While there might be something to be said about being a positive influence on others. There is much more to be said about avoiding the power of negative influence. That is what is covered in this video.
Even though it is important for us as men and Christians to be a light to the world and a positive influence, there is much more at stake than simple influence. We place ourselves at risk of being negatively influenced by others when we try to influence them. In this way, influence is a double-edged sword.
We need to consider this so we can make the best decisions for ourselves. We have to try to influence people for good but protect ourselves at the same time. You have to protect yourself first and foremost.
This power of influence is one of the many reasons God placed such restrictions on immigration into Israel in the Old Testament. Because God understood the power of a negative influence. He knew that the way influence works is by an overwhelming absorption of new people into the system.

We need to consider this in our own lives as well. We need to carefully watch who it is that we let into our lives at any life point. If we are not careful we can find ourselves under the power of a negative influence.
Manage your friends. Be highly selective about who you spend your time with. You need to modulate negative influences and maximize positive influences. If you are trying to influence other people, you need to ensure you have enough allies to influence them Influence only works if multiple people work to do the influencing.
Work hard to avoid exposing yourself to various negative influences in your life. If you can minimize this, you remain much more in charge of your life. You remain the captain of your destiny.
If you could only choose between avoiding negative influence and being a positive influence, you would be better off if you avoid negative influence.
Very interesting Read.
Thank you so much, John!