No time to read? Listen to “Focus” on Youtube:
Proverbs 4:25 – “Let your eyes look straight ahead, And your eyelids look right before you.”
Colossians 3:2 – “Set your focus on things above, not on things of the earth.”
You are already second guessing that new year’s resolution you made, or are going to make, even if it isn’t the new year. Why? Because you assumed that after years of eating like a pig, or having a rubbish marriage, being lazy, or avoiding any work outside your soul-crushing 9-5 that suddenly the sky would open up and God Himself would deliver unto thee the willpower to change unsatisfactory habits you have cultivated for years. That is a recipe for failure.
Whether you start this book on January 1st or the middle of the year, either way this is day one, and it’s time to resolve yourself to change. To make a resolution is to decide to be resolute, meaning set in purpose, firm in determination. Having purpose and firmness and being grounded in why you want to change.
You must lay before yourself the ideal of whom you wish to be and contemplate it fully, every day. This focused vision creates the drive to endure the pain of change and fix your problems. Fix your weaknesses. Fix the inconsistencies that make you less of the man that you know you can be.
I am focused. I will focus. I am the embodiment of focus.
Choose one task that you will solely and completely focus on for two minutes. Pure focus, no distractions. Repeat this daily until you can manage the two minutes with relative ease, then increase it to three minutes. Adding focus to your skillset will increase your workplace market value by ten dollars per hour instantly, and it will give the the firm and most fundamental skill you will need to become a better man.
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