We have only so many hours to exist in physical form, so we need to budget them effectively. We need to arrange all the tasks we need to accomplish so our life isn’t a complete and utter waste like it is for most betas in the Church.
Time ticks away constantly, you can sit and watch it happen.
“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom”.
Every day we are approaching our death, and this gives everyday value. Man would accomplish very little if he could live forever, because he would have no reason to accomplish anything. The stone age would have been extended several thousand years without the constant approach of death.
You have the choice to either be sad that life is quickly coming to an end, or you can distract yourself every day with work and progress.
Is work really a distraction? Absolutely. Because unless you have developed the fortitude of mind to be able to stomach the fact of the inevitability of your death, you need to distract yourself. This is why very few men can sit down and be alone with their thoughts.
While it is true that we believe that we will go to heaven upon death, that makes death no less scary. Death is still unknown, dark and lonely. Time is the only barrier between us and death. For this reason we must make the best use of time every single day.
Pathetic boys waste time, men make the most of every day.
Boys burn time away with frivolous activities while men build disciplines and better the lives of others with their work.
We have only so many hours to exist in physical form, so we need to budget them effectively. We need to arrange all the tasks we need to accomplish so our life isn’t a complete and utter waste like it is for most of the boys in the religious world.
Time is slipping away, my friend, what exactly are you doing with your time? Watching football for six hours on Saturday? Do explain how that is benefiting you in your life.
Are you more intimate with your sports and video games than you are with your wife? Probably. Change now. Stop being the beta, the loser and be a man. Budget your time, spend it on things that matter. Focus and do something with your pathetic and meaningless existence.
Time is all that is between me and death, so I make this day one of value.
Stop blowing away time. Install Rescue Time on your computer. It will keep track of how you spend your time and give you statistics based on how much time you waste.
Outside of that, write down how you spend your time every day for a week. Don’t live differently than you normally do and lie to yourself for the week, do what you normally do and write it all down in 15 minute or half hour blocks. I guarantee that you are wasting your life, and you will know this after examining your time budget after a week.
Have you had bad breaks in your life? Is life unfair? Are some people overnight successes? No. Absolutely not. Have some ownership because your life is exactly how you created it by all the choices you made. Wasting every day and complaining is how you built your life, and today is the day that stops.
“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’”
Character: the internal code of conduct that we stand by. The collection of values, mindsets, and philosophies within the mind of man.
People often talk about “building character”. They usually use the phrase as a way to justify giving you a very undesirable task. Why do they say “building character” instead of “getting character”, or “acquiring some character”? Because the character of the individual is built one decision at a time.
Just like anything else in life, every loser wants instant results, and everyone who succeeds knows that success only comes after a long duration of work.
Character is built by small and repetitive action. And it is only noticed by others after a long period of construction.
An individual’s character is a set of defining traits that distinguish that individual from everyone else. To be set apart from all other men is the result of being different from them in hundreds of small ways; ways that you may think do not even matter.
You drop trash on the ground, so you pick it up and throw it away. Most people just leave it there, after all, someone else is paid to get it for them.
You take your shopping cart all the way to one of the designated areas instead of leaving it in the parking lot. Most people just leave the cart in everyone’s way. After all, there are people who get paid to collect those and return them to the store.
You stay at the job you hate until the hours you agreed to work each day are fulfilled. You could dart out at 4:56 p.m., but you don’t, you have character.
Or maybe you don’t do any of these things. Maybe you allow the small details of life to slide by because they are “unimportant”. Take a good look in the mirror, what you will see is a man who lacks character. It is nothing more than the cumulative result of hundreds of small choices like the ones listed above. They aren’t any big deal, or so you think. But when added together they mean more than when they are examined individually.
Any man who will slack off and make excuses in the little endeavors of character will do so in the great endeavors.
Do you really think you will suddenly “snap out of it” when everything is on the line, or when it actually matters? No, you will fail. Your lack of character will have compounded over those small choices, leaving you as just another loser, like everyone in the world and just like most men in the Church. Don’t be those weak, pusillanimous me, have some character. Be a man. Give the Church a good name.
Every small action I take reflects my character.
Start actually taking those small actions. You will never build any character without those small actions that seemingly “don’t matter”. It is really that simple. Not always fun or convenient, but simple.
Then you repeat those small actions every day. Eventually you begin to associate them with your identity as a man of character. If you put two days of action together, it becomes easier to get that third day as well. Now you have momentum on your side. Now you have very little reason to ever be that same person who lacked character ever again.
With the momentum, you add more positive traits, more small actions, new actions that make you better as a man. Add up all these small decisions and you are a man of character.
