“Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.”
Proverbs 11:22
“My son, do not lose sight of these— keep sound wisdom and discretion,”
Proverbs 3:21
“Discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you.”
Proverbs 2:11
Before we begin, let’s define terms. Discretion is the “quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information.” Another definition of discretion is “the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.” Based on these definitions, it is easy to see why discretion is a valuable character trait of an individual.
A man who avoids unnecessary conflict is wise and strategic.
This is not to say that we should avoid all conflict or shy away from telling truths that will cause offense, but we should be wise about how and when we present those truths. Truths should not be sugar coated, but they also should not be forced down the throat of people, even if they desperately need to hear them. You must slowly work on the minds of others instead of ramming your philosophies into their head with warlike attacks. To behave with discretion is to be diplomatic and wise. While there is certainly a time for attrition warfare, maneuver warfare is typically preferred when strategizing and engaging in small-scale social wars.
Discretion used righteously is one of the many fruits of wisdom.
Unrighteous discretion is a tremendous evil, and it operates under the illusion that no one will find out about the sin. Prostitutes offer “discrete services”, yet you still have a certain probability of getting caught by the police and being a sex offender for the rest of your life. Evil is never fully discrete, there is always the possibility that your evil will find you out. This indiscretion would then cause a massive stir in your church and in your community, causing offense and eliminating all semblance of past discretion. This small possibility should not be merely a source of fear, but it should be an additional motivator for righteousness.
Be conscious of every action taken.

It is hard to be discreet while running on mental autopilot. We must be cognizant of the way we act and of the situations around us if we are to behave with wisdom and discretion. The discrete man does not gossip and spread rumors, for he knows those rumors could circle back to him and bring him shame.
The discrete man does not reveal secrets and spread the sins of others. He does not deceive others, because he knows that he himself can be deceived by others as well. The discrete man is quiet, he does not actively seek out occasion to open his mouth, for he understands that the more words he speaks, the greater the chance that he will say something wrong.
The discrete man is conscious of his reputation at all times, taking into account how his deeds will alter the way others think of him because he knows that reputation is everything.
This man prepares his responses to all queries in advance, so that he reduces the chance of being caught off guard. The discrete man conducts himself with the utmost of masculinity at all times. Men must use discretion as a tool, as an instrument of wisdom.
Be aware of your actions.
Be mindful in all your interactions with other people.
View yourself as a man.
Conduct yourselves like men.