It is very common for people in religion to want to do away with the darkness that lives in the heart of men. This is understandable because we see all the negative behaviors men engage in when they give in to the darkness.

Instead of learning to harness this power, they use it for evil. They use it to rape and pillage, or to destroy and kill. I have no problem with destruction or killing when it is directed towards those men who practice evil. And the God of the Bible has no problem with it either, as He rewards all according to their actions.
But when people in the church see the results of the darkness they instantly assume that everything about it is bad. They assume that anything and everything that is related to or is the result of the darkness is evil. The problem with this is that it robs religious people of great power. Specifically, it robs religious men.
Men are gifted with an incredible ability to go to war or to engage in the hunt. They are able to call upon tremendous energy reserves when necessary. These energy reserves are composed of the various “hot” emotions: rage, anger, hatred, and violence.
Contemporary, feminized religion will try to label these items as “evil things”, though, in reality, they are powerful energy sources that could be directed towards constructive pursuits. A man who learns to leverage these hot emotions on the battlefield is a ferocious warrior. The man who learns to leverage these emotions on the hunting ground is honored at the feasting table. The warrior who protects the group, society, or civilization is honored, respected, and held in the highest esteem.
When society becomes too safe, these warrior virtues are not prized. Who needs the great warrior when there is no great war? Where is the need for the great hunter when there is more food than anyone could eat in a lifetime and men eat themselves to death through the disease of obesity? Where is the demand for a man to protect the tribe when every feminist saturated university provides safe spaces for people whose feelings are hurt?
When there is no demand for masculinity, then there is no supply of men.
When there is no demand for the proper application of the darkness, then a generation of men will cruise up who do not have the ability to leverage their hardwired violent nature.
In the place of strength, we have a weakness. We have generations of men who have been taught to act like girls, and they fulfill that role well. Men are excellent at doing what they are told and serving society.
If society tells men to act like girls, they will do it. If society wants men to “be vulnerable”, they will do it. If men are asked to get in touch with their feminine side, they will gladly oblige. Some men do this out of their nature, as men are designed to serve a group. Other men are simply doing anything they are asked so they can have sex.
What could be a great tool for acquiring personal power becomes what religion complains about. Instead of raising men to be castrated from the womb, why not teach men to leverage their own internal power source? Why not learn to tap nearly unlimited energy reserves and concentrate them on constructive pursuits?
What God gave to man as a gift has become unnecessary. The population feels safe so the men have no need to hunt and fight, so they lounge around watching football and complaining about the world. Even older adults wallow in a victim mindset.
Since the men have taken a backseat, women have taken the role of building men into their own hands. They are making men in their image.
Women treat boys like malfunctioning girls and attempt to educate the darkness out of them.
And unfortunately, they are in a position of power where this is possible. The vast majority of school teachers are women. Therefore, schools will be built with women in mind. The school system is built by women, for women, and is meant to produce women even if it means converting men into women.
This has gone on for a few decades now, and these same women are wondering where all the real men went. About the time they or their daughters reach marrying age, they finally lift their heads above water to see the world they have created. They never bothered to take a moment to look at what they were turning men into. They were waist-deep in play dates and parent-teacher conferences. When we become immersed in a process, we sometimes become blind to the direction we are sailing in. This can be advantageous if we lose ourselves in our work. This can also be a serious disadvantage if we start building feminized men and do not stop checking our progress until they are already fully built.
Men today are built by women, for women. But not to be attractive to women, only to be useful to them.
Unfortunately, women make men into the very people they hate. Women think they want to build a woman-like man when in reality they truly want a masculine man. But how is a man going to learn to be masculine if his first two decades of life he is programmed to seek the approval of women? He first seeks the approval of his mother, then his school teacher, and finally his wife. By the time he gets to his wife, he is unrecognizable. He is so feminized that it is almost unrecoverable. Fortunately, there is a difference between mostly feminized, and completely feminized.
Women educate the darkness out of men. Men have to rely on one another to relearn the age-old principles of using darkness to their advantage.
There is the background. Here is a functional definition of the darkness for us:
“An energy source made up of the hot emotions: rage, anger, hate, violence, aggression, and frustration”.
Obviously, any of these emotions could be used for evil. And they often are, because most men do not know how to manage them. They have had poor behavioral examples growing up and never had a man teach them how to take their most powerful energy and direct it towards something meaningful. Here is a step-by-step process for how to use the darkness. This example will start with something simple: training the body.
It is easy to learn how to use the darkness in training because it is natural. Training is a war against the body and against gravity. You are battling with your weakness and you change into simulated adversity. This strikes a chord deep within us and powerful energy begins to overtake us. When men train, many times they will realize that this is one of the core activities that they were built to perform: warlike work.
In fact, it is only the men who are built for war.
The battlefield does not fit women despite what the feminized modern societies are trying to push. The only reason female warriors are even a consideration is that we have no real war. The wars we have are so depersonalized and far away that we are willing to entertain any harebrained idea with regards to how those wars should be carried out and about who should be on the front lines of them. The darkness is useful in war and it is in training. Here is the protocol:
- Be alone.
- Start training. Begin your workout in your typical fashion.
- Progress to the difficult sections of the workout and prepare your mind.
- Put your head down and begin breathing heavily through your nose. Keep your eyes elevated but your head down.
- Lift your shoulders. Make yourself feel bigger.
- Move your arms slightly away from your sides and clench your firsts.
- Tighten your stomach.
- Activate your mind. Call on whatever dark emotions you have been suppressing (not repressing). Recall the situation that angered you or the event that stirred the darkness.
- Take another deep breath through the nose and visualize electricity flowing through your whole body.
- Unleash your fury.
This protocol only works if you have been successfully controlling your emotions. You cannot repress emotions. To repress an emotion is to bury it, to pretend like it does not exist, and try to convince yourself that you are fine. To suppress an emotion, however, it is simply not allowed to be expressed in the same instant that it is created.
You are able to recognize the emotion when it arises and quickly bottle it. You do not want to waste that valuable energy source on some petty individual or social situation that is angering you. The secret mantra of thought is this: suppress and redirect. Concentrate that power somewhere else. If you can learn to take the energy of the darkness and put it towards something valuable, you will be unstoppable.
This darkness is the energy that allows you to push just a little harder in your training. Or perhaps it allows you to study a little longer or a little more intently for your school. This is the darkness that allows you to put in that extra hour at work or deliver that project before schedule. It is the power that overcomes fatigue, and it can only come from darkness. No light emotion could ever compare with the raging power of the darkness. But it is the gift of men to learn how to manage these emotions, control them and use them to serve the societal unit. The darkness is your secret to limitless progress, achievement, and success. You can listen to the people in religion who have asked you to cut off your gonads and be a woman. Or you can listen to the Creator who has gifted you with the unrelenting power of the darkness. Your choice.
Related: Productive Uses of Masculine Aggression