As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign over all things, including the governments of the world. In Romans 13, Paul writes that earthly rulers are appointed by God and are to be obeyed, except when their commands conflict with God’s commands. This means that government, at all levels, is an institution ordained by God and should be respected and engaged with as such.
That does not mean the governmental institution is beyond criticism. Just like we can critique marriages that do not follow the pattern God set [one man + one woman for life], we can also criticize the government when it does not follow the commandments of God.
Christians are called to be salt and light in the world. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:13-16 that we are to be a blessing to the world and to let our light shine before others, so that they may see our good deeds and glorify God.
This includes being involved in the political process and using our voices to demand righteousness. We have to do this because the standard for justice and righteousness comes from God and the Bible. Without the knowledge of that standard, how will the government, ordained by God, Approved by God, be able to act in accordance with the will and justice of God?

No one else is going to push Christian values besides Christians. Therefore, Christians have the just responsibility to involve themselves in politics and push those values.
One of the reasons that the government exists is to protect citizens, punish wrongdoing, and reward good behavior. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to do good. By participating in the political process and fighting to shape the policies and laws that govern our communities, we can help ensure that our government can fulfill its God-ordained role of promoting the values of God and righteousness.
That is truly the main point, working to change government and policies so that the result is God-approved law.
It is also not moral to just do nothing, to ignore the political arena and hope everything works out for the best. We are required to be active in making a positive impact in the world. This includes being engaged in the political process and working to bring about positive change in our communities and beyond.
Even though God always works things for the good [Rom 8:28] and has all things under His control, that does not excuse us from taking action.
God having everything under control has never excused His people from taking action.
God was in control when Israel crossed the Jordan into the promised land, but you don’t see the children of Israel saying “Well, God is in control so we don’t have to do anything. We can just chill and He will take care of us”. No, they had to obey the word of the Lord even though He had all things under control. And this included taking action and going to war, against the pagan inhabitants of Canaan.
1. Promote biblical values and principles through your voting.
Many of the issues that come before governments at all levels have moral and ethical implications. Morals and ethics can only be understood from a religious perspective as God is the source of the moral compass within us all. By getting active in the political process, Christians can advocate for policies that embody biblical principles, such as the sanctity of life, the importance of family, and the value of hard work and personal responsibility which each coincide with the avoidance of socialistic policy.
2. Defend your religious freedom with your vote
As Christians, we have the right to freely practice our faith and share it with others. That is not the case across the world and will not permanently be the case if Christians continue to choose to bury their heads in the sand instead of vote. Being involved in the political process guarantees that we can work to protect this freedom and ensure that it is not infringed upon by government policies or legislation.
3. Someone must hold politicians accountable
And they must be held accountable according to a higher moral standard that comes down from the mind of God in His scriptures. Christians can use their voices and their votes to hold politicians accountable for their actions and to ensure that they are working in the best interests of their constituents.
- Christians are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16).
- Being involved in the political process is one way to be salt and light in the world.
- Therefore, Christians should be involved in politics, government, and elections.
- The government exists to protect citizens, punish wrongdoing, and reward good behavior (Romans 13).
- Christians are called to love their neighbors as themselves and to do good to all people (Galatians 6:10).
- Therefore, Christians should be involved in politics, government, and elections to help shape policies and laws that promote righteousness, promote the punishment of wrongdoing, and provide protection for citizens.
Furthermore, it is not moral to do nothing and hope everything works out for the best. Therefore, Christians should be involved in politics, government, and elections to actively work toward bringing about change in the world.