Many times when we argue about politics, we forget the primary purpose of what we’re arguing about. The purpose is simple: We want to change the way the government functions in order to achieve some result.
That’s the entire purpose of political discussion of any kind. There is an end in mind whenever we are discussing politics – Or really anything that requires adjusting human behavior or regulating the laws surrounding human society. The politics associated with the formation and continuation of those laws exist for the betterment of society.
Therefore, when it comes to arguing politics, we need to remember that we’re actually arguing about an end result.
We’re trying to prevent negative situations from happening and promote positive events in society as a whole. Therefore, it would be beneficial when beginning a political or religious discussion to start with the end in mind. We need to clearly define the end result we’re after.
It could be that we and the person we are discussing politics with have totally different ends in mind. Having different goals would lead to confusion and difficulty throughout the entire discussion. Yet many people do this in their regular discussions! They are arguing about different problems or about different goals.
But if we can get on the same page with what we’re trying to achieve, we can have a better understanding of why a person thinks their approach is best or why we think ours is best and how to explain it with rationality and civility.
There are also people who think there is no reason to be involved in politics. These people tend to be cowardly in their beliefs, and lack initiative in their personal affairs. They’re too lazy to study politics or they’re too fearful of losing friends if they choose a side. There’s no honor in this type of cowardly behavior.
All that is necessary for evil to Prevail is for good men to do nothing
Edmund Burke
We should define the desired outcome anytime we’re discussing any matter of importance. This applies to both the political affairs of the world as well as the various politics of the church.
Make no mistake about it, there are political maneuvers made in the church.
The church has a political structure. It has an overarching government which is God, as well as an internal government through the eldership, and secondarily through the deacons. As much as the people who are anti-politics would like to deny it, the church is a political structure, and it mimics the same pathways by which humans enact government upon themselves because the group is still comprised of human beings!
When it comes to politics in religion, people need to get into the habit of discussing outcomes instead of details about politics.
The details of overarching politics are important, but they are often lost due to how rapidly people divide into camps. This demonstrates that they are not at all concerned about what the truth is, or about what is the best way to achieve an outcome, but rather about being right.

When discussing politics, before you even begin the actual discussion, you need to clearly define your outcome.
What is the result you are trying to achieve through politics and is that outcome beneficial or even good for society?
Whether it is the society of the church or the community itself, the same applies. You MUST define the desired outcome. Otherwise, there is no point in discussing anything.
You are enacting policy, whether on the church or communal scale, in order to achieve an outcome. Therefore you have to agree upon what that outcome is – that makes discussing ideas much more straightforward.
Now sometimes people have different ideas for desired outcomes, and that is fine. But at other times people actually agree on the outcome even when they differ by political party – meaning they differ in the way they think those outcomes are to be accomplished.
Most people would agree they want their church, community, state, or nation to be a better place. If we then agree on that, we have to agree on HOW it must be made better.
What part(s) the government is currently defective, why is it defective and how do we improve it? Can we agree on those smaller components of the path to a better church/state? If we can, now we just have to discuss the methods for how to get there. But without that initial discussion about the specified desired outcome, there is no point in any argument or discussion.
We cannot have a logical argument about how to get to a specific destination if you are trying to go to Florida and I am trying to go to California. There is no point arguing about the best way to get there because we are trying to get to different places. If that seems like a basic thought to you, remember that many people argue about the church or state politics without clearly defining the desired outcomes.
Keep in mind the big picture of what you’re arguing about.
This is the whole point. People get too involved in the details and forget that they’re simply trying to influence an end result. If we forget that fact, we simply devolve into screaming matches that change nothing. There’s no benefit to having those screaming matches, and no honor involved in them.
Define your outcomes. Get on the same team as the people you’re arguing with, and they’ll be much more receptive to your message.
Not everyone accepts the yelling and screaming protocol. While some people might like it, and I’m one of those people, I know I’m a rare person in this matter. And you likely are too if you like this kind of tactic. But when was the last time you changed your mind about animal rights because e vegan screamed at you?
You have to Define what is more important, the emotional satisfaction of proving someone wrong about their stance, or actually getting the results you want in your community or church. Think about this while you argue outcomes, not politics.
When discussing politics, remember that delivery is everything.
You may have the correct viewpoint, but if you do not learn how to express those viewpoints with the correct delivery, it will benefit nothing. People long to be manipulated – we call it “seduction. Many times politics is just mass-scale seduction. People long to change their minds when seduced properly. Deliver your answers and explanations softly, carefully, tactfully, and tactically. Guide people gently to your side. By doing this, you can win people without making enemies at the same time.
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