Popular gym franchise Planet Fitness has made a name for itself by providing affordable training grounds to the common man. The business model is genius. Owners can expect upwards of 2000 people to register for their $10 per month membership. At the same time, the total capacity of each gym is actually a fraction of the membership number.
Planet fitness functions and profits as a business because most of the members never show up to train. And the membership fee is so low that it would be more of an annoyance to drop the membership than to just passively allow a few dollars per month to come out of your bank.
I have nothing against that business model. It is brilliant. Trap human beings between their own laziness. Too lazy to train and too lazy to cancel the membership to the gym they never use.
Besides the business model, the culture and mentality of Planet Fitness are one of no judgment and no excellence. You are allowed to do whatever you want and look however you want without being punished for it.
All this makes planet fitness look a lot like religious liberalism. Here are a few reasons why planet fitness is liberalism incorporated.
I – It is a “no-judgment zone” – where people are very judgemental to those who are on the outside.
Like many of the modern groups who espouse tolerance and goodwill towards your fellow man, they can engage in some serious hate towards those who are outside of their group.
I’ve rarely met people more hateful than homosexuals, liberals, and ethnic people, yet they sling accusations of “hate crimes” at everyone who so much as looks at them funny. This is arguably another one of the projections of liberalism. You hate that which you truly are.
Just like Planet fitness tries to create a judgment-free zone, churches of liberalism do the same thing. They do not want to be judged for anything but will judge you with vicious intensity if you speak one wrong word to them.
They talk about grace mercy and peace, but if you decide you want a lifestyle that involves a little more discipline and effort, you are ridiculed. “Everyone is going to heaven“, except the people who take the harder paths.

II – No accountability
Even though I am not a fan of accountability as a long-term intervention for enforcing good behavior, its usefulness as a short-term tool is apparent. The church of liberalism is uninterested in accountability. They are uninterested in it because it requires two things that the effeminate men of this world hate: a standard of behavior and confrontation.
Accountability requires a clear-cut definition of what is right, what is wrong, and of a man’s duty and responsibility. It also requires us to hold one another’s feet to the fire when we are failing to live up to that standard. It is for this reason that for all the time we spend talking about accountability, no one ever enforces it.
No one holds his brother accountable because most people care more about being liked than they care about their brother. This sounds dark and cynical, but it is true. If “He who spares the rod hates his son“, then he who spares the confrontation component of accountability hates his brother.
III -No personal standard of excellence
As mentioned before, the church of liberalism has no personal standard of excellence. “You are perfect just the way you are, bro“, each man says to his friends as they collapse into a bro hug complete with the tears of pseudo-repentance.
When you decide to become a Christian, you accept that there is a certain standard of behavior you are expected to maintain. As much as the church of liberalism hates to think about it, there are several “Thou Shalt Nots” and “Thou Shalts” involved in Christianity. There is a degree of discipline that you must have at all times if you are to maintain your faith properly.
The church of liberalism hates this because they are not interested in working and improving. Their philosophy is one of hippie-like laziness and complacency. They see no need to improve, so they waste no time doing so.
The reality is that Christianity has a hard standard of behavior. It requires discipline to maintain the lifestyle and not everyone can handle that. Everyone understands that reality. Just like not everyone can handle the discipline required to train the body and improve themselves, so they go to a place where they do not actually have to train, where they do not actually have to improve themselves, and where they are accepted and even applauded for doing so.
The church of liberalism is the same – They do not want to work to improve themselves. They are uninterested in personal discipline, but they still want to get all the good emotional feelings associated with the church they have transformed into a social club.
IV – No congruent lifestyle decisions – pizza night
Planet Fitness has pizza nights on occasion. Basically, pizza nights celebrate the antithesis of what the building is supposed to be encouraging. Instead of promoting personal improvement, they promote blatant hypocrisy and the celebration of that hypocrisy. They reward people for pretending to work out by feeding them food in direct opposition to their goals.
The church of liberalism also does the same, by celebrating failures and encouraging and rewarding you for failing to live up to your standards of behavior. Not only do they not even work to try to improve themselves, but they actually wallow in the failure and turn it into a pity party.
I’m sure you can think of more ways that the church of liberalism is like planet fitness, and feel free to leave those in the comments section below.
Conduct yourselves like men.
Planet Fitness is a joke…unfortunately they have made other gyms in my area shut down, That’s how I see this evil corporation works. I get a kick out of them and their Free Judgement Zone crap!