Demons – Are They Active?

“So they shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices to goat demons, after whom they whore. This shall be a statute forever for them throughout their generations.”

Leviticus 17:7

“Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.”

Acts 19:13-16

Just as there may be active spiritual beings on the side of God, there most certainly are evil beings on the side of the adversary. You know from previous sections about the theory that Satan has a priority list when it comes to temptation, and individuals on the intermediate tier of importance are in theory tempted by demons.

This is one possibility for the activity of evil spiritual beings in the modern day – they are tempting men directly or indirectly through circumstances. Again, this is just a possibility, not a certainty. We can only speculate – this is a thought exercise, not a teaching on doctrine.

We also know from the Bible that demons were once directly active: possessing people, controlling them, and making them take action against their will.

Examples of this can be found in Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, and Acts 19:13-16.

Demons do not do that anymore. There is no evidence of this. To suggest that demons are completely inactive, however, does not seem likely either.

Obviously, we can only speculate, but why would a vast number of spiritual beings sit idle when they have a mission to destroy the church and lead individuals astray?

Demons are not just sitting around doing nothing. They are likely active just as angels are likely active, and their missions directly oppose each other. 

Demons may be more passive now, trying to tempt us rather than trying to possess us.

They give us opportunities to fail. They study us and tempt us using our personal weaknesses. C.S. Lewis’s book The Screwtape Letters was arguably the greatest story about demon activity, personalized weakness, and resultant spiritual introspection that the world has ever seen, in my opinion.

The book is about how demons tempt men and the strategies they use in doing so, yet the book can also be used as a tool to look into ourselves and see why we take certain actions and why we desire various evils. 

Satan does not have the time to tempt everyone himself. He is not omnipresent. Nor is he omniscient. Because he does not have those God-like qualities, he may delegate and decentralize the task of temptation to his subordinates, otherwise, nothing will ever get done outside of his personal work.

Some people think could be that there are demons on Earth in the form of men just as there could be angels on Earth in the form of men.

This, again, is mere speculation and cannot be proved. Nor does it seem to be very likely. Being in human form would allow demons to create temptation that appears to be harmless interactions among men. Demons could pull other men to do wrong just by getting them to go to the bar for a few drinks or something along those lines. It would be tempting because the invitation would come from a “friend”, who is a demon and you don’t realize it yet. 

There may be no demons anywhere on Earth just as there may be no angels on Earth either, we can only speculate, we cannot know everything.

However, there may be a mental benefit to thinking that there are demons on Earth. This thought would make us more vigilant and aware of the possibility of temptation and the presence of vices that draw in our personality by their very nature. Awareness of the possibility of demons makes us more apt to avoid temptation or to recognize “demonic activity” where we think we see it. This itself is a tool, and we as men should never reject a tool that could benefit us in our work.





Avoid the trappings of demons and the devil. Conduct yourselves like men.

Tips For an Effective Bible Study

I find that the church can be a lot like a popular gym. If you were to walk into a gym on any given day, you would find several people running on a treadmill at a decent pace. If you leave and come back several months later, you will see those same people still running on the treadmill but they look no different compared to the last time you saw them. Not only have they not improved, but by definition of running on a treadmill, they have gotten nowhere.

What is sadder is that many people repeat this same behavior with their religion. They jog on the treadmill of study but never actually improve themselves. If you find yourself in a similar boat, try these tips to increase the effectiveness of your study sessions.

I – Have a Specific Goal for The Study

You are not doing yourself any favors by having vague goals that are somewhere out there in the clouds. You need to clarify your goals and set up parameters for success and failure. Without a specific goal, you are like a sailor without a harbor to sail towards. So you simply float on the ocean, tossed wherever the winds will take you.

So decide exactly what it is you want. Do you want more general Bible knowledge? Do you want to understand more of the Historical context of what you are reading? Maybe you want actionable steps or strategies for your life. whatever it is, if you do not have a goal to find something, you will find nothing.

II – Do not just Cover Ground (The Treadmill Trick)

The main problem with the treadmill people is that their only goal is to cover ground. That is fine and dandy, but it does not provide a clear “finish line” for you. People who get on a treadmill start and stop at exactly the same place. You must have a finish line to run towards, some destination in your mind, otherwise, you are just grinding your gears.

