The Christian Walk Is Not About Your Enjoyment-The Christian walk isn’t designed to be about your personal enjoyment. While there are benefits—emotional, spiritual, or otherwise—they are not the main focus of the faith. Too often, people approach Christianity expecting it to provide them with a sense of happiness, comfort, or joy as if that’s the primary goal of following Christ. That’s a … Continue reading "The Christian Walk Is Not About Your Enjoyment"
Be Careful Who You Share Your Burdens With-The Bible teaches us to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). The Bible instructs us to support and lift each other up through the struggles and trials of life, especially as we walk through the narrow path of faith. Ideally, this is what should happen within the church. … Continue reading "Be Careful Who You Share Your Burdens With"
You Don’t Have to Miss Being with the Church-The Separation of Emotion and Obedience There’s a pervasive assumption within Christian circles that in order to faithfully serve God and fulfill His commands, you must feel a longing for fellowship, for worship, or for obedience. Many of us grow up being taught and thinking that a lack of emotional drive signals a deficiency in … Continue reading "You Don’t Have to Miss Being with the Church"
The Long-Term Effects of Sin-Sin is not merely a theological concept; it has tangible, long-lasting consequences that ripple through our lives and the lives of those around us. Adultery is one of the most prominent examples. But there are plenty of sins that cause devastating outcomes in people’s lives, both personally and communally. When God commands us to stay … Continue reading "The Long-Term Effects of Sin"
Sexual Discipline In Marriage-Most men will be shocked by the title. Never in their wildest dreams would they think they had to be sexually disciplined in marriage. They thought they would have on-command access to sex the moment they get married. Most men will face a sad reality when they wake up from that delusion. Men must be … Continue reading "Sexual Discipline In Marriage"
The Pursuit of Wealth [Proverbs 23:4]-Do not overwork to be rich;Because of your own understanding, cease! Proverbs often talk about money and man’s relationship to it. Proverbs 23:4 talk about the foolishness of the relentless pursuit of wealth at the expense of everything else in life. Solomon warns against the obsession with riches, teaching us that at the root of … Continue reading "The Pursuit of Wealth [Proverbs 23:4]"
Dining with The Powerful [Proverbs 23:1-3]-1When you sit down to eat with a ruler,Consider carefully what is before you;2And put a knife to your throatIf you are a man given to appetite.3Do not desire his delicacies,For they are deceptive food. Proverbs 23:1-3 outlines unique circumstances – the rare instances when you may be invited to eat with someone powerful. When we recall the context of many … Continue reading "Dining with The Powerful [Proverbs 23:1-3]"