1When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
Consider carefully what is before you;
2And put a knife to your throat
If you are a man given to appetite.
3Do not desire his delicacies,
For they are deceptive food.
Proverbs 23:1-3 outlines unique circumstances – the rare instances when you may be invited to eat with someone powerful.
When we recall the context of many of these proverbs, this makes sense, as Solomon was writing to his son, who would have been a prince, and would have had numerous opportunities to eat with other rulers.
If we ever find ourselves in similar circumstances, the rules still apply.

When you are invited to dine with a ruler or prominent figure, be mindful of your conduct and avoid any missteps that could jeopardize your standing.
Solomon advises in Proverbs 23:1-3 to consider carefully what is set before you and govern your appetite accordingly.
Don’t go crazy and make a fool of yourself because you are excited to be dining with the prestigious.
Recognize The Power of the Host
Your host, being a ruler or person of power, is not your equal.
Considering the context of the historical time in which this Proverb was written, if the ruler was offended, he had the power and means to harm the person causing the offense.
And in some parts of the world this still happens.
Treat the ruler with the respect and deference his position demands.
Avoid any behavior that could be seen as presumptuous or disrespectful.
Discipline Your Appetite
It’s easy to overindulge when presented with a spread of incredible foods that you’ve never been able to experience before.
However, Solomon illustrates the principle of self-discipline by putting a metaphorical knife to your throat to curb your desires.
Enjoy the meal, but do so in moderation.
Keep your wits about you.
Excess can lead to saying or doing things you’ll regret.
Be wise in public.
That’s the essence of this Proverb.
Beware of Deceptive Foods
The rich foods set before you may be tempting, but they are described as “deceitful meat“.
Outwardly appealing, they can inwardly harm you if consumed without discretion.
Drunkenness, gluttony and the loss of self-control are dangers.
These vices result from a lack of discipline at the basic level.
Prioritize your host’s good opinion over momentary pleasure.
Choose a good name rather than riches – in this case, caloric riches.
Maintain Your Integrity
When you are eating with authority figures, you represent yourself and potentially others.
Manage yourself with self-discipline.
Maintain a good reputation with your host – don’t jeopardize it through lack of discipline.
Enjoy the meal, but keep your wits about you.
Wisdom and self-control are essential when you are invited to eat with people of power.