The mind must be firmly centered on the goal. The thoughts must be focused on what we are aiming to achieve. We are trying to live as Men of principle and integrity and this is not going to happen magically or passively. We must be determined to be the type of men who can be respected and looked up to in the community. This takes an investment of work and energy and a focused purpose of mind.
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Purpose begins with improving ourselves before we ever attempt to improve or coach anyone else. We cannot teach others what we ourselves do not know, and no one would listen to us even if we did know. No one listens to a nutritionist who is obese, or a music teacher who cannot read sheet music. Everyone must first prove that they practice what they are trying to teach before people will listen to what they have to say. The same principle applies to determination. If we are not determined in our own lives, we cannot help people be determined in theirs.
Determination rejects fatigue, weariness and lack of focus.
It obliterates laziness and weakness of the will. Determination is a function of how well defined your visions and goals are. Without crystal clear goals for the improvement of the self, you cannot hope to be consistently determined. You might be able to stay focused for an hour, a day or a year, but eventually you will falter because your vision is not clear enough. This must be changed, men must have goals from which they derive their determination.
Determination is also a form of grit that allows us to progress even in dire circumstances. It keeps us moving when our emotions tell us that we deserve some rest. You deserve nothing. You must earn everything. Determination is a mindset that results in aggressive action taken in the pursuit of our goals. Without a firm determination, we fall off the path of discipline and we lose the grounding of focus that we have in our minds.
My goal is before me, and I will achieve it at all costs.

What is your vision for your life? How determined you are depends on the clarity of that vision. How clear are your goals? The ability to stay disciplined in your life depends on how rock solid your goals are. Therefore, the first step to a determined and rock hard, determined personality is to establish goals and a vision for your life. It is hard to improve when you do not know where you want to go.
Focus your mind intensely on your goals and dreams.
The vision creates the motivation and discipline.
The motivation creates the action.
And the discipline maintains the action.
We continue on this path until we accomplish our goals. Once our goals are achieved, we must instantly make new goals or we will become complacent and begin to decay. Continuing to add new goals and visions allows us to maintain our determination. Determination creates progress, and progress creates happiness and a form of satisfaction in life.
Create your vision.
Form your goals.
Construct a character of impeccable architecture.
Conduct yourselves like men.