinity?” The answer: No one.
I am weak, soft and un-masculine in my behaviors there is no doubt about that.
I am emotional and allow myself to worry and experience anxiety.
I do not command my mind like I should.
Failure and weakness are my closest relatives, but that does not mean I cannot talk about strength and success as worthy things to be achieved.
Even if a man can only dead-lift 200 pounds, that does not mean he is unqualified to speak about the desirability to dead-lift 500 pounds. That man can still state that he is aiming high, he is aiming to improve himself. His goal is to increase his strength and he has the ability to talk about the work he is currently doing to get there.
A man does not have to have achieved a specific goal in order to understand and speak about the desirability of that goal. I and other Spartan Christians are the same. I have not achieved my goals of masculinity and spiritual growth, but that does not mean I can’t/won’t speak about the desirability of masculinity and delineate the steps I have taken and am currently taking in order to get there.
Who am I to speak of masculinity? Only a man who sees masculinity as a desirable goal to achieve and a vital characteristic of Christian men.
Spartan Christianity exists to provides the tools and thoughts necessary to improve lives. Though we speak at length about men and their responsibilities and the actions they should take, all women are welcome. If you are a woman, please read our entries and make comments on them. Refer your husbands, significant others, fathers, brothers, nephews, uncles or grandsons to this site. We are providing tools to make men better.
We do not speak much about doctrine. There are dozens of websites who do that quite well already (Try this one), but there is not a single website dedicated to making Christian men more masculine because for years that has not been the priority of the Church; and as a result, men are soft and weak – we work to undo that fact.

Spartan Christianity is based on principles that don’t apply only to Christians. We think about the behaviors and thoughts that make men strong, good and moral. While we would love for you to become a Christian, the purpose of this site is not specifically for conversion. Because, again, there are already great sites for conversion, but very few sites for masculine behavior in Christian men. The main purpose of this site is to improve men. When men improve their masculinity, they become better Christians.