Many people make the January mistake of saying, “This year I will read my entire Bible“. While that is a noble goal, the purpose of it is to cover ground. When the goal becomes to put miles under your feet, the quality of your effort will be decreased. Instead of being focused and present in the study session, your mind may wander and your focus will be lost. This is because the goal is not to learn, but simply to read. While you may gain some knowledge passively by reading, your gains will not make you happy. You will forever make mediocre gains in your biblical knowledge with passive study methods.

Instead of just trying to cover ground, give yourself some kind of evaluation to test your knowledge. Which is the next tip!

III – Evaluate Yourself with Tests

While I tend to be a fierce critic of the school system and of standardized tests, the idea of testing is an excellent learning tool. Though not always a metric of a person’s IQ or comprehensive understanding of a subject, it is a good measurement of how much stuff they have managed to remember.

Before you start a study, do a broad overview of the section of reading, write down a few questions from the next and test yourself on them in 3-7 days. Or you can go online and find test questions about the part of the Bible you want to study. Then you can do your own study, take the online test, and see how your knowledge stacks up to the questions someone else has presented.

By testing yourself, you are forcing your brain to recall information. It is this difficult task of recalling info that forcing your mind into greater growth and knowledge gain. Self-quizzing allows you to gain knowledge much more rapidly than you have before. We will talk about recall next.

IV – Actively Recall the Previous Day’s Work

Once you finish your reading for the day, close your text, shut your eyes and actively remember everything you can about whatever you just read. You can also do this by taking a blank piece of paper and writing down everything you can remember from the text. By pulling these facts out of your mind you engrain them deeper into your knowledge base and increase the likelihood that they will be stored in your long-term memory.

This is even more potent if you repeat it the next day. Take another blank paper and try to recreate the previous day’s notes and reading from memory. These exercises are difficult but provide a much higher return on investment for the effort.

V – Shorten Your Study Volume

Many people take on far too much reading volume, especially if they are starting one of those “Read your Bible in a Year” programs. By volume I mean the amount of reading they try to get done in a day. Most of those yearly programs require people to read 4 chapters of the Bible per day. While that is not an insane amount of volume, it is very heavy for a person who was previously reading zero verses. Especially considering those programs have you start in the Old Testament where chapters can be 60+ verses long on occasion.

It would be better to reduce the volume of reading and incorporate the active reading techniques outlined above. You will have much better results from studying one chapter, performing the active recall and self-testing exercises than you will from straining to read a massive volume of the Bible in one sitting.

VI – Increase Your Study Intensity

Just because you are reducing your training volume does not mean you are off the hook! You do not get to frolic around the daisies like a progressive and expect to make gains. You still have to give some form of an intense effort if you want to see any results. Just like training the physical body in the gym, if you want results, there must be a degree of intensity that is sufficient enough to overload your body systems. It is not enough to do a small amount of volume if you are not being intense with your focus and active recall.

Instead of passively and mindlessly reading Psalms for the 80th time, muster as much focus as you can and aim it at your reading for the day. Make your intensity like that of a laser beam. Focus on reading short passages and then asking yourself questions about them:

  1. What does this mean?
  2. Exactly what is the context?
  3. What is the historical significance of this?
  4. What are the cultural norms at this time?
  5. How does this story fit into the big picture?
  6. How would I explain this concept to a 5-year-old?

    By asking yourself questions and focusing, you keep the studying intensity high which will result in more knowledge gains.
VII – Incorporate Memory Work

No training plan is complete without some level of memory work. For this, I always recommend the old-fashioned method of writing verses on index cards. The most noticeable gains in Bible knowledge will likely come as a result of your memory work. By memorizing large portions of scripture you make yourself more dangerous in an argument. The man whose sword is shaper is more dangerous in battle. You now place yourself in a position of strength to strike your foes.

Start with the Aggressive Verse Study

Memorization is best done by starting with a few repetitions of the verse, and then seeing how much you can remember without looking at the index card. Try to repeat the whole verse without looking.

Try to create a mental picture of what is going on in the passage you are memorizing. This mental movie should be as realistic and memorable as possible so you can recall the verse later.

