“But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Matthew 5:28
“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:16
There is more to lust than sex alone, even though sex is a huge part of it. Some of the most effective temptations of the devil are manipulations and perversions of the basic drives of man. The need for sex and intimacy becomes lust. Satan does the same thing to women. Women tend to get addicted to soap operas or social media. These outlets exploit the female need to be involved in the lives of other adults, and as a result they waste the majority of their time.
Lust for sex is biological.
The devil has been manipulating the biology of man since the birth of the earth. Why do you think Israel repeatedly abandoned God for idols in the Old Testament?
Two words: Cult Prostitutes.
Part of the heathen worship ceremony was sex with prostitutes. What man would say no to that? Imagine how many of your fellow Christians would abandon their faith if they had the option for sex in worship. Even if the Israelite man had witnessed amazing miracles, his sex drive overpowered his rational mind. Biology will trump conviction unless a man has a will of iron. Do not allow your ego to tell you that you would have been different if you were alive in the days of Israel, because you likely would have been just like everyone else.
Logically, Israel’s rejection of God for the Baals makes no sense. It was stupid to abandon God. Israelites would go from worshipping the one true God to worshipping multiple false gods, so it is obvious they wanted to worship something. It just so happens that if they worshipped Baal, they also got sex. This is a manipulation of the nature of man. Satan used that manipulation to lead men astray thousands of years ago just as he does today.
Lust of the flesh permeates the Church, and no man has the testicles to talk about it.
Porn ravages the Church. Premarital sex is rampant in the Church, far more than any good Christian mother would want to know about.
Kids know more about sex than their parents, and they probably have more sex than their parents as well.
Fathers no longer educate their sons about sex, so the world educates sons for them. I guarantee that parents will not like what their children are learning.
Lust lives and thrives in the world. Women no longer wear clothes. You can’t go anywhere without seeing a billboard that shoves breasts in your face. You can’t walk in a shopping mall without going past a Victoria’s Secret. Men can’t walk in Walmart without seeing a woman showing her bra or seeing some braless breasts and hanging out with nipples poking through the shirt; every single man knows precisely what I am talking about. Then those same women wonder why they are sexually objectified.
Gentlemen, we need to be explicit about what is out there.
Because for generations men in the Church have refused to talk about it, and now young men are unprepared to live in a society that throws gasoline on their already raging sex drive.
You have to prepare for this level of temptation. You have to TRAIN to avoid the assault of sexuality that society throws at you, because it doesn’t come naturally. To resist your sexual desires is to stand off in opposition to your own biology, which is what makes lust so difficult. Man is one part divine, and one part earthly. The earthly part must be brought under subjection, for it desires evil. It desires sex constantly.
Lust of the flesh must be obliterated. If that means destroying your technology, so be it. Literally, break your computer and burn it with fire. If that means you never walk into a book shop that sells magazines again, so be it.
Remove the enemy. Purge that evil from your soul. Real men do not give in to the lust of the flesh, which is the reason why there are so few real men in the Church.
Obliterate lust.

Kill your technology, or at least control it. Download internet filters and give the passwords to someone else, that is easy. The rest of the problem is handling your mind when you are out in the world.
You have to be in total command of your own thoughts. Left to your biological nature, you will look at every female you come in contact with and imagine having sex with her. This is the essence of lust and it must be defeated.
How is it defeated? It begins with awareness.
You cannot stop natural thoughts if you are unaware of them. Once you become aware of them, you will be shocked by how frequent they are. This may disgust you, and that would be appropriate.
There is so much momentum behind your highly sexual thoughts that you will need a long time to curb them in the slightest. It may take you years. Do not be discouraged by this, just get started Now. The sooner you start, the sooner you win.
Employ the “Bounce the eyes” method. It’s cliche` to talk about it, but it works. This method only works if you are aware that you are leering at women. First acquire self-awareness, then develop the ability to instantly avert your eyes away from a woman’s breasts to some other item. Stare at the sun for goodness’ sake (not really, but anything is better than what you were looking at.
Kill your lust. Be a Man.
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.
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