Common Core of Religion

The majority of the teaching and preaching that occurs in our churches is shallow. It is rudimentary in concept and emotionalistic in delivery. Whenever a position is weak, men will paint over it with emotionalism. An open outpouring of emotion can hide some of the weaknesses of a discussion. Or in the case of church teaching, can make a topic appear to be deep when in reality it is emotionally driven.

The modern American education school system has seen the introduction of the “no child left behind” and common core ideas.

The core philosophy is that the content of school must be watered down in order to accommodate the lowest common denominator. This watering down is done irrespective of differences in individual family situations, which seem to be one of the primary driving factors behind the academic success. It stands to reason that the family who places a high value on education will create a familial culture of an appreciation for education that manifests in good or excellent academic performance. Barring those with exceptional gifts and anomalistic intellectual defects, all individuals have the ability to succeed in school at a relatively consistent level based on their mental faculties alone. The use of those mental faculties and the effort placed in developing them on an individual level will be a prime driver of differences among the individual performance.

Despite those realities, the school system nonetheless marches ahead with the philosophy of common core. Rather than maintaining a certain standard for academic performance, the school waters education down so the person who cares the least can still “succeed” with flying colors. Instead of taking additional time with the individuals who struggle academically and pushing those who work hard onto advanced course work, the state-sponsored indoctrination camps give the same cookie-cutter education to every individual.

It is easy to understand that this has disastrous long-term effects on cultural education (and the NAEP scores demonstrate this fact). Yet many religious groups mindlessly plod down the same pathway. Instead of taking the time and effort to be autonomous in the development of training programs for religious individuals, the church and other religious entities simply copy the school system method of common core in their teaching. The same system that is producing academically retarded individuals is copied in religion and produces spiritually retarded individuals. 

Instead of creating bible classes and having high-level teaching and preaching, we have common core.

Related: Tips for Improving Bible Class

Adult Bible lectures are becoming indistinguishable from the children’s classes, as most adults are still on the same developmental level as children, both in spiritual knowledge and overall spiritual development. 

The application of the common core method in the church is producing generations of people who have no idea what the Bible has to say about any given topic. They could have grown up their entire lives in the church, yet their knowledge is still almost zero. You can test this by asking any given individual in your church where to find a certain topic or story in the Bible. 75% of the time they will not be able to tell you. And why should they need to be able to tell you? In reality, no one is ever going to come up to them and ask them a question about the Bible.

The irony of recreation with fellow Christians is that there is never an intense Biblical discussion to be found. We might sit around, have an emotionally and Biblically shallow “devo” while singing the latest songs from the liberal press, but we will never discuss the bible in a way that actually requires us to think.

common core

And that is the problem with Christian and men as a whole: they never think.

They never take the time to develop their own mental faculties to the point where they are able to use them independently. And that is what humans want. These men want other people to do the thinking for them, they do not want to do any of the thinking themselves. Henry Ford was correct in his observation that “Thinking is the most difficult labor of all, which is why men do not do it”.

The more liberal or emotionalistic or Biblically ignorant a religious group becomes, the more the entirety of the group will mindlessly look to their leadership and accept everything they have to say without a moment’s thought. Just look at the Catholic church for a perfect example of this.

Catholics notoriously know nothing about the Bible. They could not tell you where any Biblical topic is located. The majority of their knowledge is limited to their priest or the occasional “missile” publication. And the Catholic religion as a whole of course looks to the pope for guidance and answers. Rather than using their own minds and looking to the Bible, the word of God, for the answers, they trust other men to find the answers for them.

So strong is the urge to avoid the labor of thinking that men will stake their souls and eternal destination on some other man’s interpretation of the word of God. 

Part of the epidemic of low-thought level teaching is the laziness of so many preachers. It is a rare thing to find a preacher who presents original content anymore. When thousands of sermon outlines are available online, why should any man bother to write his own unique material?

The lack of work ethic among our religious leaders is a topic all in itself. But I would argue that 70% of the people who intend to go into ministry or who, bless their hearts, go to college to study the Bible are not nearly as concerned about the Lord’s work as they are about avoiding their own work. Most college Bible majors want a cushy youth ministry job so they can be paid to do nothing. And that is exactly what so many do. Not all leaders are like that, of course, but many are.