VIII – Long-Term Goals

While the “Read the Bible in a year” plans are noble, they are very common and do not really inspire people because they are not personal enough. I know this because the majority of new Bible readers will quit this plan as soon as they get to Leviticus. Instead of taking on the same goal as everyone else, create your own long-term goal for Bible reading.

Maybe your goal is to become an expert in the book of James in one month. That is a very reasonable goal that would allow you to be very intense and focused without mindlessly following the crowd. By making your own goals you will have a greater connection to them, they will mean more to you and you can stay focused and motivated for longer.

IX – Day-To-Day Goals

It’s not enough to just be the person who reads a certain amount of Bible in a year, you need to have some kind of day-to-day goals. You need to be the type of person who studies the Bible each day. When your long-term goals seem lofty and far off, just focus on the short-term goals that you can accomplish today.

Did you read the amount of Bible that you decided on personally? Did you engage your mind in active learning with recall and self-testing? Can you look at what you accomplished for the day and check it off as a solid day’s work? It does not have to be a massive amount of work, just a small amount of discipline that is done every day.

Final Thoughts

These tactics should help you greatly in gaining more knowledge than you have gained before. 95% of people study passively 95% of the time. By simply becoming active in the study process, you set yourself apart from the masses and will make massive knowledge gains. Active learning is the key to success.

Do you have any tactics you like to use in your study? Leave them in a comment below!

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Respect No One but Treat Everyone With Respect

If you were to walk up to any of the chumps in the world and ask them about respect, they will often give you a long lecture about the moral nature of respect and men’s responsibility to respect elders and women. They will promote this idea even if the elders are fools and the women do nothing more than merely exist.

I am not convinced that having a vagina automatically confers respect. I am also not convinced that simply having watched the passage of 60 winters makes a man worthy of respect. In fact, I have a very simple, yet unpopular personal philosophy when it comes to respecting others. You likely guessed from the title:

Respect No One, but Treat Everyone With Respect

Read more: David – Warrior – Writer

Respect No One but Treat Everyone With Respect

Let’s Define some terms before we continue on:

Respect: “admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

That is the verb form of the first dictionary definition of the word. Take a good look at the definition. It becomes very clear that respect is based on qualities, achievements, and/or character.

Does an old man who has done nothing with his life besides complaining about the “kids today” deserve respect? No. Because he does have abilities, qualities, or achievements worthy of respect.

Does a woman who has done nothing besides own a vagina deserve respect? Well, that certainly is an anatomical quality, but not one that demands respect. Why is a vagina more respectable than a penis? I think men provide lip service to women, insisting they are respected so they can keep them happy and secure sexual intimacy with them.

The fact of the matter is that respect is contingent upon value. If you provide nothing of value to society you will not be respected.

I once had a friend when I was younger who loved to dish out verbal jabs but could never take them in return. He loved to make fun of the other guys but was always offended if you ever made fun of him. At one point we were in a group of four guys and were joking about respect. We joked that we didn’t really respect him at all (well, perhaps a half-joke). To which he came back to me privately and said, “Well, you know you really should respect me“, to which I responded, “why?” He had no answer to that one-word question. He thought respect was something that just fell out of the sky.

The problem with so many people is they think that their age, sex, race, or profession is what makes them worthy of respect. Perhaps that is true of some professions that are admirable, but the other qualities do not earn you respect. You will not be respected for your immutable biological qualities. You can and will only be respected based on the value you can bring to society.

There are more than enough soft males who think women should be respected simply because they are women. If you ask them, “Well why should women be respected“, they will answer “Because they are women“. And the circular reasoning will go round and round for infinity. The fact of the matter is that there is no real answer to this question. There is no answer because 80% of men have not sat down and taken the time to think through the idea of respect and why we as a society simply give it to a woman based on her anatomy alone.

The problem is that to even question whether women are worthy of respect gets you labeled a “misogynist“.

You cannot even question the status quo without being shamed by society and the feminized church. Imagine that: If you use your mind in an attempt to critically think, you will be shamed by that selected group. That single fact is one of the top reasons religious people are the targets of ridicule due to their lack of open-mindedness. Even though the majority of secular men are guilty of the same manner of mindless thought, the religious are the easiest target.

If the Bible is without flaw and the Church teaches the truth, it should be able to stand against any proposed criticism or question. The truth is what remains after all that is false has fallen away. What is false cannot be removed without asking questions.

