
The ability to concentrate is exceedingly rare. So rare that it is incredibly impressive when you find someone who can concentrate consistently. So impressive is the concentrated man that he is invited to give public speeches just to talk about this rare “gift” he has. It is no gift, it is a skill built over time.

Developing the skill of concentration will immediately improve your value to society.

“Concentrate your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

Colossians 3:2

You walk out of the church building. You didn’t hear a word of the sermon, can’t remember a single thing that was said the whole morning. Why? You couldn’t stop thinking about football. You couldn’t stop thinking about sex. Maybe you were thinking about eating lunch, taking a nap and playing video games later. You have no concentration. 

Inability to concentrate is one of the hallmarks of a beta.

Literally, beta brain waves are associated with awakeness and alertness, but they are also rapid and unfocused. Alpha brain waves are present when you are asleep, or practicing meditation or mindfulness. This is the difference: Alpha waves represent a more mindful and focused state of mind while beta waves represent the complete lack of focus that most men have. Beta waves are jittery like a rabbit, just like the majority of weak men. This is also why mindful meditation is incredibly important. 

The ability to concentrate is exceedingly rare. So rare that it is incredibly impressive when you find someone who can concentrate consistently. So impressive is the concentrated man that he is invited to give public speeches just to talk about this rare “gift” he has. It is no gift, it is a skill built over time. 

The inability to concentrate is the cumulative effect of years of not even trying to concentrate.

A person with concentration has done the opposite if this. His focus is the cumulative effect of years of practice and dedication to the art of concentration. 

You too can build this level of concentration.

Make concentration a priority for the sake of your worship.

Build your focus so that when time calls for it you can work and destroy any task at hand, or so you can worship in spirit and in truth. 


Complete Concentration

Concentration. Focus. Concentrate


Research the idea of “Access Concentration”. (Try this). The exercises are simple, but they build focus. One exercise is to lightly pinch your index and thumb, and concentrate completely on the sensation between the fingers. The pressure is very light, very difficult to stay focused on, but it builds the concentration skill. 

Apply concentration to your work. Whatever the task at hand is, concentrate completely on it until it is finished. Your concentration muscle will be weak, so build it. Don’t be discouraged by your complete lack of concentration at first. Most men fail at building any habit just because they want results too quickly. This is the state of society. Earn it. Work for it. Do not be the pathetic man who wants overnight results, be willing to put the effort in to building concentration, or to building any habit you want. 

Another tool for building concentration is to eliminate distraction. Everyone knows this, but so few apply this tactic. It is simple, remove every unnecessary, distracting item from your workspace. Make it so you have nothing to do but work when you are in your work area. Set up some filters on your computer to block social media between various work hours of the day. (Try 

If you eliminate distraction, you can accomplish in 3 hours what used to take you 9.

Use that efficiency to be successful.

Set small time goals for concentration before you attempt long spans of time. If you cannot concentrate for 15 minutes, then trying to concentrate for an hour is going to get you nowhere. You have to build up to those numbers through training. When you do your concentration exercises, make the first goals very small and achievable. 

Aim for 1-2 minutes at first. Only when you can complete those 1-2 minutes with perfect focus (no intruding thoughts, pure mind control) should you move up and attempt 3-5 minutes. Slowly level up your training and don’t expect immediate results. Improvement always takes time. Endure the pain of change.

Conduct yourselves like men


To Apply knowledge is the only true form of learning.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

James 1:22

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

People walk into the Church building, sit for an hour or two, then walk out. They learn nothing and make no changes to their daily actions. Their life goes on from week to week in this same manner and they still think they are doing what is right. They live a life of ease with no application of knowledge. Constantly “learning”, never applying. 

What they do is like going to law school, passing the bar exam yet never stepping into the courtroom. Or going to college, then medical school, residency and internship and yet never applying what you learned in a medical practice. Christians live the same way, going to Church at all the “right times” and in all the “right ways” while wearing the “right clothes”, yet never actually doing the things they need to do. 

The Bible is a book of actions, not one of weak emotions.

Pathetic men are the ones who sit in the pews week after week and still do nothing with their faith. This is wrong. The Word is a Weapon, a Sword that must be used against enemies. It is not good enough to know what to do and it is not enough to want to do it, it must be applied. The best workout plan in the world will do nothing to transform your body if you don’t actually do the workout plan.

Weak men talk.

Real men Do.

Be a Man.


To apply is the only acceptable behavior.


How do you apply the philosophy of application? By doing. It’s not complicated. It is consistent action over time. That is what brings victory in any endeavor. 