It is reflective of the safety of the times and the convenience of religion. Religion is fast, cheap, and easy, so we have no problem engaging with it as a part of our lives. Add a sprinkle of difficulty, persecution, or war and everyone will sing a different tune.

The main point, of course, is that the teaching in the church has become so watered down that no one is improving their overall knowledge or spiritual development.

When lectures become common core, those who are far beyond the level of that core have nothing to stimulate their minds and are forced to resign to reading their Bible and doing their own personal study during class time. Does that sound like an effective use of time? The entire purpose of the class is to provide subject matter at a rather advanced level. If I can get the same level of new knowledge from simply reading my own Bible and doing approximately 5 seconds of focused thinking about it, then the class is a waste of time.

A class session should represent a full week of study, digging, and focus on the part of the teacher. But rather what it often reflects is the ability to search online for a topic to speak about on Sunday. A class should be a graduate-level learning session for people who have spent their lives and hundreds of hours studying and improving their understanding of the Bible. But rather we get the adult equivalent of VBS for adults with not a soul in the entire room having to stretch their minds to accommodate new ideas or difficult passages. T

his is not a new development, it has been happening for years. Generations who thought that sitting their kids in a pew for a few hours was sufficient for their spiritual development are now seeing the results of that mentality: hordes of biblically ignorant young and middle-aged adults passing on mutated forms of doctrine that are nothing more than emotionalistic propaganda. 

The common core mentality that has leaked into the church has made religion into nothing more than a social gathering with a light dusting of spirituality.

And everyone knows that if you can manage to lightly dust anything in religion, you can call it a “religious gathering” and shame people who do not want to attend. Regardless of the fact that you offered cookies, pizza, blow up houses, and games you dare to call it a “devo” because there is about 5 minutes of nominalistic nonsense vomited out by a teacher who found the devo outline online and decided to share with the group.

Common core is crushing the education system, and now it is crushing the religious system. And no doubt it is or has tried to creep into your church. You would do well to stand guard against that nonsense, provide intellectually and spiritually stimulating lectures, and hold people accountable for their spiritual development because they are obviously not strong enough to hold up themselves. Maintain the heavy spiritual discipline; the alternative is to give way into the spiritual rot or religious common core.

Christians Are Spiritually Retarded

Most Christians are spiritually retarded. Now I do not mean this in the medical sense. I do not mean they have an actual mental disability. And I certainly would not want to hurt the delicate sensibilities of anyone who finds that word “offensive”. What I mean is that literally, Christians are retarded. They are delayed. Their understanding is far behind where it should be given the amount of time they have invested in the church and religion.

You can easily test this for yourself. Go to any random church member and ask them basic Bible questions.

“In the Bible, where can I find the qualifications for an elder?”

“Where is the story of David and Goliath Located?”. 

“Where is the sermon on the mount?”

“What are the rules for marriage and divorce?”

“What Does Christ say about worry?”

Now you may not be able to answer these questions yourself, which should give you a hint as to where you are in your development. But the most concerning fact in the spiritual retardation of Christians is the fact that they are doing nothing to improve themselves. Not only are they retarded, but they are content to remain retarded. They are content to sit in a pew week after week and learn next to nothing. They are content to change next to nothing about their lifestyle. And they are perfectly happy just floating along in a stream of contentment and emotionalism for their entire Christian life. 

I am pro-contentment. But we should never be content about where we are in our spiritual development.

We should never be content without our current level of spiritual maturity. Most people are happy right where they are so they never improve. They use the godly admonition of contentment as an excuse to justify sitting back and doing nothing about themselves. This is human nature, but it is also Christian nature. The days of the protestant work ethic and have died and been buried. Now Christians sit around and try to find any biblical backing for a lethargic lifestyle.

They attack money as “the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10) so they can justify not working hard on their careers. They attack the physically fit because “bodily exercise profits little” (1 Timothy 4:8) as an excuse to never improve their bodies. And they use contentment as an excuse to never push their own physical and mental limitations. Christians are always looking for an easy excuse to avoid some sort of labor, especially the labor of thinking. 

Christians have done the same thing with their spiritual growth. Instead of constantly working to improve themselves, most people are content knowing that God will forgive them or that His grace will cover them. So they never do anything to grow or improve. Why should they?

Really, at the end of the day, there is no external incentive for learning more about God. Or perhaps there is an incentive, but we never talk about it in the church. Because people might get angry if you suggest they need to work and improve their spiritual knowledge. 

