You can tell in two seconds the amount of self-respect a person has based on what they are wearing. Now, this does not apply to what they wear around their house. what people wear in the comfort of the home does not matter. It is all about what they go outside the home looking like.
You must dress with self-respect.
Do not go out of the house looking like a bum. This is not that difficult. Have some self-respect and dress like it.
The modern world wants men to go around dressed as women. You see men wearing pink shorts, short shorts, and feminine sunglasses. Dressing with self-respect does not include dressing like a homosexual. It would be better to wear a bear pelt than to dress like the majority of men today.
This is not a long, detailed description of what you should wear, but you should have a few basic rules for how you dress.
- If you are going outside the home, never wear less than jeans.
- Graphic tees are for the gym, all other public places are off-limits.
- Church is for your best dress. If you don’t bring your best someone may punch you in the jugular.
- Slacks are ideal in most situations.
- Boots are imperative and work with everything.
- Shirts should be solid colors. Button downs are ideal.
- Wear a belt, no one wants to see your wonder-woman underpants hanging out.
- Put on deodorants so others don’t think you just walked out of the forest (not that there is anything wrong with that, but it is not good for the rest of society)
Dress as if you are already successful. I dare you to walk into Walmart in your best Sunday clothes on a day other than Sunday. You will be one in a million.
Dress with self-respect. I cannot say it enough.
Deuteronomy 22:5 – A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women‘s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
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