Let Your Eyes Look Straight Ahead

Proverbs 4:25 – Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead.

One of the principles teachings of the Bible is that of focus. A man’s role in life involves a degree of focus. It is important whether we can focus on the task at hand, attend to our work, and shut out the superfluous matters of life.

When we begin looking side to side and forgetting to look ahead, we easily get off track. The body goes where the eyes gaze. The head and body both follow the eyes. therefore, whatever you look at and focus on will be your destination.

It makes sense, then, to focus our eyes on things that matter, or as the Bible says “Let your eyes look straight ahead”.

Orient your eyes to the place you want to go. If you are not sure where you want to go, then you have some introspection to do.

You will head towards that destination that you follow with your eyes. Do not waste time looking to the left and the right because you are not going that way. Do not look back because you are not walking into the past. But rather look straight ahead so you can begin to make progress towards your goals.

Completely contained in this brief passage of scripture is the all-important idea of focus. There is no need to write about it for days, its simplicity does the talking for it.

Let your eyes look straight ahead

Do not get taken off track and distracted by the things that do not matter. Focus and cut everything superfluous. Serve God honorably and live simply.

1 Kings 8:57 – God Is With You – Lightning Study

“The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our fathers: let him not leave us, nor forsake us” ~ 1 Kings 8:57

One idea repeated over and over again in scripture is the idea that God is with His people. He is with you and is on your side.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

It can be difficult to hold onto the memory of this truth, but it is something that you need to have in mind if you are going to live this life. when you want to be weak, you need to have access to memories of strength. What better memory is there than to know that God is with you?

1 Kings 8:57

This verse in 1 Kings 8:57 tells us that God was with generations of men.

God will be with you as well if you request His help as an ally and speak to Him.

Leverage the strength of God.

Take advantage of the fact that God is on your side and act boldly, with bravery, and without fear. What can man do to you?

Continue Reading: Intrinsic Motivation

Responsibility – Take Ownership of Everything in Your Life

It is not natural to take responsibility for our actions. Look at the first man and the first woman who ever existed in the world. When they inevitably failed and were not obedient to the rules that God had set, what did they do? They shifted blame away from themselves (Genesis 3). 

What this means is that is natural to shift blame to someone else and it is unnatural to take responsibility for our actions. But as we so often note, the right thing is seldom the natural thing. Christianity itself involves many unnatural behaviors. From avoiding pre-marital/extra-marital sex to loving our enemies, many of the commands of God require us to put aside our humanity for the betterment of humankind. Literally, we reject our physical nature and transcend to the divine by behaving unnaturally – or perhaps it would be better said that we act supernaturally. Not ghostly, but literally “above nature”, and the word itself is defined.

That said, taking responsibility for our actions is not natural.

It is easy to understand this because it is painful to take responsibility. And the greatest motivation for all human beings is the dualistic power of the pain and pleasure principles. We are constantly looking to either gain pleasure or avoid pain. And I argue that the urge to avoid pain is much greater than the desire to gain pleasure. Mediocrity is pleasant enough, why should I work to gain something better? But if the pain will reach me if I do not act and the only way to avoid that pain is to act, then somehow I can find the energy and motivation to take action.

Therefore, the push to avoid responsibility might be so strong because responsibility can be painful. It would be much easier to shift that pain onto someone else and have them take it for us. But this is not the masculine way to behave. 

Being a man involves taking responsibility especially during the moments when it is neither fun nor enjoyable to do so.

That is one of the critical pieces of manhood – you take on the pain of life for the betterment of others. Usually, this is for the benefit of your immediate family. But you also think about how each act of taking responsibility will better your own life.

The next time you find yourself wanting to shift blame or make an error someone else’s fault, take a look at yourself. Examine your own contribution to the situation and think about what you could have done differently. Or think about what you still have the power to affect. It is a bad habit to constantly be looking at others and blaming them. It robs us of the power to direct our own lives because we suggest that “If this guy had just done XYZ then this wouldn’t have happened!”. That is not masculine. By definition, if we blame or shift responsibility we are behaving in effeminate ways.


A simple way to be more masculine is to take personal responsibility for everything in this life. If you are not happy with something in your life, take a look in the mirror at the creator of that situation. Become aware of your habit of pointing fingers at others. It is not their responsibility why your life turned out the way it has.

