“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18
The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one”
John 17:22
Weak males in the religious world avoid talking about glory for two primary reasons. One is that they have never experienced any glory in their own lives. People always hate the things they cannot or have not experienced. Two: They mistakenly associate glory with pride.
If men in the religious world want to take a pseudo-moral stand against any idea or mentality, they label it as “pride”. Pride is the “all-purpose sin” that is just vague enough to cover anything that low-achievement religious men do not like. It is your responsibility to not be like these men in this way. They are thinking wrongly about glory and success. If glory is prideful, these men have justified being losers. If glory and success are amoral, however, then there is nothing that can be attacked with morality. Think of glory the same way you think of money: an amoral tool or the world.
A man can never do great work and be rewarded for it in the eyes of low-achievement men, any glory equates to pride in their minds.
The reality is that glory makes men who have accomplished nothing feel insignificant or inferior, so they have no choice but to label that glory as arrogance. Glory is not arrogance, it is a reward for doing something well.
If someone is more successful than you, they simply made different decisions than you.
Glory is also closely related to being praised. It is the result of high achievement. Glory is to be earned in life and it is not arrogant or selfish to seek it out. You should always be aiming to accomplish things with your life, and glory will come as a byproduct of that effort.
“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings and not unknown men” –
Proverbs 22:29
For those who never attain glory on the earth, the afterlife is filled with glory for the way you maintained the faith here on earth. It is our mission to make it to that glory without becoming sidetracked by the thoughts of how boring heaven might be when described by many people. This itself is a tool of the devil.
To live is glory, to die is glory.

Aim high in your life. Do not use your Christianity as an excuse to be pathetic in your career and in your personal life. If you are truly doing your work “as to the Lord and not as unto men” (Ephesians 6:6-7), then you will certainly attain glory, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Rid your mind of the wrongful propaganda that you have heard your whole life: people who receive honors are not arrogant.
People in the religious world can only accuse them of arrogance because none of them have ever achieved anything in their own lives.
Aim higher than you think you are capable of achieving, because you can do much more than you think you can.
Win the wars of your mind and accept the glory that comes with your accomplishments. Do not let the ego take over, avoid allowing your accomplishments to make you feel more important than you are. If you can command your ego in the midst of great accomplishment, you have mastered an important part of your character.
Accept glory, but never become complacent in your past achievements. You must always be improving, working towards something new, something that will bring additional glory or success.
It is not wrong to be successful and do not listen to anyone who says otherwise.
Work hard.
Focus on what matters.
Be great at everything you do by concentrating your work ethic into it and by doing it unto the Lord and not unto man.
Win the battle over ego.
Command yourself and your mind as a general commands his men.
Conduct yourselves like men.
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