There is also no negative motivation; nothing for Christians to run away from.

We do not call each other out for a lack of knowledge anymore. If someone knows nothing about the Bible, he can live his entire Christian life without anyone ever knowing. He will never be asked to teach a class. He will never discuss any spiritual matters inside or outside of the classroom. When it comes to conversion, he will be unable to articulate the “reason for the hope that is within him” (1 Peter 3:15). But he can live this way for decades because no one will ever ask him to demonstrate his knowledge (or the lack thereof). No one will ever ask him to prove himself as a Christain man and demonstrate what he knows and the knowledge he has gained over the years. He knows this and he is content with this, so there is no need for the common man to improve. 

The common man sits content in the church pew maintaining (or rather decaying) his own spirituality. This is an epidemic in the church and something must be done about it.



Require knowledge demonstrations in the church. When kids are given standardized exams in the feminine-dominated, state-sponsored indoctrination camps known as public schools, no one bats an eye. Everyone knows that tests, while inadequate in many ways, is a decent way to test the knowledge and understanding that kids have about a particular subject. Why not have something similar for the church?

It would not even have to be a test of a public nature. But there could be exams provided that test the knowledge of Christian about different areas of the Christian lifestyle. This could include basic Bible knowledge, topical knowledge, apologetics, etc. Anything that comes to mind can be tested. And we know from research that testing, or forcing the mind to recall information to articulate it to someone else is one of the best possible ways of increasing knowledge. We learn when we recall. We learn when we explain a concept to someone else. 

These tests would not even have to be public in nature, though that may be useful since most people would not take advantage of the tool without some sort of pain to run away from. The hardcore among you could require test scores to be made public. Or oral examinations could be used. Anything Is better than sitting on our rear ends doing nothing, as we commonly do these days. 

Create groups of men who test each other’s knowledge through questioning.

Every man should be able to clearly articulate and defend his own faith. But how many men do you know of who are able to do that? I know of only a handful in each congregation. 

But when men are forced to do combat in the secular world, this is exactly how that combat will look. When you discuss something of a spiritual nature with a person of the world, you are forced to articulate your point to them in a convincing manner. If you cannot articulate it, you look like an idiot.

The Christian who cannot articulate the reason for the hope that is within him is spiritually retarded. 

All training should look exactly like the situation you are training for. If real-world combat requires a man to give an articulate description of why he believes what he believes, then a man should train for that event. A man should plan what he will say and how he will say it when he is approached with any of the common questions of a worldly person.

Can you clearly articulate your faith? Can I clearly articulate mine? These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves. And if the answer to that is “no”, we need to accept that in our current position, we are spiritually related and in desperate need to improve. 

Do not sit idly by, whittling away the hours and days of your life without making any progress towards your goals. Do not be idle and make no progress on your spiritual progress. Never use your Christianity as an excuse to be lazy. Most men do this, and you have a responsibility to be unlike most men.

Conduct yourselves like men.

Saul’s Decay of Humility

How often is it that men start off their lives great yet finish in disaster? What is it that causes that disaster? Why do some men begin with excellence and end poorly while others begin with nothing and finish as great men? What happens with men like Saul?

There is never only one reason for anything. All we can do is examine the trends and try to build an idea of what happened.

This happened for the famous Bible character Saul. Saul was the first king of the Israelite nation. The Bible tells us he stood head and shoulders above everyone else in the nation in height (I Samuel 9:2). 1 Samuel 9 & 10 tell the story of how Saul was chosen to be king and his coronation.

What is interesting about Saul before he took the kingship was his incredible humility.

The Bible tells us a few brief stories that show how Saul was humble. On the day that Samuel tells Saul he will reign over Israel, he responds with humility, saying that he is not a man of import in the land.

“And Saul answered and said, Am not I a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? wherefore then speakest thou so to me?”

1 Samuel 9:21
A few chapters later in the book we will be granted a glimpse into Saul’s coronation. When the Israelite nation was ready to crown him as their king, where was he? The Bible says he was hiding in the equipment.

“When he had caused the tribe of Benjamin to come near by their families, the family of Matri was taken, and Saul the son of Kish was taken: and when they sought him, he could not be found. Therefore they enquired of the Lord further, if the man should yet come thither. And the Lord answered, Behold he hath hid himself among the stuff.”

