In order to beat evil, many times you need to channel the power of the hatred of evil.
“O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked”
Psalm 97:10
“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.”
Romans 12:9
“Save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.”
Jude 1:23
It is sometimes necessary to conjure extreme emotions in order to take action. People do this all the time. They watch motivational videos online to motivate themselves to train, study, work or to do just about anything. Motivation is what people look for constantly. Motivation is a motive to action. It is never wrong to have motives that press you towards an action, it only matters what that action is. Right and wrong are based on action, not motive. Motive is sometimes an emotion and sometimes it is logic.
In order to defeat some sins, or to have the motivation to beat some sins, you have to conjure an extremely powerful emotion(s) to fight it.
Men have done this from the dawn of time. Some men use anger to overpower their fear so that they can charge into battle and kill the enemy. They don’t conjure up some weak emotion like “love”. Everyone knows that “love” in the emotional state is a weak pile of garbage. It accomplishes nothing and provides no lasting motivation. It’s popularized by liberals who wallow in their imperfection and think it is fashionable to do so. You need the power of hatred. Specifically, the hatred of evil.
In order to beat your lust, you need to hate the pornography you are looking at every day. You must hate the social media outlets where you consume it. Yes, Instagram is just a porn source.
In order to stop drinking alcohol once and for all, you must hate that disgusting compound you put into your body. It both looks and smells like urine.
Now I know when it comes to extreme addictions like these, it will require more than just your hatred of the sin, but do not forget to include hatred of sin in the recipe for change.
Hate the Sin.
Be a Man.
Hate the Sin, Destroy the Sin

Man is angry by his nature. This is a result of testosterone. To deny this fact is to deny reality. Man cannot help his inclination to anger, but he can stop himself from expressing his anger in a less than ideal manner. So instead of lashing out with the hatred welling in your soul, learn to convert that hatred into a productive energy source.
Direct the hate towards your own imperfection. The challenge is to hate the sinful part of yourself without hating yourself as an individual. You must only hate the characteristics that are making you a weak man. Turn that energy of hate into the change of character that you need. Hate is a useful emotion, just direct it at your imperfections instead of at other people.
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.