Sermon Notes 6/11/23

The following are a few notes from a lesson I heard on 6/11/23.

The speaker defined a hypocrite as someone who says one thing and does another.

This statement misses a little bit of the point of what it truly means to be a hypocrite. The speaker gives multiple definitions of what a hypocrite is and I think this is useful. 

Practical Takeaway: Someone who says one thing and does another is an example of a person who simply fails. And simple failure is not the same as actively being a hypocrite. 

I think a more rounded definition of what a hypocrite is is a person who preaches one standard of behavior and then lives according to a completely separate standard of behavior.

Sermon Notes 6/11/23

A good example of this is a person who preaches about the danger of climate change and the importance of controlling greenhouse gases while still flying in their private jet, such as Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

The speaker makes a comment that some people come forward to repent for the show of it.

This is very true. We’ve mentioned this a little bit in the problems with youth groups. Much of what happens that is called repentance at many hormone rallies is really just a show. People repent, they know they will get lots of support, hugs, and love from the rest of the group, but they do not actually try to change their behavior. 

That is an excellent example of repentance for show. And this is what many people are guilty of.

Later the speaker takes the time to define a functional atheist. A person who prays if no one else is on the other end of the prayer. I like this definition and find it very interesting. It is reminiscent of the Jordan Peterson line when asked about his belief in God where he says that “I act as if God exists, which I believe is the definition of belief”.

In our lives, we need to act as if God is listening, is aware, and is going to answer our prayers. Whether or not those are answered with an affirmative or negative is up to his discretion.

Near the middle of the lesson, the speaker makes the statement that “You cannot survive physically without God”. I did not find this to be a particularly compelling argument. Because many people live physically without God, so it would seem. Or perhaps it is true and this is one of the ideas conveyed by the passage stating “God sends rain on the just and on the unjust” [Matt 5:45]. 

The speaker states that prayer is an opportunity to “get the almighty God to act”. This is true and a powerful statement. How often do we waste the avenue of prayer even though we have the right, the privilege, and the ability to petition God for our needs? 

Television Evangelism

I have studied and observed the impact of television evangelism on the church and its followers – and it tends to be a disaster. While there are certainly some positive aspects of this medium, such as the ability to reach a wide audience with the gospel message, there are also significant drawbacks that must be considered.

One of the most concerning issues with television evangelism is the promotion of faulty theological doctrine.

Many of these programs rely on sensationalism and emotional appeals, rather than a careful and nuanced understanding of scripture. This can lead to a shallow understanding of the faith, and even outright heresy.

One of the best ways to stop people from using their heads is to get them to start using their feelings instead. And most people will gladly replace logical reasoning with emotionalism.

Who wants to sit around using their minds? Not many.

And when people are knee-deep in an emotional appeal, they are not in the frame of mind to question what they are being fed. they will swallow any idea hook line and sinker if a charismatic “theologian” presents it in an emotionally compelling way.

Television Evangelism
Furthermore, television evangelism often promotes a weak mindset among its followers.

It can give the impression that faith is something that can be easily gained through a simple prayer or momentary emotional experience, rather than a lifelong process of spiritual growth and discipline. This can lead to a lack of commitment and a superficial faith that is easily swayed by cultural trends and pressures.

People always want their lives to be changed in an instant.

But we know through the teachings found in the Bible that change is a slow process like a slow-growing tree. This is perhaps one of the reasons we find so many agricultural analogies in the bible. Not just because Christ was teaching an agrarian society, but also because Christ loves things that grow, even when they grow slowly.

If you cannot take a diet pill and lose 50 pounds in a month, you likely cannot change your spiritual state in an instant. Also because your spiritual state is dependent on your physical actions. It is through our physical actions that we demonstrate our spiritual state. We will never have actions that oppose who we are on the inside. Our actions are a reflection of our hearts [Matt 15].

Additionally, television evangelism can promote a liberal philosophy that undermines the seriousness of religion.

By reducing faith to a mere feel-good experience, these programs fail to address the complexities and challenges of the Christian life. This can lead to a distorted view of religion that is out of touch with reality, and ultimately undermines the credibility of the church.

Liberalism, when it is radical, or even when it is just a sapling, is a philosophy that is in opposition to God. It promotes the idea that your feelings are all that matter. Liberalism is the “Planet Fitness of Faith“. It says, “It does not matter if your lifestyle is incongruent with your Bible. Just live sincerely and God will accept you”. Who would be so bold to speak for God than those who bow to the altar of religious liberalism?

While television evangelism has the potential to reach a wide audience with the gospel message, it can also promote faulty theological doctrine, weak mindsets, liberal philosophy, and commercialization of religion.

The emotions in the heart are not all that matter. In fact, I continue to argue that they play a minor role in religion. Because you can have all the right emotions while having none of the right actions and be far removed from where you need to be as a person claiming to follow God.