1 Samuel 10:21-22

Yet it will only take 5 more chapters of 1 Samuel for Saul to have the kingdom torn away from him because of his mistakes. While it is not clear how much time passed between these sections, it was long enough for Saul to lose his humility. Many people will latch onto this instance as one of those “Power corrupts” moments. But perhaps that is only a part of the story.

Saul was the first king of Israel. There was no previous model on how to be a king and how to manage that kind of pressure and power. Who was expecting a new king to behave differently than Saul did?

They could have modeled the pagan nations and their style of government. This is what Israel did when they demanded a king in the first place. That does not mean a man will know how to handle that power, however. It was a completely new position.

The fact of the matter is that Saul lost his humility.

Even Samuel would note this when Saul was losing the kingdom, saying that at one point Saul was once “little in his own eyes“. And by that, Samuel likely meant that Saul had humility before he was king.

“And Samuel said, When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord anointed thee king over Israel?”

1 Samuel 15:17

Samuel delivered this message immediately after Saul returned from a battle. A battle in which he was commanded to destroy everything. Saul was to take no prisoners and completely destroy the nation. But he elected to keep king Agag alive and spare the best of the animals for sacrifices, or so he claimed.

Notice the language that king Saul uses in 1 Samuel 15 when he is confronted by Samuel. First Saul gives himself the credit. When he sees Samuel he proudly boasts that he can complete the command of the Lord. Yet when Samuel asks about the sound of animals in the background, Saul immediately turns and says that the people wanted to keep those animals. So when Saul thought he was keeping the command of the Lord, he gave himself full credit. But the second he noticed disapproval in the voice of Samuel, he knew he needed to implicate the people in his wrongdoings. Saul ignored God and did what he wanted, and this would cost him the kingdom.

Let us look at the exact account in the bible.

Now the word of the Lord came to Samuel, saying, 11 I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments.” And it grieved Samuel, and he cried out to the Lord all night. 12 So when Samuel rose early in the morning to meet Saul, it was told Samuel, saying, “Saul went to Carmel, and indeed, he set up a monument for himself; and he has gone on around, passed by, and gone down to Gilgal.” 13 Then Samuel went to Saul, and Saul said to him, “Blessed are you of the Lord! I have performed the commandment of the Lord.”

14 But Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?”

15 And Saul said, “They have brought them from the Amalekites; for the people spared the best of the sheep and the oxen, to sacrifice to the Lord your God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed.”

16 Then Samuel said to Saul, “Be quiet! And I will tell you what the Lord said to me last night.

And he said to him, “Speak on.”

17 So Samuel said, “When you were little in your own eyes, were you not head of the tribes of Israel? And did not the Lord anoint you king over Israel? 18 Now the Lord sent you on a mission, and said, ‘Go, and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are consumed.’ 19 Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you swoop down on the spoil, and do evil in the sight of the Lord?

20 And Saul said to Samuel, “But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, and brought back Agag king of Amalek; I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. But the people took of the plunder, sheep, and oxen, the best of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal.

1 Samuel 15: 10-21

When Saul wanted praise he took full responsibility for the victory. when Samuel had to correct him, Saul blamed the people. As you know the story, this book of the Bible ends with Saul’s death on the battlefield. Let’s revisit the first question we asked. What causes a man to end like this?

There is never just one explanation because there are too many variables to consider. All we know is Saul was once a humble man who gained a kingdom and gained power too rapidly and it broke him. What is the point? Humility can decay, which is why it is vital to maintain humility and watch for any drop of ego that might be creeping into our lives. there is no faster way to destroy ourselves than with ego.

Related: Humility

Related: Ego – A Defining Trait of Weak Men

God Has Not Given Us a Spirit Of Fear

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 2:17

I have heard this verse thrown around a great deal this past year. I think it is important to understand the context of what Paul was saying. In fact, it goes beyond thinking – I know it is important to examine the context in which passages are written. Otherwise, we run the risk of misapplying the verse to a situation where it is not related.

During the 2020 Pandemic, people threw around this verse talking about how we “shouldn’t have a spirit of fear“.

“We shouldn’t be afraid. God has not given us a spirit of fear”.

I agree with the sentiment but they are misapplying what Paul was saying in this verse.