Therefore, it is not disrespectful to simply ask a question. People may infer some form of disrespect, but that is generally because they are intellectually dishonest or have weak positions. But even if it was disrespectful to ask questions, perhaps they should still be asked anyways. Because you should respect no one, but treat everyone with respect.

Emotions Versus Thought

The great battle of the ages is emotions versus thought. One side wishes to use feelings and emotions as the basis for action. The other side would rather plan each step thoroughly before taking it.

The emotional camp is always a temporary one. Once a society becomes safe enough for any idea, no matter how stupid, to survive, emotionalism begins to spring up. Feelings are prioritized over thoughts. Emotions over rational actions.

The emotional man asks, “Why can’t we just all get along and be a big family?” Because human beings were not designed to act that way. He is attempting to justify the philosophy of socialism. This socialism was created by an atheist. It is only an option in times of abundance and peace. It then quickly devastates a plan and reduces it to poverty and war.

The great war of our time: emotions versus truth.

Emotions versus thought

The logical mind is not devoid of emotion. Many people have this impression of rational thinkers and accuse them of heartless action and thinking. It is not that the rational person wants to avoid helping others, they just want to ensure it is sustainable to do so. they are not against charity, they just know that someone has to pay for the charity.

When emotions are pitted against thoughts, it is because the emotional mind wants to do something absurd. It is a childlike mentality that is unaware of any and all limitations imposed by reality. There is nothing it holds itself back from. And it wants all change to come at the expense of someone else.

In the war of emotions versus thought, emotion will always attempt to claim the moral high ground.

Because it cannot support its position with rational thought, the emotional position can only demonize the enemy. I cannot levy a rational accusation against thought so it resorts to name-calling. Know that when a position must be supported by emotion rather than by logic, it is inherently weak. Any position founded on truth will be able to support itself. Any emotion added would signal weakness.

Just like a dying animal thrashes around at everything near it before it dies, so also the emotional position screams, puts on a big show, and finally breathes its last when it can hold on no longer.

In the war of emotions versus truth, choose the side of rational thought. Truth will always be forced to come out of rational thinking and it will remain solid despite years of attack.

Read this article from Apologetics Press: Feelings Follow Facts

Avatar – Be Your Own Role Model

Picture in your mind who you are when you are performing best at work. What does that man look like? How does he walk and talk to others? How does he manage his time? This is an avatar.

Now imagine who you are when you are performing your best in the gym. How does your training look when you are exactly the person you want to be, the mental picture you have of yourself being the hero of the day? How intense is the training session and how focused is your mind?

Lastly, picture yourself in your various interpersonal relationships. It could be with your parents, significant other or friends. How do you behave in those moments when you are exactly the person you want to be? How do you interact with others and what do you say? How easily does the conversation flow?

Now answer this question: for each of the three example environments listed above, is the ideal version of yourself the same for all of them? The answer should be “No!” If you are the same person in every facet of your life you will be constantly underperforming. 

In each of the above scenarios, you have different avatars. Think of an avatar as a different flavor of your personality. In each situation, one part of you is better suited for generating maximum performance. For example, you need to use the violent side of your nature when engaging in physical training. But you also need to be soft and kind when dealing with your relationships. 

If you are the same person with your wife as you are in the gym, both your marriage and your physique will be disasters. The violence of the gym does not translate well to relationships, and the softness of relationships does not translate well to the gym. Therefore, you must build separate avatars for each life scenario you will encounter to maximize your efficiency. Each avatar has an ideal environment where it can live. We will examine a few common scenarios and how you can build and use various avatars to maximize performance.

The Way of The Avatar if to Use Yourself as the Role Model

The fastest road to success is to model others who are already successful and do what they do. We have been doing this since we were very young. We first copy our parent’s behaviors and we pick up their habits unconsciously. Later we begin to model our friends if we are unwise. As we get older we notice people we want to imitate. This is the root of “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” The answer to that question is based on the models we have seen and how they influence our thinking. What if I told you that you could imagine role models and copy them for maximum performance? It is actually simple to do this and you are likely doing it already. 