Work ethic will forever be a predominant differential between masculine men and beta males.
It may not be the differential in success itself, because someone can always ride the wave of their natural talent to moderate success. However, this does not make them masculine, it makes them lucky. To put your hand to the grindstone makes you masculine. To use that work ethic to build the strengths and correct the weaknesses of character is where the spirit of man rests.
Each generation wants to blame the following generation for being lazy and having no work ethic. The first problem with this accusation is that the people who are complaining about the next generation are the same people who raised the next generation. The second problem is that every generation is riddled with the lazy no matter where you look in history. No generation is special, and none misses out on their fair share of scobblelotchers.
A weak generation complains about another generation instead of doing something about it or at the very least taking ownership of the fact that they produced that generation. They complain about the very children they created. It would be the same as a carpenter finishing putting together a nice table, examining it and then complaining, “Wow, they just don’t make things how they used to. Look how this piece of garbage turned out”.
Work ethic is built daily.
As with anything else in life, you have to acquire the correct mindset before you start the process of change. You must decide to have a great work ethic before you can start making one. Just as you must decide to build a great physique before you start training to create it.
Work ethic extends beyond your 9-5 job. The weak have a work ethic only at work. Anyone can generate a work ethic from the ether if someone is paying them to do so, but that is not what a man does. A man comes home after his work and immediately begins to work on things that will improve him personally. A man cranks out his habits and disciplines when he gets home at night or early in the morning before he works. He does this work like a machine. He reads, writes, builds, trains or does whatever he sees fit. A man does not plop in front of the television for a four hour “decompression” session.
Weak boys try to take the edge off, men try to get the edge.
Work on yourself in your off hours, it will increase your value to everyone around you, from the company you work for to your family at home. Do your work to the highest possible level, it is in this work that you build confidence in yourself and in your character as a man.
All work I do is done to the highest possible standard of work.
Work ethic truly manifests in the small details of your work and life. Work ethic determines if you do a whole job or whether you skip out on the small details you think no one will notice. Even if no one notices, you notice. You recognize your own lack of character and integrity. If you are just starting to build work ethic, this is where you start, in the things no one will notice. If you can discipline yourself to work on things no one will see, then when the time comes for others to see your work, you will be mentally equipped to do a full job.
Go the extra mile when no one is looking. Pick up the trash on the ground near your work area even if you think you are “above it”. Do the jobs that seem below your pay grade. Do the extra repetition in your training. Write the extra sentence in your book. Most importantly, do not clock out of work ethic when you get home. You need to work at home too. Have projects or books to train your work ethic at home because only betas come home, turn off their work ethic and turn on the television. Be a man, do the work. Be Successful.
Gather all your skill and remember why you are doing the things you are doing. Apathy is born out of a lack of reason and purpose.
With age comes apathy, so it seems. The Church is filled with the apathetic, the people who think doing the least amount of work is acceptable. The people who are content to sit in the pew and do nothing; to never improve or progress. These are people who utterly and completely lack zeal in every aspect of their faith. They do not share the faith, they do not talk about the faith. You can count on one hand the contributions they have made to the Church over the past 50 years.
“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”
These individuals put the “pathetic” in apathetic.
You must not be this individual. You must be the person who is focused and improving himself. Does this mean you are always going to feel like doing what is right or feel like sharing the gospel? Absolutely not. Emotions are for women and weak males. Zeal is focused effort on a task, and it is divorced from emotion.
Gather all your skill and remember why you are doing the things you are doing. Apathy is born out of a lack of reason and purpose. Make sure you have a purpose. Ensure that you have a reason. Apathy is a slow-rot disease, you will not notice how much you have decayed until you are destroyed by the small, trivial matters of life. You will be like a rotten tree that is blown over by a gentle breeze.
Apathy will continue to exist until it is opposed by an outside force. Men will be content in their ways until some event large enough to disrupt normal life knocks them onto their heads.
Apathy is for the dead.
This is you.
The best way to face apathy is to recenter your focus on your goal. Take your mind and aim it at the end state that you want to achieve and focus on it. If you truly want to achieve that goal, you can be reignited mentally to get there. If you do not truly want to achieve that goal, you will experience burnout, lack of motivation and apathy.
Find out what your skills are.
“Following your passion” is a moronic phrase because most people do not know what their “passion” is. I say follow your skills and natural inclinations. What are your natural talents? Identify the goals that really motivate you to take action. Not everyone is going to be motivated to do what is right by the idea of heaven, many will be motivated by the fear of hell. To rid yourself of apathy you have to identify what really motivates you to take action.
Identify your true goals.