When people were using this verse they were talking about being opposed to wearing masks. Saying that, “If God wants a virus to take me out, then a virus will take me out“. I was as opposed to mandated masks as much as anyone, even as a scientist, but that does not mean I throw caution to the wind thinking that “whatever God wants to kill me can just go right ahead and kill me“. That is the mentality of hyper-conservative people who think that every move of the left is an attempt to stamp out all freedom. While on the complete opposite side of the spectrum you have the “masks at all cost” people.

I do not like extremists when it comes to group beliefs. I like personal extremism and intensity, but when groups get together and concentrate this extreme energy into a mob, it is not good for anyone. Previously I wrote in two separate articles that beliefs radicalize when they place the belief itself above God. Groups radicalize when they do the same thing.

Related: Radical Liberalism.

Related: Radical Conservatism.

All of that is beside the point. No matter what side of the political or religious spectrum you fall under, applying 2 Timothy 2:17 willy-nilly is inappropriate.

A Bible professor once made the statement in a lecture, “When studying the Bible there are three important things. Context, context, and context. The immediate context of the verse, the immediate context of the book and who it was written to, and the context of the book in relation to the rest of the bible“.

We often do not like looking at the context because that means we have to do a little background research about the book, chapter, and verse we are studying. It means we cannot take our first impression of whatever the text is saying and believe it right off the bat. It is easier to do that because it liberates us from the work of thinking. But the consequence is that we frequently misunderstand the bible.

Therefore, the context of 2 Timothy is this: the book was written by Paul to Timothy who was at a church at the time. The central theme of the book is “Christians must endure hardships for the cause of Christ“.
spirit of fear

Back in the first century, this meant literal persecution. So when Paul is telling Timothy and the church that “God has not given us a spirit of fear“, it was specifically related to Christian persecution.

While it would be incredibly easy to call a pandemic “persecution“, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Last I checked the government was not putting Christians to death. And the majority of the population still had access to food and water. At the risk of sounding flippant, there was not much real suffering on a global scale. Sure, there was death and starvation, but it was a small percentage of the world. Most people still had food, water, and shelter and never lost these things.

We did not have the degree of persecution that Paul or the first century Christians were dealing with. They were being tortured and killed for their beliefs. And Paul still needed to write to them and encourage them that God had not given them a spirit of fear.

So let’s understand the context of these verses. Yes, it is true that God has not given us a spirit of fear. But this verse specifically means that we should not be fearful regarding the hardships of Christianity. And I would not call a virus a hardship that faces Christianity.

6 Ways Christian Men Can Be More Sexually Arousing

There is a huge discrepancy between arousal and attraction. Religious men love to conflate the two and make them the same thing. But this conflation is not limited to just Christian men. Perhaps 80% of men in the entire world unknowingly combine the two completely different phenomena of attraction and being arousing.

So, what is the difference? At the most basic level, attraction is how well fit you are for a long-term relationship while arousal is how well you can generate genuine sexual arousal in your wife.

You do not have to be arousing to be attractive, but if you are arousing you generally are attractive as well. This is because the trappings that go along with arousal (career success and mastery to name a few) are also attractive for long-term relationships.

Most marriage books teach you how to be attractive, not arousing.

They teach you how to be a good husband and take care of your wife over the long term, but they do not teach you how to get her engine going. This is primarily because most religious men simply do not know how to arouse their wives.

You can be the most attentive, loving, caring, and wonderful husband in the world and still be unable to make your wife physically crave sex with you. That fact is what they do not teach you in those marriage books. She may feel a desire for you emotionally and as a result, want to have sex with you, but she will never viscerally crave a sexual interaction.

Those standard books on marriage are useful for maintaining harmony in the household, improving the tranquility and various emotional aspects of your marriage; but if you want a passionate sexual relationship with your wife, it simply will not happen if you are only an attractive man. You must learn how to be arousing. And it is a skill that can be learned.

Instilled within you is all the knowledge of how to be arousing.

You likely knew this as a young man but had it educated out of you by your mother or the effeminate school systems, and it must be retaught. The feminine-centric society has misinformed you about what is arousing to women. Most men simply believe everything they are told, especially what they are told by women. But when women communicate, they do not tell the whole story with their words alone. You must train yourself to see beyond the content of their words and look into their behaviors instead. Women rarely say what they want, so you have to look at their actions.