Whenever you are learning a new skill or reading a new book, try to absorb something you can immediately start using in your life. If no behavior change takes place, then we aren’t really learning. 

Applying what we know also accelerates learning. Because by testing our new knowledge, we can determine if it is true or not. Whatever you are doing, you must apply it. Resist the urge to read books just for the sake of reading them. Avoid doing things to try to look “cool”. Apply knowledge so you improve as an individual. 

Conduct Yourselves like Men.

The Importance of Dark Moments

When you experience a dark moment, do not be discouraged, for those dark moments are strength training for your mind and emotion.

Men pride themselves on being stoic. Men consider themselves masculine when they can control their emotions and reactions in all settings, public or private. Modern culture is trying to undo this by telling men that “it’s okay to cry” or to “get in touch with your feminine side”. This feminization of men is not a change for the better. Feminization does not help men deal with dark moments.

Darkness. Dark

While it is usually not a good idea to Repress emotion, is is vital for men to Suppress emotion and desire. A man must Suppress his sexual urges in society. A rapist is an example of a man who has stopped attempting to control those urges and gives into them completely. It is important for a man to suppress and redirect his anger and violent thoughts. A murderer is an example of a man who has given up on trying to control or redirect his anger.

Suppression of emotion is not simply important for men, it is vital to the function and survival of society.

Man grows his ability to suppress and control his emotion by experiencing moments of darkness.

For most modern men, the moments of “darkness” are nothing compared what men in the past have dealt with. A man might get stuck in traffic for a few hours and have to spend extra money somewhere and call that moment “dark”. While men of the past charged into storms of lead, staring into the face of death without flinching. Nevertheless, every dark moment is important, not matter how intense or feeble is may seem. Because without the darkness, we can never fully appreciate the light. Without the darkness, we can never improve our ability to control our emotions and thoughts in difficult situations.

The process of becoming more masculine or improving the ability to handle darkness is a process without a final destination, like many of the skills men can build.

Modern culture exclusively thinks in binary, black-or-white terms. This two-sided, simple thinking is not the case in reality. Just as someone who has trained his body for two years is in better shape than someone who has not trained his body at all. And he who has trained for five years is in better shape than he who has trained for two years. So also men become more masculine and stoic on on a gradient scale based on what darkness they deal with and for how long they deal with it.

“Small” moments of darkness improve the man who has not endured many dark moments. But that same small, dark moment may do nothing for the man who has experienced years of darkness and is mentally strong. There are levels of masculinity that can be trained and improved just like men train and improve their physical strength.

When you experience a dark moment, do not be discouraged, for those dark moments are strength training for your mind and emotion.

You improve your mental strength and resilience by enduring those moments that seem to last forever and bring nothing but pain and suffering. You grow your ability to handle greater adversity by handling small adversity. No man should be made fun of because he strains against a small dark moment. Just like no man should be mocked because he just began to train his body and strains to list 50 pounds. You improve by handling yourself in those small situations and by controlling your emotions in the small details of life.

How do you react when you get stuck in traffic for a few hours?

What is your reaction when you lose a little money in the stock market or on a bad purchase?

How do you react when you break something in your house?

These are small details that do not matter all that much in the grand scheme of life. But these are also events that bother the majority of men.

You must improve your ability to handle adversity with strength and power – This is done by elevating your perspective, removing yourself from unnecessary emotion and changing your thinking. This can only be done through practice during small moments of darkness.

Know that without dark moments, we cannot hope to improve as men. Just as a muscle will never increase its strength or endurance until it is pushed beyond the levels of its current ability, so also we will never improve our mental and emotional control unless we experience dark moments that are beyond our current ability to handle.

Darkness is the strength training of the mind.

The next time you experience darkness, do not be discouraged, but be excited because you are now improving your mind.

Conduct yourselves like Men.

The Anger of Man

Testosterone makes men aggressive. If you grew up in the church, you have likely seen a large collection of men with low testosterone.

Anger is destructive when not channeled into productive pursuits.

“Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath.”

Ephesians 5:26

Testosterone makes men aggressive. If you grew up in the Church, you have likely seen a large collection of men with low testosterone. Perhaps most men in the Church have no testosterone at all and are producing enough estrogen and prolactin that it is shocking they aren’t lactating out of their drooping male breasts. You know those same men have sex once or twice a year. The Church is filled with men with soft hands and even softer genitalia.

These men have less testosterone than the writers for Buzzfeed.

