There is an idea in the world that suggests that if work is hard, then it must be painful work. This is not the case. Your work can actually be very enjoyable if you will make it so with your mindset and planning.
You can change your perspective on world and view it as something valuable to your life. And you can engineer your work life to serve you and align with your goals.
First, we have to address the fact that hard work is overstated and overhyped in the modern world. Work is talked about in one of two extremes at all times. Either there is a hyper-focus on the hustle and maximum effort or there is a concentration on hacks and the easy path. I think as with most things, the middle is the most accurate. There needs to be a balance between massive effortful action and the so-called easy way.
But when it comes to hard work, people have come to the conclusion that hard work must be painful.
This is not the case. It is not the case that every bit of our working days must be unenjoyable or painful. I enjoy almost every day of my work. I believe I still work with a strong focus and with good effort, but I do not constantly run my mouth about “hard work” anymore. I do not talk about grind because it has a painful connotation. I try to resist that because talking about work this way misses the point.
There are times when a strong, sprint-like effort is necessary, but it is meant to be a short burst of energy. Even though many people have boring, soul-sucking jobs, our work was not designed to be that way from the beginning.
You also have to address the fact that hard work needs to be directed in a positive direction if you are going to even bother engaging in it at all.
If you start digging a hole in the ground and work really hard at it, 12 hours a day, what will you have at the end? That is right, just a hole in the ground. Unless having a hole in the ground was your goal, I would say that was a poor use of so-called hard work. So before you peel off into a sprint of massive effort, make sure you are actually taking action in the direction of your goals instead of in some other random, pointless direction in life.
When it comes to hard work, stop listening to people who yell about hard work.
Some people talk about work ethic and hard work and they do so with a calm, collected presence. If they need to scream and be all hardcore on you, they miss the point. On the other hand, sometimes that stuff is valuable and fires us up; but many times those people end up being simply annoying to the rest of humanity around them. They could motivate so many more people if they adjusted their delivery. Not their message, but their delivery. So work hard, give an appropriate effort toward the things you are trying to do, but be quiet about them. Work in silence and your success will speak out loud.
Do not become too obsessed with working hard for long hours until you have identified clearly the direction you actually want to go in your life. Otherwise, you are wasting your time. If you do not set your sail in the right direction, you could end up sailing in completely the wrong direction, the opposite direction from your goals.

Work hard at times, but do not become infatuated with the hustle culture unless the things they have earned are the things you really, truly want.
Sometimes it is necessary to hustle for 80 hours per week, but more often than not, the people who do this have no idea what they want out of life. They do not know why they want success or the material things of this world. Again, there is nothing wrong with earning these things or working towards them. Just make sure they are what you truly want. Not what someone else wants, just you. Make sure your goals are your goals.
Back to the main point, I enjoy every day of my work. Even if I have a long day and am tired at the end, I do not suffer for the whole day. I’m not in pain. I’m generally having a pretty good time and doing my best to maintain a positive mental attitude. I would also say I work with the appropriate amount of effort.
So in life, get rid of the idea that you have to engage in painful work that causes you to suffer for the entire day. You do not have to do that. Make good choices with your freedom. Hard work is not painful work – it is simply the work we were meant to do, and it was meant to be satisfying.
Further reading: Components of motivation.
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