You will become apathetic if you spend your time trying to achieve your parent’s goals. Do not become a doctor or lawyer just because your friends and family tell you that you would be good at it. You must make a decision for yourself based on what you truly know about your own skills and what you want to achieve and spend your time doing in life. Creating an intrinsic purpose is the way to defeat apathy.
A problem with most men in the church is that they lack testicles. Nowhere has this been more clear than during recent events. But before we talk about the state of men in the modern moment, we do have to cover some background facts.
#1 – The death of George Floyd was a tragedy, a crime and a disgusting display of human evil. Whether a man is black, white, yellow or purple, it is a vile thing to kneel on the neck of another man until he dies. Whatever the cause of death was, the death penalty should be on the table as punishment for the prime perpetrator. Otherwise he will be killed in prison.
#2 – The politicization of the death of George Floyd has been a disgrace to God and man. Human beings have demonstrated that they care more about getting new Nikes or flat screen TVs than they do about protesting the wrongful death of a man.
Normally we stay away from politics, but we need to address the effect that currents events are having on masculinity in the church.
First, we need to agree that the majority of what you hear in the media is a lie. There are plenty of political commentators talking about the real statistics of police and race violence, so we won’t cover them. Assume your news station is lying to you unless they provide ALL the facts. This applies to every political flavor: Conservative, independent and liberal.
Trigger Warning: Black men are not shot more than white men by police.
America is not inherently racist. In fact, after thousands of years of commonplace slavery in Egypt, Rome, Greece, European countries and others, America was the only country to fight a war to end slavery, and yet they are the only country singled out as being racist. That is ridiculous.
The media have been working to divide the countries for several years now, and it has become apparent that it is working. People are at each other’s throats for no reason other than they believe everything they hear from politicians and the media and then act on it. The state of the country is not good, but the state of masculinity is equally terrible. Let’s talk about men in the church. What we see now is another symptom of the death of masculinity in society.
What we have seen in the church is this:
1 – White men apologizing for the actions of one evil man.
2 – Sympathizers who wink at the rioting and consider it justified.
If all Muslims are not to blame for the actions of a handful of radical Muslims for the attacks on September 11, 2001, then all white men are not to blame for the evil action of a few white men.
This should not be hard to comprehend. I do not have to apologize for an action I did not commit because I am not responsible for other men. The only people who should apologize for the actions of others are parents who apologize for the actions of their children. This is because parents are directly responsible for the behavior of their children. No white American is responsible for the behavior of every other white American.
It’s interesting how the same group of people (blacks) who condemn others as racist when they group all blacks together as being the same (violent/criminals etc.) wants to lump all white people in the same group (racist/bigots etc.). And the men in the church simply go along with this. They go along with this because they lack any semblance of intestinal fortitude.
We have seen a shameful amount of apologizing from men in the church who had nothing to do with the murder of a black man.
Men do not apologize for other men. The only people who apologize for other men are effeminate betas who are seeking the approval of others. You won’t find masculine men apologizing for the evil, vile actions of the police officer. You will never find a manly man taking responsibility for the evils of others. Men are responsible for themselves and their sons alone, that is all. The next time you are in church and hear someone apologize for being white, think to yourself, “Now I know who the castrated man is”.
“Look at me, I’m a good white boy because I apologize for the actions of another whte boy I never knew. I’m so nice, please love me black people. I like black people and I’m not racist, as you can clearly see from my profuse apologizing. I don’t think black people are evil. Don’t burn down my house during the riots please.”
Now we have large groups of white people who committed no crimes bowing down to black people who have suffered no wrongs. This is absurd. Men do not bow to others regardless of their skin color.
The same weak men also say the mass rioting is justified. Every individual above the age of 1 has heard that, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”. Therefore, how is burning down buildings helping the cause? How is stealing from apolitical stores honoring the memory of George Floyd.
What does rioting and looting have to do with racism? How does stealing Nike’s improve the awareness of the statistically unverified police brutality?
Rioting and stealing and beating people doesn’t help the stereotypical view of blacks. Isn’t that the image they are trying to get away from? Isn’t the violent criminal something that most blacks say they aren’t? Then why are they acting that way?
The problem in the church is that men are just winking at this activity. Men in the church should go into the attic, find where they stored their testicles and use them for once by calling out evil when they see it.
Rioting is evil.
Kneeling on a man’s neck until he dies is evil.
Burning down a church is evil.
Watching as a man is killed is evil.
Ganging up on a man and beating him to death is evil.
This isn’t hard folks. Why is it wrong to say that this is evil? Nothing that is happening right now is justified, so we will not ignore any of it.
Men, stop apologizing for actions that were not yours. You did not kill anyone. Go on amazon and order some replacement testicles for yourself.