I – Humans are religious by nature, all of them will worship something.
In the modern world, people have resorted to worshipping the earth, which is the environmentalist movement. Atheists worship themselves. The common man worships sports or his career.
People have worshipped nature, planets and other deities they craft in their minds for thousands of years. It does not matter what it is. If something exists, some group of humans will find a way to turn it into a god and worship it.
It does not matter who you are, you will find a way to worship something and dedicate your very existence to it.
If a man tries to oppose this nature he will be depressed. He will be acutely aware that he is rejecting some integral part of his very nature by trying to worship nothing. Few men ever make it to the point of worshipping nothing. Most people have a religion of some kind.
II – Atheism is a first-world luxury.
Men cannot become atheists without incredible fiscal backing and times of luxury and peace. The same applies to religious and political liberalism. these philosophies exist because man is so well off that he has immense free time to sit around and think about his life and existence. He can then work to rationalize any genre of belief that he wants. This is one of the reasons that there were so few atheists hundreds and thousands of years ago. People were too busy working and dying from diseases to worry about arbitrary rationalizations of the world.
Some atheists want to make it sound like humans have become more rational and scientific over time and this is why there is increased atheism in the world. But this is not true. Not just because atheism violates the laws of science but because it violates the laws of nature as well. People stopped worshipping God or other various gods. Instead, they began worshipping science or the earth.
People never cease to be religious.
The religious nature and the desire for religious experience permeate human nature. It does not matter who you are or what you do, you will always have a religious nature and you will use it to worship something.
Religion overall will always ebb and flow. It will look like it is decaying and then there will be a revival. It will seem as if people are becoming less religious, then some major evil will shock us back to religion.
Wars or major crises in the world shock us out of our complacency and force us to think about the bigger picture. We are forced to think about the things that matter in life. Those things tend to not be the issues proposed by atheists and liberals.

III – Atheists typically worship themselves. Sometimes they also worship sex, but this is usually just a byproduct of that self-focused worship.
They worship themselves because they place themselves as the highest good to be attained and preserved. Everything they do is for the benefit of the self. While I am in complete support of masculine self-interest, what atheists do does not benefit the group at all.
Usually, if a man takes care of himself, he will indirectly become better for the group (his family/society, etc). But the atheist does not care at all about the group. The atheists would steal food from the group just to preserve their own life.
This is all because atheists worship themselves. This is one of the most basic principles to understand. Remember it and use this knowledge as leverage when you talk to these people.