Whether you know it or not, every attempt you make it living a faithful Christian Life is an attempt to lay Siege to hell. You are attempting to rob the enemy of souls that you would drag there. This includes your own soul. You are actually planting your machines of War outside the gates of the enemy, and laying Siege to it. Your weapons are for pulling down strongholds.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage battle according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but [b]divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Why is it important to think like this? Because many in the religious world have made it popular in virtuous to be a pacifist when it comes to the Christian lifestyle. They’re all about softness, and what they trying to pass off as love and kindness, is in actuality weakness and cowardliness.
It is important to think of your life as an assault on the enemy because it Taps into your innate masculine desire for war. It allows you to take advantage of your warlike nature. Many of us will never have to go to war, and will never have to see the fields of combat. And we should be grateful for that every single day. But the reality is that this leaves a portion of our souls untapped. It is that portion that is responsible for allowing us to fight in a war if necessary. What are we supposed to do with that part of our nature as men if we’re not going to war?
What we can do is learn to convert it into energy to help us live a faithful life.
Whenever you are resisting the urges of the flesh you are at War. Whenever you are attempting to follow the precepts, commands, and principles found in the scripture, you are engaged in a violent and bloody spiritual war. You need to think of it this way because it is a war. At the end of time, it will have lasting consequences depending on the way that you fight in this war.
You need to start thinking of every attempt at evangelism that’s a serious blow to the enemy.
Every time you’ve lived according to the principles of scripture you are laying Siege to hell. It is this masculine warlike attitude that will fill you with an indomitable spirit, and Limitless energy. When you begin to think of your lifestyle as more than just being a weak man who doesn’t do anything fun, but instead you are a noble Warrior who is engaged in constant Warfare for the betterment of himself, those around him, and all of those who will be impacted by the way he lives his life, You open the door to infinite power.
So begin to reframe you’re thinking. Think about the war you are engaged in, and that you lay Siege to hell every single day with the way that you act.
With that mentality, you will begin to take everything more seriously and give the mundane activities of life more importance. Things that once seemed small will now have more significance. How do you conduct yourself day today? Do you have integrity in all aspects of your life or just in the big ones that everyone sees?
Those are the serious questions we have to ask ourselves as men. If we are honest with ourselves we fail more often than we would like to admit. But it is through that failure that we were eyes again and again and go back to work. We reset our Siege equipment and engage in Warfare yet again. That is what you must do every day of your life. Convert the weakness that many have made religion into 2 a strength, and a powerful mentality. Lay Siege to hell