Deep within your masculine nature, you already know everything you need to do in order to be arousing, it just needs to be reawakened. I am going to give you a starter pack of six things that without fail arouse genuine sexual desire.

This is key, the sexual desire must be genuine.

Marriage books teach you how to earn desire by trading goods or services. This is never genuine arousal; it is always negotiated. Any intimacy that is negotiated will leave you unfulfilled. You will know in the back of your mind that the intercourse was nothing more than an opportunistic exchange.

You must learn how to be arousing by being masculine and glorious. Doing little chores around the house, being affectionate, and speaking your wife’s love language are all fine and dandy, but they will not give you what you want. They have not given husbands what they are missing in life: a wife who genuinely wants to have sex with them on a regular basis.

This is because men have traded masculinity for effeminacy, and they have believed every word that comes out of the mouth of the metrosexual male. There is nothing wrong with the character of the Christians writing these marriage books, just that they are completely ignorant of how to sexually arouse a woman. And this is not the fault of women either. Most religious women have no idea what arouses them and could not articulate it if they tried. Not because they are unintelligent, but because religion has done an excellent job of repressing the sexual urge and condemning even simple thoughts of sex.

Articulation of a concept follows deep thought about that concept, and religious people cannot articulate what they have not thought about deeply, especially if the item they need to articulate is sexual in nature.

This is not the fault of Christian men and may actually be a symptom of a well-behaved life. If these men did not start having sex until they were married, then they should not be expected to know anything about arousing genuine desire in their wives. However, there is no excuse for marinating in that ignorance for decades as most men do. Men need to relearn how to be arousing and also study techniques of seduction for use on their wives. We cannot let the people of the secular world have all the fun, which is what they think they are doing. So, apply these six principles as best you can, and you will already be well on your way to arousing genuine sexual interest.

I – Arousing Men Put Their Life Mission First


Men were built by God to work, to have a purpose. When men put their wives above this mission, they trigger many unintended consequences. Because what they do not know, and what religion does not teach them, is that their wives do not even want to be placed above their man’s mission. Their wives know when their husband has a purpose, a mission, and when he is working on it. And when her husband is being excellent at this mission, that is arousing.

When a man is excellent in his mission, his wife feels the natural feminine urge to support him in this endeavor. This is how women were designed from the very beginning. They were built to help men, and they crave this position. They were designed to patch men up, recharge their batteries and send them back into the fray. This is why women always want to know how their husband’s day went at work. They want to know if any progress was made on their shared life vision. Earl Nightingale noted that this is a woman’s way of asking, “How did we do today?”

Sure, being a good provider is attractive, but it is not sexually arousing.

It does not turn women on that you go to a 9-5 unless that job is inherently masculine or reflects high affluence. Be sure to recall the difference between the two: attraction is about the long-term potential and providing, arousal is about being sexually desirable. Being excellent at what you do is both arousing and attractive because it symbolizes good provider ability as well as masculine mastery. And it is possible to be a good provider without being a man of excellence.

If you want to be more arousing to your wife, chase excellence. And as a byproduct of being excellent, you will be a great provider. Do not pursue being a great provider directly, you will only be attractive and not arousing. You will be a good supplement to a woman’s life, but she will never appreciate what you do for her. Women cannot fully appreciate the fact that a man trades units of his life called “hours” in exchange for money. Yes, women can work too, but there is something about this concept of trading units of life to facilitate the lives of others that women will never understand about a man’s role.

This is the burden of man, that no one can truly know him.

II – Arousing Men are Traditionally Masculine

New age masculinity, which is essentially femininity with a beard and CrossFit membership, is not arousing to women. When it comes to traditional masculinity, you have to ignore what women say and look directly at their actions. More specifically, look at the types of men that women are generally (but not always) aroused by.

Is the effeminate man sexually arousing to women? No, absolutely not. For all intents and purposes, he is a eunuch. This is why women feel safe keeping effeminate men or male homosexuals in their inner circle of (usually girl) friends. Because what possible danger could these men pose to their safety? They can take advantage of having a “man” in their group as a weak attempt to scare off attackers, and they do not even have to give one drop of sex in return for that “protection”.

Throughout history, it is the violent, masculine (but not moral) men that have posed the threat to women. If a woman includes one of these men in her inner circle, he may feel entitled to sex in exchange for his presence and protection. No such need exists if you have an effeminate man in your friend group.

