Without a goal, man has nothing to aim for, and he will miss every time if he aims for nothing.
“A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul”.
Proverbs 13:19
It is hard for men to motivate themselves without the presence of some kind of desirable end-state goal.
It is even harder for them to motivate themselves if they do not have some kind of painful punishment to avoid.
For this reason you must make everything a goal, no matter how small. Doing this is guaranteed to make even the tasks you hate slightly more tolerable.
If you are someone who likes statistics, this can be done by counting up all the tasks you have to do and converting to a percentage.
Easy, quick, and now you have visible, measurable progress on your goals. To do this, divide the number of tasks you have completed by the total amount of tasks you have to do. If you have 50 tasks and have completed 13 of them, then you are 26% finished with your tasks. [13/50= 26%]
The best way to make everything a goal is to try to improve at every task you are doing.
Ask yourself:
- “How can I make this action more efficient?”
- “How can I do this faster?”
- “How can I get this done using less resources?”.
Switch your brain from “hating your job” mode, into “problem solve” mode.
Once that problem solving area of your brain is activated, you will spend less time thinking about how much you hate your job, and eventually you may become so efficient that you can switch to another job instead.
Accomplish goals. Weak boys set vague goals and don’t see them through to the end. If you make a goal, keep it, or don’t waste your time making that goal. Nothing satisfies the soul like the progress towards a goal, and then finally the achievement that goal. So make everything a goal and maximize the natural “high”.
I will be more efficient. I will look for ways to be faster, more productive, smarter, and a more valuable person.

Switch from job loathing mode to problem solving mode, as mentioned before.
Constantly look for ways to improve the system, then actually follow through and improve it.
Make sure your goals are as clear as glass. You will never achieve goals that are vague.
Small goals count, but they must be clear.
Even if your goal is to fold letters perfectly, that is fine, you have more clarity with that goal then most weak men have in their entire careers.
Break down every task into all of its component parts.
Start working on the most important piece of each task first and then move on to the next one.
Concentrate on completing each small part as perfectly as you possibly can.
If you have to write a paper and you know it needs a paragraph of introduction, three paragraphs of body, a paragraph of conclusion and five sources of information, then write all these down in a list, or a table and check them off as you go.
Paragraph of Introduction | |
Three paragraphs of body | |
One paragraph conclusion | |
Five research references. |
You can break these tasks down into even smaller tasks.
Break each paragraph into 6-8 sentences. Break the research references down into their separate categories and then break the actual reference down into its component parts of the name of the source, title, author, date and publisher.
Even in this simple example of writing, you can make one large task a collection of small tasks that you can push through and achieve.
Everything in life is achievable if you break it down into small, easily accomplished pieces.
Conduct yourselves like Men.
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