Monkeypox is being touted as the new Covid variant among some groups. But these groups tend to leave out one very important point about the disease that we will discuss later.

When God issues a command, it is generally for a good reason. When God commands men to avoid having sex with other men [Leviticus 17:22], it is for a specific reason: to protect them from the practical consequences of homosexuality.
God does not blindly create commandments to arbitrarily limit human fun or enjoyment on the earth. Everything He does is for a specific purpose. He is not interested in making life on earth as miserable for humanity as possible.
We have written before about the practical consequences of sin. Which is the idea is that everything we do has consequences that are not only spiritual but also physical while we live on earth. Sure, there are eternal consequences for the way we conduct ourselves on this earth. But there are also practical consequences that affect our day-to-day living on earth.
When a man commits adultery, he does not only sin against God, but he damages his own reputation, character, and likely his wealth in the form of alimony or child support payments. Those are the practical, earthly consequences of the sin of adultery.
So when God makes commands, He is not trying to limit our enjoyment of life, He is trying to protect us from the practical consequences of our actions.
That leads us to the discussion on monkeypox. If you pay attention to the mainstream media, you will likely have noticed an interesting spin on this new disease. Much of the media is trying to spin monkeypox into the next covid. They already have people in the habit of chronic fear, so it is likely that many people will simply fall in line to whatever they are told. If the average person is told to fear monkeypox, they will do so without question. The average man will give up his freedom for nothing.
But there is an interesting twist on monkeypox: it is a homosexual sexually transmitted disease (STD). This is the fact that many groups touting monkeypox as the new covid are leaving out.
What this means is that the only way to acquire this “scary new disease” is through homosexual contact. You wouldn’t know that simply from listening to the mainstream media though. If you have not learned to think for yourself, you would be paralyzed with fear to hear about this “next covid”.
Look at this block from Apologetics Press.
n August 4th, 2022, the Biden administration declared a public health emergency in response to the outbreak of “monkeypox.”1 The World Health Organization (WHO) had already done so in July.2 Rashes with painful blisters, facial, genital, mouth, throat, eye, and anal lesions, scabbing, swollen lymph nodes, severe rectal pain, kidney damage, heart inflammation, fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, excruciating pain while eating or going to the bathroom, and throat swelling significant enough to prevent drinking are common with the disease, some leading to hospitalization, permanent damage, scarring, and even death.3 New Scientist reported that “the vast majority of cases have been in men who have sex with men, according to the WHO. It reported that 99 per cent of cases have been in this group in the UK, US, Canada and Spain…. The disease is more likely to occur in people who have had multiple sexual partners recently.”4 Rarely is it the case that our brazenly immoral society stumbles across the biblical solution to a problem but, to their credit, one of the solutions being advocated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is homosexual abstinence—at least temporarily.
Monkey Pox: Homosexuality Is Bad for You, and God Called It Again,
Jeff Miller
This is truly incredible. A generation of people has been brought to their knees through fear. They have been conditioned to feel fear and they have forgotten what it is like to be free.
But the main point is this, there are practical consequences to sin, including the sin of homosexuality. When people engage in this sin, they put themselves at a serious health risk. We have known this for years, as other STDs presented en masse in homosexual populations.
It comes back to the idea of the guardrail versus the fence when discussing the commands of God. Do you view the commands in the Bible as a fence preventing you from doing what you enjoy? If you do, you will have a difficult time viewing the commands of God as a guardrail protecting you from the negative consequences of your actions.
Shift your mentality. Embrace the fact that God commands things to protect us from their consequences.
When God restricts different food sources in Leviticus 11, it looked like He was placing arbitrary culinary restrictions on the Israelites. But we know now based on scientific evidence that this was done to protect the people. Because those different food sources, if not cooked correctly like the way master chefs prepare them today, result in sickness and disease for the people who eat them. Bats are toxic to eat and can cause neurodegenerative diseases, as different African countries are discovering.
The point is that these food restrictions were to protect people. Similarly, restrictions on sexual activity, heterosexual or homosexual, were designed for the protection of human beings, not for their torture.
I would argue that many people today are homosexual because of social contagion. There are few true homosexuals. The majority of them have adopted this perversion because it is “hip” and gives them instant status. The person who engages in homosexual behavior is simply trying to become valuable in any way they can. What faster way to go from an insignificant person to one of the most protected populations in the country than by adopting homosexuality?
I’m not saying some people do not have legitimate desires for members of the same sex; I am saying that the people who are truly homosexual, if there can be such a thing, are few and far between. And the fact that they have genuine desire does not make the behavior correct.
We are not supposed to engage in every single behavior that we desire to engage in. It’s something called “discipline” – resisting what we want for what is of greater value.
Should a man engage in sex with a woman he is not married to because he desires her? We know he should not. And we know this because we know that we are not to give in to any and every desire we have. We are called to resist the urges of the flesh if they oppose the teaches that come from the mind of God.
If you want to avoid contacting monkeypox, it seems to be a very simple solution. Simply avoid having homosexual sex.
There is no need to overcomplicate it. God protects man from disease by teaching that he should allocate all his sexual desires to his wife only. Not to rob man of fun, but to protect man from all the consequences that come from sexual promiscuity.
Monkeypox is a practical consequence of homosexuality. And it is a consequence that can be avoided if men will simply listen to the commands of God.