The book of Psalms contains a psalm of Moses. Embedded in that psalm is one of the most practical and sobering verses you will find in scripture. It teaches us a very important lesson: that your days are numbered.
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”.
Psalm 90:12

We know factually that we are going to die. Our days are numbered. This life is quickly coming to an end. And it goes faster the more life that we live. Each passing year is faster than the last.
What this verse actually teaches us is to remember that we are mortal. This is also the ancient stoic technique of meditating on our mortality. And by meditating on the fact that we will soon die, we act in a wise manner in our daily lives.
Think of individuals who have life-or-death events happen to them. What happens to those people?
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, they have the clarity that they have lacked for the last twenty years. All of the nonsense of daily life melts away, and only what is important remains.
These people suddenly overcome problems they never had been able to defeat before, and sometimes they have lasting character changes.

You do not need a life-or-death situation to happen to you for you to gain this same perspective. All you have to do is remember that your days are numbered.
Remember that this life is quickly coming to an end, just as quickly as it began.
All that matters is the fact that you were created by God, and you have to find a way to make yourself acceptable to Him. You have to find a way to become right in His sight. You will not do this through works of your own merit. No, but He saves you and does all the work for you. You will not be able to justify yourself, but you can find justification and clothe yourself with it through God.
So in your day-to-day life, remember the fact that life ends. Do not place too much emphasis and importance on the physical parts of this life. Though they are important, and we do have to live here on earth, this is not where we are staying permanently. Therefore live each day as if it were the last day, and you will behave with much more wisdom.
Number your days, and gain a heart of wisdom. Act with that same wisdom every day, as long as you live and you will have an easier time maintaining the correct perspective.
Learn the way to make yourself right with God through the process of salvation:
1. Hear
2. Believe
3. Repent
4. Confession
5. Baptism
6. Faithful Living