Men also need to understand a bleak truth: men and women can never be friends.

If a man has female friends, he is effeminate. Even if only by virtue of the proverb, “ You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. If one of those people is a woman, you will be influenced by her and become more feminine. Men and women are not and cannot ever be friends. Either the man is effeminate/homosexual, or he is sexually interested in the female. There is no third option.

What is arousing to women is traditional masculinity. Strength, courage, honor, and mastery, as outlined in The Way of Men. Women like it when men engage in masculine behavior. This is why many sports or athletes are arousing to women. Do you think women care about the technical skill and ability of the game or do they like seeing masculine men compete against one another so they can pick out the best ones to try to lock down? Many sports are a simulation of war, and women are aroused by warriors. Warriors represent protection and security, which is one of the many currencies that women value. Be a warrior, at least in spirit, if you want to be more arousing.

Also, there is an undulating discussion in society and religion about something called “choreplay”.

Choreplay is the idea that if you do chores around the house, like a good little boy, your wife will be aroused by this and will not be able to contain her passions for you. Now, this does not even pass the sniff test. It smells like a stupid idea, but every several years or so it gains traction again.

I will tell you now, chores are good for attraction but bad for arousal. If you want to arouse your wife by doing things around the house, those tasks must be masculine. You have to repair things, chop wood, build furniture, or something along those lines. Doing chores around the house that are not masculine will not be arousing to anyone. Again, those chores might make you attractive, they will not make you more arousing.

III – Arousing Men are Physically Fit

Many religious marriage texts try to do away with the biological drive for sex and frame the act as a purely emotional and spiritual activity. While sex is certainly emotional, that is only one part of it. We cannot do away with the physical aspect of sex.

I think one of the reasons religious men want to avoid the biological portion of sex is because it is their weak point. Physicality is where most religious men fall short when it comes to arousing their wives.

It is not entirely their fault, because they have been taught their whole lives that women are looking for good men who take good emotional care of their wives. So, if a man works hard to become a good man and take care of the emotions of his wife, he will be rewarded with a fulfilling sex life. Maybe that is true and maybe it is not. But simply being a decent man will not help men get the passionate sex they really want. That passion can only come from true desire, and most men are not physically desirable to generate that passion in their wives.

Most men truly want to be wanted, desired, even lusted after by their wives.

But those feelings are not aroused if you are simply a good man. There needs to be some base element of physical attraction. The stronger this element, the better the foundation for sex. Of course, the physical attraction cannot be the only part of sexual attraction, but it is certainly more significant than most religions try to make it.

At some point, we have to reconcile the fact that for centuries women have occasionally resorted to having promiscuous sex with men they barely know. Anyone who knows anything about Woodstock understands this fact. Most religions try to argue that this is incredibly emotionally unfulfilling for women. But the fact still remains that women are engaging in promiscuity at increasing rates since the Free Love movement.

Some men have graphed this behavior across a woman’s monthly cycle and have been able to pinpoint the times when fertility, and therefore sexual desire, is at its highest. At that point of high fertility, women are more likely to be promiscuous. And religion still has to contend with the very apparent fact that every year college girls go on spring break in Costa Rica and engage in sex with the highest value male they can find. On the bright side, this fertility spike is when most married men can expect their wives to be craving sex with them, even if these men are not very arousing.

Back to the original point of physical fitness: In the most basic sense, men need to be physically fit.

Most men write this off. Just like they will try to call cowardice and poverty “virtues“, they will call the person who trains the body “earthly” or “selfish”. Because taking care of your body so you do not die of heart disease at age 50, leaving your wife and kids stranded with no support is “selfish”.

Men who are physically fit are physically attractive. The fastest way for a man to increase his sex appeal is through training. He will get results there faster than he can get them anywhere else in the world. It may take years for him to achieve mastery or climb the ranks in his career, but he can make a substantial difference in his physique in just 6 months of training.

Physical attraction is the base of every physical relationship.

A man will not approach and talk to a woman unless he is physically attracted to her. No relationship can begin without the element of physical attraction, and it is up to the man to maintain or even improve upon this attraction through intense exercise, preferably strength training.

Sure, a man can get away with being a runner, but the results will not make him physically attractive to the majority of women. The common man needs more muscle tissue, and every man knows this intuitively. When you see women swooning over men, they are not swooning over the marathon runner. They are swooning over the football player or the strength athlete. Muscle tissue is the signal flag for testosterone, so take advantage of your masculinity and add muscle tissue to your frame.