We all have fantasies where we visualize ourselves performing at the top level. We can see ourselves delivering a masterful speech fearlessly and effortlessly. We can picture ourselves playing professional sports or mastering a musical instrument. We envision ourselves gaining a skill or running a business or performing some incredible feat of strength in the gym. If you have experienced a daydream, you already know what it is like to generate avatars of yourself in your mind. Each one of those fantasies represents the type of person you believe you have the capacity to be. Sometimes you may be so motivated by this image that you sprint to the gym to train or pick up your guitar and run drills. What exactly is happening in those moments? 

We are visualizing ourselves performing at our best, and then working to imitate that mental image. We are literally imitating the idea of what we think we can be. If we are unconsciously doing this on a regular basis, why not learn to manipulate this power to our advantage? What this skill involves is the ability to create characters of who we want to be in each situation of life and then working to imitate them. Here we will work through a few examples and then do a case study on the Biblical Character David.

The Work Avatar

When it comes to your work, what does the ideal man do? I visualize the type of man who is at work ten minutes before he needs to be and leaves ten minutes after the work day is done. He knows himself and how he best performs. With this knowledge, he schedules the day so that he is in the best possible mental state for each task. 

He knows at what parts of the day he has high energy so he schedules any heavy, focused work for those moments. He knows when the midday lull hits so he schedules low-focus, busywork that needs to be done but requires less mental effort. At all times he is optimizing his work output and giving his maximum effort. Every hour is spent well, not a second is wasted. This man cannot be accused of stealing one dime from his work either in time spent or in supplies stolen.

This man has a massive work output, always finishes tasks ahead of schedule unless unexpected scenarios throw him off. He is an exemplary worker and a role model. He can generate 80 work hours per week if necessary and never complains about it once. Due to his dedication, he is compensated heavily and is always looking for ways to increase his value, his ability to serve, and as a result, his salary.

The Training Avatar

When the ideal man enters the gym, he becomes another person. I envision a man who morphs from kind and loving to a savage barbarian, a machine, a Berserker of olden times. In the moments to follow he knows no pain and listens to nothing in his head; not the voice telling him that his current level of effort is “good enough”, nor the voice reminding him of the accolades of old. He is forever hungry.

He trains to the maximum of his capacity, ignoring every screaming sensation in his body. Not only is he training the body, but he is training his mind. He is training himself to not give in to difficulty and adversity in the workplace by practicing it in training. He is learning to hold on a few moments longer when enduring physical pain so he can hold on for a few extra moments when enduring mental pain. He knows life is a game of inches, it’s the little bits that count. And in training, he gathers those little victories. 

The way he trains reflects the way he thinks, works, and does every other task in his life – to the best of his ability every set, every rep, every project, every goal. 

The Social Avatar

I envision the socially competent man as a master of observation. He knows that it is only through observation that social cues are noticed, body language is analyzed and the words of others are dissected. If he is aloof and far off, living in his own head, or worried about what others think of him he will miss all of those details. Social events are to be treated as intelligence-gathering operations. He is learning about his enemies as well as his allies. Just as a leader wants to know the chink in the armor of his foe, he needs to be aware of where his ally is most likely to lose his footing in a strategic scenario. 

The socially competent man listens to how others speak and attempts to view the meaning behind the words they use. There is always more to a person than the mere words they say. Every phrase is couched in nuance, deception, self-righteousness, or personality clues. The only way these clues can be discovered is if a man gets out of his own head and into the social scenario. 

This man gains power by gaining intelligence about those around him whether at work, church, or recreation. Every situation is a chance to engage in strategic maneuvers and build rapport. The social man can see every cue and every clue, every hidden phrase, and every off-hand remark thrown out (which tend to have the most meaning built into them). 

The Student Avatar

When learning new skills, the ideal man can focus for extended periods of time without becoming fatigued. He can work for hours but prefers to work with intensity and finish tasks quickly by virtue of this Herculean effort. 

The ideal man breaks down every concept into its component parts and masters each one in a systematic method. Leaving no stone unturned, he pursues ultimate mastery of every minor detail. This is what makes him a master of his craft and allows him to learn at an accelerated pace. He then takes his new knowledge and shares it with others, compressing it into a form that is easy to understand. 