First and foremost focus on action, then your desired emotions will follow you later.

As followers of Christ, we must be discerning in our consumption of media and seek out sources that promote a deep, thoughtful, and faithful engagement with the Christian faith. We must resist the temptation to reduce religion to a mere commodity or entertainment, and instead prioritize spiritual growth and discipleship.

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 is a powerful verse that sets the stage for the entire Bible. It declares, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” This simple yet profound statement reveals that the universe is not a result of mere chance or coincidence, but rather it was intentionally created by a divine being. And as a result of being created, we have a divine purpose and responsibility in the way we act as men.

I believe that this verse also speaks to the importance of masculinity. In many cultures and religions, masculinity is often associated with creation and building. In fact, the Bible frequently portrays God as a powerful creator and builder, who uses his strength and wisdom to bring order and beauty to the world.

To create, to build is to demonstrate masculinity. And not the simple masculinity that can be understood as strength, courage, mastery, and honor [as Jack Donovan points out], but the masculinity that involves creating something. Though we do not create something from nothing like God did, we still create useful items of value starting from our thought and imagination.
Genesis 1:1

This concept of creation and building is not limited to physical structures, but also extends to personal development. As men, we are called to create and build ourselves, to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be. This process requires strength, perseverance, and a willingness to confront and overcome obstacles.

But just as God’s creation in Genesis 1:1 was not a haphazard process, neither should our personal development be left to chance.

We must approach it with intentionality and purpose, setting goals and taking action to achieve them. This requires discipline.

Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas in which you can improve. Seek feedback from others and be open to constructive criticism. Once you have identified areas for improvement, set specific and measurable goals, and develop a plan of action to achieve them.

Genesis 1:1 offers profound insights into the nature of the universe and the importance of masculinity. As men, we are called to create and build, both in the physical world and in our personal lives. To do so requires intentionality and discipline. May we embrace this calling with courage and conviction, and may we strive to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be.

The War on Guilt

Guilt is a powerful emotion that can be both helpful and harmful. While it can be a catalyst for change, it can also become a persistent and paralyzing force in your life.

To overcome guilt, it is necessary to adopt a war mentality, which demands taking complete ownership of your life and actions. This requires discipline and self-control.

Realize that your guilt is not helping you, it is actually harming you because you wallow in it instead of actually improving yourself.

This is why you must begin the war on guilt.

The war mentality is about assuming complete responsibility for your life and actions. It is a mindset that demands courage, strength, and tenacity. When you adopt this mindset, you take control of your life and refuse to let your circumstances or emotions control you.

To overcome guilt, you must learn to identify the source of your guilt and take decisive action to rectify it.

This requires an unwavering commitment to self-improvement and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about yourself. You must be willing to admit your mistakes, take responsibility for them, and make amends where possible.

One practical technique for overcoming guilt is to engage in self-reflection and introspection. Take time to reflect on your actions, thoughts, and emotions.

Identify the sources of your guilt and consider how you can rectify the situation. This may involve apologizing to someone you have wronged, making amends, or taking steps to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

Another technique is to focus on the present moment and take action to improve your life. This may involve setting achievable goals, creating a plan of action, and working diligently to achieve your objectives. By focusing on the present moment and taking action to improve your life, you can gradually overcome the guilt that is holding you back.

Do not waste your time with guilt. It is not helping you. It is stopping your progress towards being who you want. Just take command of yourself, declare war on your weakness, especially the weakness of your guilt.

Diversity Is Overrated

Diversity is a buzzword that has been thrown around a lot lately, and it seems to be the go-to solution for any problem faced by organizations or societies. But the truth is, diversity is not a strength, but a weakness that is getting far too much attention.

While it makes people feel better to talk about, it is essentially a waste of your time. the only place diversity is a strength is in the bacteria in the gut.

The idea that diversity is a strength is based on the flawed assumption that people from different backgrounds bring unique perspectives and ideas to the table.

However, this assumption overlooks the fact that diversity can also cause serious problems and damage unity and strength.

One of the biggest issues with diversity is that it can create divisions within a group or organization.

When people come from different backgrounds, they often have different values, beliefs, and cultural norms. These differences can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a lack of cohesion. People are always pursuing their own values. They will do this to the exclusion of the purpose of the group.

For example, consider a workplace with employees from different cultural backgrounds. One employee may feel offended by a joke that another employee thinks is harmless. This kind of situation can lead to tension and mistrust between employees, damaging the unity of the workplace. I don’t think we should tailor every word to avoid offending everyone, but culture itself will get in the way of unity.

Another issue with diversity is that it can create difficulty in communication.