IV – Arousing Men are Arousing to Other Women

These next two components of arousal go together, and this first one may make religious people highly uncomfortable. Women want to be with a man who other men want to be, and other women want to be with. It is arousing for a woman when other women want her man. This is due to a combination of factors. First, when other women want her man, this proves that he is truly attractive, and not just to her.

She needs to know that her husband is not a loser, and when other women want him, this is a form of evidence for that. Secondly, it stirs up healthy anxiety in her that is built upon her desire to keep her man for herself. She acts on this desire through sex and is one of the times a woman will genuinely, physically crave sex. Women want to have sex with the highest value men, so when a woman’s man demonstrates that he is of high value, the woman will act on this knowledge by “locking him down” and having sex with him.

This is also advantageous for the man, because if he is desirable to other women, then his woman will have to take excellent care of herself. You do not see a high-value man with a 300-pound woman. She would not be able to compete with all the options available to her man in that state. The wife of the high-value man has no choice but to take care of herself and keep herself in shape. She is pushed to do so by the feminine competitive spirit in her.

The only time this is not true is if the man is incredibly disagreeable.

If a man is high value and successful in his career and has achieved mastery, he will be attractive. However, if he is highly disagreeable, he can make himself unattractive to other people he talks to. If his woman knows this, she can let herself go. Because he might be arousing, but he cancels it out by acting like a fool. However, this is principle can be highly circumstantial and has many exceptions.

Another thing to note is that if you are arousing to other women, you need to take extreme care with protecting yourself. Never place yourself in compromising situations. When it comes to your sexual discipline you must declare martial law on your body. Here are the laws:

  1. I am never alone with a woman who is not my wife.
  2. I do not talk to other women unless absolutely necessary (recall that men and women can never be friends).
  3. I make a maximum effort to avoid looking at other women.
  4. I do not talk to women online (and I am preferably off all social media).
  5. All communication with women is strictly professional. If it does not relate to my work, it is a useless conversation.

V – Arousing Men are Admired by Other Men

Women want to be with a man who other men want to be. You must be a man among men, a leader among followers, and someone who contributes great value to the group. This is especially true of the small group. Who are you in your circle of friends? Do you bring value to the table or does everyone else just carry you along?

Through effort, a man can ascend in his career, skills, and ability to think rationally. He can increase his knowledge and physical strength. The aggregation of all these skill increases results in a man’s character and value to the group. The higher the value, the more respect he will earn. The more respect and admiration a man earns, the more he is desirable to women.

Women do not want to partner with a man who is the laughingstock of the group. Women do not go after men who are in the middle of the pack unless they are forced to by necessity or age. They want the high achievers and the men who are respected by other men. Women want the tribe leaders, the warriors, and the masculine. A man who can be trusted in a survival scenario is the man other men want to be, and the man other women want to be with.

IV – Arousing Men Ascend the Ranks


Women do not like it when their men are stagnant in life. They were designed from the beginning to help men along in their missions. If a man has no mission, no ambition, and is going nowhere, his woman will be annoyed and sexually turned off. This is when she may also begin to nag her man. A woman cannot be aroused if she is not allowed to live out her feminine purpose by supporting a man who is on the rise of power.

The man who remains stagnant loses his power. The man without power has no sexual availability even with his own wife. You may start out with a great sexual relationship at the beginning of your marriage only to have it taper off within 2 years. You might sit there thinking “Why doesn’t she want me? I’m still the same guy she married those years ago”. And there is your answer! You are the same person. Instead of improving and rising through the ranks or achieving any kind of mastery in life, you stagnated. This is a sexual turn-off to women. One of the many ingredients for sexual arousal is masculine ascension. 

As men we were designed to pursue and achieve.

Work was given to us before anything else. Women were given to men to help them in their work and to help them achieve their full potential as men. Women naturally want to do this, contrary to the modern feminist narrative.

Some of feminism is built on the fact that women believe they have to take on the masculine role in society. Would women believe this if the majority of men were pursuing excellence in their lives? Perhaps, but I do not think that feminism would be as pervasive as it is today if more men were modeling themselves after masculinity and striving to be more.

Apply these six principles and you will be a better man, and you will be genuinely arousing to your wife.

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