Blind faith is popular in the beta church. It requires no work and no thought. It is in the same category as people who focus far too much on grace, minimizing their own mandatory responsibility to do good works. To question the blind faith is “heresy”. To doubt the traditions of men is “apostasy”. This is what the beta male teaches his sons and followers.
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Proverbs 14:15
Tradition must be doubted because it is exactly that: mere tradition and not Biblical law.
The radical conservatives have deified tradition and liturgy and set themselves in opposition to progress and growth. “The old ways are better”. Changing one’s mind and opinion is too laborious for these lazy thinkers. Changing the mind without polluting it with pusillanimous emotions is even more difficult. For this reason the beta males have become complacent and set in their ways, never questioning what it is they believe, and claiming that those who do question the faith are blasphemous.
This is blind faith, it is a hallmark of the weak, pathetic shell of what once was masculinity, and it must be burned down. Man will question what he believes; to deny this is to deny human nature. Man needs substance: to see, feel, hear, and experience. Faith provides none of these, which is why it is called “faith” and not “knowledge”. There are people in the Church who are uncomfortable with this and would assure you that they “know” what it is they believe. The truth is that if we could know with absolute certainty what was coming after this life, there would be no need for faith. Therefore, the Creator has seen fit to test humanity by giving them just the information they need and no more. Man is free to learn what he can about the world through science in order to improve his faith, but he is still required to have some form of faith because he will forever lack 100% of the knowledge of his existence.
What men must fight against is not faith, rather having blind faith. Men must realize they are free to question what they believe, and that they should question their faith. Questioning the faith is key for growth.
If you reject blind faith, you put yourself in the 99th percentile of Christian people.
You put yourself in a different position than other betas. Now you are no longer the stereotypical, stupid Christian. You think differently, and walk and act differently as a result. Think Rationally about your faith, and that will be enough to put you far beyond the level of most beta Christians.
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, He must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear” – Thomas Jefferson
I think freely, and believe that which is true.

Take time to think about your faith. Not the light, easy thoughts that everyone thinks about (such as grace, hope and love), but the difficult thoughts. Why did God create man knowing ahead of time that most men would go to hell? If you cannot answer this question in your own mind, how then will you be able to answer it when others ask you? Think about the questions that make you the most uncomfortable. That discomfort is growth of the mind, and consequently, of the faith.
What most people do not realize is that the more you question your faith, the more you will be able to answer about your faith. If you ask a question about the faith and can provide yourself with a rational answer, it is no longer a question. In this way you can reduce your doubts, but you must be willing to go through the discomfort and fiercely examine your faith regularly before you can expect to acquire any of those insights.
Be very aware that most of the people in your Church have blind faith.
The only reason they still attend worship is because they are in the habit of doing so. It would only take one small plague or catastrophe to send most of them scurrying like rats back into the darkness where they already secretly live. You need to call attention to this whenever you can. Address blind faith in the comments you make. Defend the necessity of scientific thinking. Science and religion are friends.
Question with ferocity those who claim to know things for certain. The only people arrogant enough to think they have existence figured out are atheists, and they have the blindest faith of them all.
Understand that some people in the Church are going to say that you are a “bad Christian” because you are questioning your faith. Realize that those who refuse to do the labor of thinking are lazy Christians. Be willing to show these individuals the problems with their thinking. Many Christians (like most people of the world) lack even a fundamental level of self-awareness. They do not realize how inconsistent their own thinking is, and you must draw attention to those inconsistencies.
KEY: If what you believe is the truth, then you can question it as many times as you please and it will still stand strong as a rocky cliff is unmoved as it is pounded by ocean waves.
Conduct yourselves like Men.
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