When people come from different cultures or speak different languages, it can be challenging to understand each other. This can lead to misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and a lack of productivity. If you have ever tried to contact your customer service representative and found them to be in another country speaking with a thick dialect that is difficult to understand, you know the reality os this. And they also will not be in too much of a hurry to help you with your problem, as they generally do not share the company’s mission.

For instance, imagine a team of engineers working on a project where half of the team members speak English as a second language. The language barrier can lead to miscommunications and errors in the work, which can ultimately cause delays and cost overruns. Or think of a sports team where the same thing is happening. Lack of communication caused by diversity will cause damage to the effectiveness of the group.

Furthermore, diversity can also lead to a lack of ownership.

When there are too many people from different backgrounds in a group or organization, it can be challenging to determine who is responsible for what. This can lead to finger-pointing which can ultimately damage the effectiveness of the group.

Cnsider a committee responsible for organizing an event with members from different cultural backgrounds. If the event fails, it may be difficult to determine who is responsible, and the lack of accountability can lead to finger-pointing and a lack of trust within the group.

Diversity is not a strength, but a weakness that is getting far too much attention. While it is essential to recognize and appreciate different cultures and perspectives, the focus should be on building unity and strength within groups and organizations.

Instead of emphasizing diversity, we should focus on common goals, shared values, and the pursuit of excellence.

Diversity is touted as a strength, but the reality is that it can be a liability, especially when it comes to group cohesion and effectiveness. While it is important to recognize and appreciate differences in culture, race, and gender, these differences can also cause significant problems within groups and organizations.

One major issue with diversity is that it can lead to a lack of shared values and goals.

When people come from different backgrounds, they often have different beliefs and priorities, which can make it difficult to find common ground. This can result in a lack of direction and purpose, which can harm the overall effectiveness of the group.

Another issue with diversity is that it can lead to a lack of trust and cooperation. When people come from different backgrounds, there may be a lack of understanding which can make it challenging to build relationships and work collaboratively. This can lead to a lack of trust, which can ultimately harm the effectiveness of the group.

For instance, consider a sports team where players come from different countries. If the players do not trust each other or understand each other’s motivations, it can be difficult to work together effectively on the field. There are instances where they can work well together, but you will likely be able to recall many instances where this simply caused divisions and cliques.

There are many real-life examples that demonstrate the negative impact of diversity on group effectiveness and cohesion. Here are a few:

The Eurozone crisis: The Eurozone crisis in the early 2010s was caused, in part, by the diversity of the European Union. The Eurozone consists of 19 countries that use the euro as their currency, but each country has its own unique economic policies and priorities. This diversity made it challenging to coordinate economic policies and respond effectively to the crisis.

The United Nations: The United Nations is a diverse organization with members from all over the world. While this diversity can be seen as a strength, it has also led to challenges in decision-making and policy implementation. For example, the UN Security Council, which is responsible for maintaining international peace and security, has five permanent members with veto power (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States). This diversity of power and interests has led to a lack of action on critical issues, such as the ongoing conflict in Syria.

See a pattern?

The 2008 financial crisis: The 2008 financial crisis was caused, in part, by the diversity of the banking industry. Banks had become increasingly diverse, with different types of financial instruments, risk models, and incentive structures. This diversity made it challenging to regulate and monitor the industry effectively, leading to the collapse of several large financial institutions and a global recession.

The diversity of political parties: Political parties are often diverse in terms of their ideologies, values, and priorities. While this diversity can lead to healthy debate and a range of perspectives, it can also lead to a lack of cohesion and a failure to achieve common goals. This is particularly evident in countries with fragmented political systems, such as Italy, where it can be challenging to form a stable government and implement effective policies.

In all of these examples, the diversity of the group or organization has led to challenges in coordination, decision-making, and policy implementation, ultimately harming the effectiveness and cohesion of the group.

While diversity should be recognized and appreciated, it is also important to find common ground and shared values to build trust and cooperation.

Diversity in politics is especially insidious.

All you hear about these days is the importance of diversity. I would ask you to think about what good you believe diversity has brought any institution. specifically what good has come from it when institutions pursue diversity for diversity’s sake. When Diversity is the goal, we miss out on the strength that would result from naturally occurring diversity.

This is the kind of diversity that naturally develops through meritocracy. When people are valued for what they can bring to the table as individuals, rather than their skin color or nationality, a natural diversity develops and the overall strength of the company or institution grows.

When people are put in positions for nothing more than the color of their skin, the group weakens.

Additionally, diversity is an insult to people. Because it tells them they were not hired or appointed because of the skills and talents that they worked for, but rather because they had the right skin color or ethnic background. That is insulting, not honorable.

How many universities have admitted students because they had the right skin color instead of the right test grades? That is not a recipe for strength. That is a habit that will weaken the entire infrastructure of that university. And if society uses the same tactics then the strength of society will fade.

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