Meanwhile you sit uncomfortably in a pew trying to hide an erection while wondering if you are normal to want sex as much as you do. You wonder if it is natural to be as angry as you are. Because you could punch through a wall for no reason other than you are experiencing great anger from unknown sources; but for now you paint on a smile.

No one told you being a man would involve this much hormone driven anger.

This is because the weak men of the Church have spent their entire lives having to repress their aggression until it vanished, and it did, along with any semblance of masculinity that they once possessed. They repressed their anger and their manhood decayed. 

The Church is filled with people like Lot, who when men beat on his doors asking for the men he took in, Lot offered his daughters to them to rape through the night. That is an example of a beta male.

The beta would forgive the man who raping his wife while he is still raping her, because betas use “forgiveness” to justify their own personal cowardice.

A Man would rip the genitals off a rapist and shove them down his throat. Barbaric? Yes. A proper desire of a man? Absolutely. 

Violence, killing, judgement, anger, aggression, warfare; all these attributes are in the nature of man, and the Church pretends like they do not exist. Remember how Simon and Levi responded to the raping of Dinah? By hand they killed Shechem, his father and all the men of the city after they had just been circumcised and then plundered the city (Gen 34:20-31). Brutal. Justifiable. Appropriate. 

Man is an angry beast, and that anger must be controlled and channeled into constructive endeavors and into protecting his family. The anger of man is gargantuan. The anger of man is a raging furnace, and it is completely natural to feel it course through the body, and it is the mark of a man to be able to direct its intensity towards something productive. 

It is called Testosterone gentleman, to deny its effects on male aggression is to deny biochemical fact and natural law.


It is natural to be angry. With this anger I have the power to build, not destroy, but I will destroy if I must.



Notice your anger today. When you feel the chemical effects of the androgen course through your body, immediately take note and turn your attention to another matter. In this way you will redirect the destructive powers of anger and aim them at a constructive endeavor. Anger can be constructive or destructive depending on how you use it. 

The best place to start redirecting anger is with your physical training. It is easy to express violence in a constructive way during sports or intense training.

If you are not training to strengthen your body, you are missing out on one of the most basic principles of masculinity: strength.

Relish when some event or individual makes you angry and say to yourself, “I will bottle up this emotion for later”. (Avoid keeping negative emotion bottled too long though, it has a short shelf-life and will damage you if it remains pent up).

When you arrive at your place of training, call to mind the incident and the accompanying emotion and then unleash all your masculine fury on the insufficiency of your physical body. Through intense emotion you force yourself to improve in strength, power and endurance. By doing this you have used negative emotion for constructive endeavors. 

Do not suppress your emotion, instead redirect it. This is like harnessing the power of great winds with a windmill or great rivers with a water mill and generating energy through those natural sources. Your anger is also a natural source that can be turned towards more productive outlets.

Declare war on your own weakness and mediocrity and strike your inadequacy with a mighty slaughter. 

Conduct Yourselves like Men.

The New Man

The new man must, by definition, be masculine and embody the nature of men, in which positive traits are emphasized and negative traits are distilled out.

“Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds,and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.”

Colossians 3: 9-10

A new era is on the horizon, and you are at the forefront. In the 21st century a new era in discourse and thought has emerged, along with a desire for intelligent conversation to rise and oppose radical emotionalism. A new era of masculinity rises, and you rise to meet it, to embrace it. 

The new man must, by definition, be masculine and embody the nature of men, in which positive traits are emphasized and negative traits are distilled out.

This is the “Inflammation of Character”, where old character is broken down and dissolved and the building blocks of new character is laid down and hardened. The new man rejects what society has grown accustomed to in the common “man”. The new man is not afraid to be the first and only Man in his immediate environment. It is in his nature to be the catalyst for a new course of action in society. By one small, seemingly insignificant action at a time man revolutionizes the world, whether for good or ill. 


I am at the forefront of a new age of man. I am the New Man

new man


Stand up straight. Do you want to look masculine? This starts by standing up straight, chest out, shoulders back, chin up. This not only transforms the way you are viewed, but it changes the way you think.

You are now in a controlled position of power.
In your mind you are confident with yourself.
You physically elevate your perspective and are able to see more.

With this posture you naturally release serotonin, your body’s homemade antidepressant.

This may take some time to change If you have made a habit of walking around like a neanderthal, hunched over with rounded shoulders, chin down, neck out and eyes aimed at the ground. Fix your posture and you will begin to fix your mind.

Change your mentality.

Think differently than you have before. 

Conduct yourselves like men

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