As you may have noticed, these are high bars to set for yourself, but it is incredibly important to set them anyways. Think of your heroes in life. From professional athletes to inventors to entrepreneurs, they are all living standards. To try to imitate them is to acknowledge that they set the bar very high and still attempt to achieve. In fact, the fact that the bar is so high should be inspiring to us,. It should drive us to want to work more and harder after knowing what is possible for men to achieve in a lifetime if they are willing to trade a bit of work. 

But there is not always an ideal role model for every single skill or character trait that we want to develop. Because of this, we build the avatars, and they pick up the slack. Imitate the ideal man in your own mind.

You also may notice that it would be almost impossible to maintain this standard of behavior every day. That is correct, no standard of perfection can be met in every endeavor of life in every instant of every day. There will always be failure and mistakes. If there are no failures or mistakes, your standards are not high enough. Raise the standards until they are inspiring yet simultaneously daunting. There is no honor in accomplishment without difficulty.

These are just a few basic avatars that serve as examples. You should build your own avatars for every skill and character trait that you want. 

With all of that said, let us examine a Biblical Character with his own avatars in life. 

Avatar I – A Man After God’s Own Heart

Many people wonder how David can commit all the various sins he does yet still be considered a man after God’s own heart. It is because he is instantly willing to take ownership of his actions and repent. It is as simple as that. He does not deny his behavior or make excuses, rather he feels instant regret and changes his behaviors, as was the case when confronted about his sin by Nathan the prophet. King David’s first and most famous avatar is that of the penitent man.

Avatar II – Wise Man

In his youth and throughout his life, David was recognized as a man of wisdom. The Bible notes on multiple occasions that David behaved wisely wherever he went (I Samuel 18:5,14), and his wisdom was apparent to King Saul (1 Samuel 18:15). It is easy to point out the fact that David did not always make wise decisions, as David has become a lesson of how not to behave in many sermons, sermons which assume that men have the same access to women as David did, which is an utter lie. David could not permanently live in the wisdom avatar, this is because he was human. 

Avatar III – Savage Warrior

My personal favorite avatar of King David is that of the savage warrior. It is not a component of his character that is concentrated on in religion, but it is nonetheless important. It is important to see that the man after God’s own heart was a fierce and vicious warrior who would destroy towns and kill every man, woman, and child (1 Samuel 27). Imagine if Gengis Khan had a moral compass and that is close to the mentality of David, though his conquests were quite different. 

Perhaps there was some hyperbole involved, but even the women of Israel sang about the body count of David the warrior (1 Samuel 18). Ask yourself what kind of man you have to be to behave wisely, have a penitent heart after God’s own, yet still have the will to stack thousands of bodies in combat. 

And remember that this is not modern-day combat where the enemies are separated by space and fire at one another with long-range weapons. David killed thousands of men in hand to hand combat. He slaughtered his enemies by hand, with sword and spear. He killed them while looking them in the face. He drained their blood and brains into the earth – that takes a toll on a man’s mind. David had no choice but to put this part of himself in a box and keep it as an avatar. No man walks around as a berserker, but this element of him displays itself on the battlefield, as it undoubtedly did for David.

Avatar IV – Man of Rationality & Mercy

Despite having multiple chances to kill king Saul and having plenty of reason to do so, David spared him time and time again (1 Samuel 24, 26). It takes a man of great wisdom and forgiveness to set aside his emotion and spare his enemy for the sake of the Lord. Perhaps that is another component of his character that made him the man after God’s own heart. You can not go from savage to merciful without fully functional avatars. 

Avatar V – Vengeful (A Negative Avatar)

On the negative side, David had a vengeful component to his personality. Perhaps it was his nature, it could have been human nature, or possibly it was a byproduct of repressing his violent urge against Saul and his enemies for too many years. Near the end of his life, David charged Solomon his son with exacting vengeance on Zeruiah for his actions against him in prior years. Zeruiah had cursed David and kicked stones at him but David chose to be merciful. Apparently, he did not forget this insult and paid it back through Solomon. David held his rage in for years and it came out on his deathbed. Instead of being proud of his mercy, he ended his life with an act of vengeance. Not exemplary behavior, but it is very much human. 


You could spend more time and continue to dissect the character of David to find more avatars, but this is a decent start. The analysis allows you to see a few examples of avatars, how they work in people and how you can create, understand and develop your own in order to be more powerful in the various avenues of your life. 

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