How efficiently are you able to learn new information when you are stressed or under heavy pressure? What about during family emergencies – are you able to download large amounts of new information into your mind for later use? Anyone who has ever tried to cram data into their head mere minutes or hours before an important exam knows that information never stays in the mind for longer than it takes to complete the exam. The key to learning rapidly, and learning for long-term retention is a peaceful mind.

The frantic mind can recall nothing. Most people are placed under pressure and forge everything they know. Some people can rise to the occasion, but most forget how to even string basic words into sentences. This is probably natural for most people.
But many people live this way. They only begin to learn anything when they are stressed and pressured, and never try to learn anything when their mind is at peace. They are trying to study and learn at the wrong times!
If you want to learn rapidly, you need to have a peaceful mind.
The peaceful mind is able to download information quickly and easily.
The agitated mind will have a difficult time remembering anything.
The benefit to all of this is the fact that you can learn quickly if you will attempt to learn at the times of day when you are most at peace. It does not matter what time of day this is for you. The hours when you are most peaceful will be the hours that you can learn the fastest.
For many people, the time of day when they can learn the fastest is in the early morning. It is good to learn before your mind is roused and agitated by the evens of the day. In the morning hours, your mind is fresh and usually naturally at peace and is in the prime position to learn.
Therefore, the first hour or two of the day may be the most valuable hours for learning whatever it is you are trying to learn.
For the first seasons of your life, you are learning in school. But once you finish school, you need to keep learning. You must learn how to be a better Christian, and learn how to be a better man.
Study the Christian disciplines in the early morning to learn rapidly.
Take advantage of the periods of time that allow you to learn the fastest and improve yourself.