Christianity is Unnatural

Have you ever wondered why you don’t want to do what is right? Most of the commands you read in the Bible go against what you want to do, what you naturally desire to do. Why is that? Because Christianity is unnatural.

Maybe you have some Christian principles mastered. It could be that you aren’t tempted to steal or to murder. Maybe you aren’t tempted to drink alcohol or do drugs. Before you go on your merry way thinking you are a good person, you are probably an arrogant gossip machine and chronic liar.

Strength in some areas of spirituality does not mean strength in all areas.

There are Christians principles that are hard for some and easy for others. What is really going on with these more difficult principles such as loving your enemies? Why are you tempted to do wrong?

Temptation is a desire for something, meaning that if you are tempted to steal, it is because you desire to steal. Why does it seem that you are naturally inclined to do what is wrong? Because Christianity itself is unnatural, and that is a good thing.

You’ve heard the saying, “If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it”. The same thing applies to Christianity.

If it was easy – if living a godly life was natural – everyone would be Christians.

If the Christian walk were easy, Jesus would not have said, “Take up your cross and follow me” (Luke 9:23).

Does picking up a cross and carrying it around sound easy? The principle of a strenuous life is right here in scripture. we are not called to live easy lives and as a result we will be heavily tempted to “Throw down the cross” and live how we want to. Which is what so many other people do, they are know as atheists.

I’ve addressed this before, but monogamy is is not natural in animals. Now before you go off trying to say things like “Oh but what about doves and swans? They have one partner for life”, I would urge you to read the very bottom of this article:

Here is an excerpt:

“In fact, David Barash, a psychology professor at the University of Washington, wants to shatter the “myth of monogamy” altogether. He claims that almost every darn reported case of monogamy in the animal kingdom has been proved wrong at some point upon closer inspection, with infidelity by one or both partners in the coupling.”

The sole purpose of mating is to ensure survival of a species, and the best way to ensure survival is to have sex with as many mates as possible.

Monogamy is therefore unnatural, but it is commanded by God. Not only monogamy, but complete abstinence until marriage. Only a complete moron would tell you that abstinence is easy and natural. They likely don’t have a choice in the matter of abstinence (incel).

Ever tried loving your enemies? That doesn’t come naturally for most people. When an “enemy” says something unkind to you or treats you badly, you have a flood of negative emotions toward that person. The emotions themselves are irrelevant, as an individual’s emotional state does not matter in regards to salvation.

So it is natural to have negative emotions towards an enemy, and it is the actions that one takes in response to those emotions that determine whether or not we love our enemies.

Ask any old dude who has been married for fifty years, he will tell you that love is a verb. Love is an action, not a feeling.

Loving enemies is about taking action towards their well-being (This includes not punching them in their annoying faces), not having magical warm and fuzzy feelings about them. Unless you think that Jesus had warm and fuzzy feelings about the Pharisees…

The idea of the id is that it is the part of our conscious mind that seeks pleasure and wants to avoid pain. So when experiencing pain as the result of an enemy treating you badly, the id remembers that painful experience and strongly seeks to avoid that situation again. This is why it is so hard to smile at the person who is always making negative comments about you, because it is unnatural to love our enemies.

Turning the other cheek. I really shouldn’t have to say anything about this one.

If someone hits you, you naturally want to hit them back. That’s nature.

But we weren’t called to be natural, we were called to be above our natural instincts and obey God.

Do you know what faith is? Yeah yeah, we all know faith is “The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen“. But what is it on a level that we can understand? I have no idea. It can’t be tested in the lab or thrown under the microscope. I can’t see it or touch it or taste it. 

In my understanding, the basic concept of faith is that it is what bridges the gap between knowledge and God. If we understood everything in the world, the Bible and about God, then we wouldn’t need faith; but personal knowledge can only get us so far in our understanding before we must turn to faith to cover the remaining distance between God and what we know about the God.

Faith being non-present in the animal kingdom, and not being based our own personal knowledge or understanding must, therefore, be unnatural. And without faith it is impossible to please Him.

Therefore, in order to please God we must be unnatural beings.

It is natural to seek benefits for oneself. It is not natural to humbly submit to a higher authority. Submission to God is not natural, as it is not present in the animal kingdom.

Selfishness is natural, self-sacrifice is not. Christ calls for the latter to be present in us all.

Laws of entropy apply to everything. Just as the universe wears down over time, so does the mind. Without energy input, personal growth stagnates, men become complacent and eventually begin to deteriorate. So maybe at the creation of the earth man had desire to do what is right, and over thousands of years that desire deteriorated, or maybe doing what is right is unnatural.

Perhaps Christianity itself is unnatural.

I say to you that Christianity is definitely unnatural, and that is good. If it was easy, all sorts of losers would be waltzing into heaven. We prove our worth to the Creator by self-denial. We have to do what is unnatural, and what we don’t want in order to obey God. By His commands, God is saying to us “If you love me, you will do what you don’t want to do in order to get to heaven”.

Man is two parts, a duality: one part eternal soul, one part temporary body. The body, the flesh wants what is natural, but the soul is supernatural, meaning it is “Above Nature“, and it seeks to return to God. Animals have no souls therefore they are only flesh, and they do want is natural. They kill each other, steal from each other, and spread their genes excessively. Christianity is unnatural to the physical body, but is compatible with the soul. This is where those internal battles are coming from, bodily desires that are at war with the soul.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weakMark 14:38

I say then, walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, so that you do not do the things that you wish” Galatians 5:16-17

So deny yourself, take up the cross, be a physically unnatural person all the days of your life, but be supernatural in your soul.

Spartan Christianity: Hardcore Christian Principles.

Author: spartanchristianity

Reader, Writer. In response to blatant feminism and the overall feminization of men, Spartan Chrsitainity creates content to fight that absurdity.

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