Stop blaming everyone. No longer can you blame:
  1. Your parents
  2. The economy
  3. Your environment
  4. Your friends
  5. Your lack of resources (money/time/connections/skill)

If it is in your life or a part of who you are, it is your responsibility. You have to take charge of your life if you ever want to be free. No longer are you content to sit around pointing fingers at everyone else. The moment you begin to take responsibility, you begin to be free. And you find satisfaction with your life, no matter what state it is in. Because even if it is the worst life ever created, it’s still yours, you made it, your name is attached to it, and that has to mean something to you.  So take responsibility and find the freedom and masculinity therein.

Outlast The Enemy – Colossians 1:11

Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have full endurance and patience, and joyfully

What we learn here is that strength, in this sense, is the combination of patience and longsuffering. The ability to outlast the enemy.

These two traits combined give us endurance. That is our ability to continue to press forward despite discomfort. That is one of the traits we must develop as men if we are going to survive this world.

But even more important is the last word of this verse – joyfully. Some versions say “with joy”. Patience and longsuffering joyfully is our ability to not only bear the difficulty of life but to do so with a smile.

We all admire those men who can smile and laugh through the darkest of hours. Through the horrors of combat or the normal difficulty of life, they somehow find humor. They somehow find a way to smile through it all.

We can develop that ability to laugh through the pain if we remember the goal we have. That is the goal of eternal life. We can develop patience if we also submerge ourselves into the present moment. Pain only becomes unbearable when we start wishing it would end or wondering how much longer it is going to last. Then we start to scramble and look for relief and it only makes it worse. But if we can train our minds to sit calmly, even joyfully, in that discomfort, we will have massive power.

Pain is reduced when you just allow yourself to feel the pain in the present moment. You can even test this in the gym when you are doing a painful exercise. When you start to think about how many reps you have left or wonder if you should just drop the weight, the exercise becomes much more difficult and painful. But if you just submerge yourself in the pain and allow yourself to feel it, the power of it is lessened. you begin to be able to manage it and even work through it. Learning how to do that provides you with great power.

outlast the enemy

Once you learn this in the gmy, you can transfer it to life. Then you can outlast the enemy.

That is all you have to do, just last longer than they do in order to win.

This life is an extreme experiment in endurance. You can either learn to manage the difficulty or get crushed by it.

Reaction – Cause and Effect

Action demands a reaction. This is one of the basic laws of the universe. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Many times we forget this. We are going about our business or doing our work and we are not seeing any results. Instead of pressing on, we get discouraged and quit.

While it would be acceptable when we see no results to step back, examine what we are doing, and try to make better, more efficient action. However, most people quit the second they do not have the results they want. And many times they do so right after they give a feeble effort for those results.

Every action we take should be in the direction of our goals. If it is not an efficient action, we can change our direction or push somewhere different. But we should not become discouraged when we see no results.

Sometimes a man hammers a stone 100 times before it splits. And as various authors have noted before, it was not the 100th strike that cracked the stone, but the cumulative effects of continuous effort across each of those individual swings. That is what we are doing in our lives.

We are swinging at a stone, pounding it, attempting to create some results in our lives. And we will not always see results, and we need to learn to have patience with that fact.

We should also be sure we are taking the most efficient action possible. Many people try to open the door of opportunity by pushing right next to the hinges. You will not have the best leverage if you try to open a door at the hinges. You need to maximize the force and leverage by pushing farther away from the door.

Everyone understands that. It is a principle of physics that we deal with every day. Yet so many people, in their working lives, push as hard as they can at the hinges instead of pushing with a sustainable force at the doorknob.

If you want the best results, you have to apply hard force along with efficient leverage. This is how we start to make progress in our lives. But we also have to take action.

Instead of making excuses for why we are not where we want to be, we have to be willing to look in the mirror and fix the problems that we are seeing. If we are not content with our lives, we have all the power in the world to change them. And if we work as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23), we will no doubt be successful.

Every action creates a reaction. We have to make sure our actions are strong. When our actions are in line with our goals, compounded by efficient force, we make progress. When we make progress, we have happiness. To get the best reactions, we need the best actions. Take the best actions today.

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