Profanity – Idle Words – Mindless Talk

“But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.”

Colossians 3:8

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Ephesians 4:29

“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Matthew 12:36, 37

“but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”

James 3:8

The problem of profanity has nothing to do with the words themselves, and everything to do with what the words mean. The church has a bad habit of focusing completely on what the “bad words” are and ignoring the root problem behind the words. Syllables, sounds and words are not sinful in and of themselves. It is what they mean that is sinful

If we curse at someone, we are verbalizing hatred towards that person. This is the sin. Not physically saying the “bad word”, but devaluing a human being with curse words is the evil.

A person only has to cut you off on the road for you to hate him. 

Someone takes too long in an aisle of a store and you are up in arms. 

We manifest this anger by the use of our language. The hatred, the undisciplined tongue, and the thought behind those words make them sinful. 

Profanity is also not a great choice because it aligns us with the world.

When Peter was accused of being a disciple of Christ, he tried to prove he was of the world by cursing. What better way to instantly show that you have nothing to do with any religion or Christianity other than by cursing? It is a quick and easy way to show that you are a person of the world, not a person of God. This is the only decent argument against using profanity out of mere frustration, and not out of hate for another human being. 

Profanity accomplishes nothing. Scripture would classify it “idle words” (Matthew 12:36-37), or mindlessly spoken words. Mindlessly spoken words reflect a lack of vigilance in the mind. That is as far as the logic behind profanity can be stretched.

Men do not need profanity. Many use it, but they don’t need to.

There is also a large group of Christians who seem to be okay with profanity because “words are just words”. I can’t say they are wrong. They argue from this basic idea: “What makes one word worse than another?” Societal implication? Who gets to choose which words are bad and which ones are not? The inability of Christians to answer questions like these is the reason why the profanity-sympathizers exist. 

Christians try to argue back and say that some words started out good and then were perverted and turned evil by the way that men were using them. This is more evidence for the idea that the problem is not the words themselves, but the meaning behind the words.  Based on this argument, any word we use to degrade another person is profane. Any way we manifest hate towards a fellow human is an instance of profanity. So we must stop pointing at specific words as the problem and start focusing on the hearts of men. Stop demonizing the words that men use and instead condemn the attitudes that are the basis of those words. Words are words. Reject aligning yourself with the world.


Words are not evil, verbal manifestation of hate towards a brother is profane and evil.

Profanity. Cursing


Nothing good comes from profanity, so you might as well stop using those words. But remember that the problem is the heart of man, the evil of the mind and the hatred of our fellow man. Dig up the weed by the root or it will just grow back. Fix the problem at the heart or the profanity will persist for your entire life. 

Cursing is difficult to stop because it becomes a mindless habit.

You get used to uttering words without thought. So awareness is going to be your best tool. Again, you must have vigilance. This cannot be overstated, because no improvement is possible without awareness, without vigilance. Get a grip on your words by thinking and be cognizant of what you say. 

Once you are aware of the way you use your words, you must identify the situations when you use those words. 

  • Do you use profanity out of frustration while driving or working? 
  • Are you mindlessly using profanity in conversation in order to build rapport? 
  • Are you trying to accentuate a point?
As soon as you identify the environments in which you use the most profanity, you must learn to stop yourself. 
  • If you are mindlessly using profanity out of frustration, you lack self-control. Why are you allowing minor events like driving to make you that angry? In this case the profanity is just a symptom of your overall lack of self control. Work on controlling yourself and your profanity problem may resolve itself.
  • If you are using profanity in conversation, you have to realize there are better ways to build rapport with individuals. You also do not know the person you are talking to. They may be instantly turned off by your use of profanity. Using language in regular conversation is simply unsavory. It makes you look less intelligent than you are. Very few men in the world can be highly intelligent and continue to sound intelligent in conversation while using non-stop profanity.
  • There are better ways to add emphasis to an idea than by using profanity. Try expanding your vocabulary. If you cannot accentuate your point without profanity, you simply do not know enough words. 

Men need no profanity. Discipline your tongue. Be a Man.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

Idolatry – Modern Idols

“Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”.

Colossians 3:5

”’You shall have no other gods before me. “Thou shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.’”

Exodus 20:3-6

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”

1 John 5:21

Idolatry is alive and well in the modern age, despite what you hear in Sunday school. You might think it was hundreds of years ago when men would worship and serve idols. We have idols today, just in different forms. Ever heard of American Idol? The name itself gives away the purpose of the show. 

On a large scale, men worship money or materials and dedicate their entire lives to their acquisition. Others worship knowledge and science, and elevate man to the same level as God by believing that there is nothing we do not know. Men worship pleasure and enjoyment, or work and accomplishment. The instant we place anything above God in importance, it has become an idol. It has become a god, and we have placed it ahead of the one true God. 

Most likely your idolatry is hidden.

It does not even seem like idolatry to you. Sports are one of these idols. Men devote hours and days of their lives to watching men run around chasing a leather sack of air. They build shrines in their homes with all the paraphernalia that a good idol worshiper would possess. They clock in to worship service every Saturday with extreme reverence and faithfulness to the game of games, more than they ever bring to any service of the Lord. 

These men faithfully consume every minute of the game, because unlike church, watching sports is actually enjoyable to them. They never complain if the game goes into overtime, in fact, they get excited and even more into the game. But heaven forbid the worship service to the God of the universe go one minute past schedule. They know countless facts about the history of their team. They know all the statistics and are up to date on every bit of information a devoted worshiper needs to know about his sport. But when it comes to bible knowledge, these men may not even know all the books, much less actually know what the Word has to say. 

This is idolatry; it is fundamentally unmasculine.

These idolatrous men have pathetic marriages. The energy they should be investing into their marriage relationship is now being spent on sports. The marriage is completely sexless and the male could fix that if he would conduct himself like a man and make himself attractive to his wife by being masculine. 

Men like this are a big reason why no young men wait for marriage. Why spend your entire life waiting for a marriage that costs you everything (career/freedom.other women) and gives you no sex in return? This is the question of the young man overpowered by his hormones. 

Idolatry is a disease that doesn’t always have apparent symptoms.

It does not show itself all at once, instead it slowly eats away at the idolater. It starts with a little resentment about having to go to church, because that is when all the big sports games are on television, or when you can binge your favorite show. You begin to look for ways to avoid church functions, citing “business” or some other effeminate absurdity. You justify skipping Wednesday night Bible study, because “mid week church is not really in the Bible! Why should I go?” It progresses very slowly, but in the end it has consumed your entire faith. 

Maybe the idolatry disease won’t do that for you. Maybe you will be fine. It could be that you are not really idolizing those things you enjoy. Perhaps you are not taking your enjoyable activities to an extreme and worshiping them. It is possible that you are completely in control of your desires and emotions and would never worship the idols of this world. Or it could be that the virus of idolatry has already taken over, and it speaks those excuses for you. Be aware. Be vigilant. Cast down the idols.


Idols must be cast down, they are for the weak. 

Idolatry. Idol


Destroy all idols. Gideon entered the temple of his local town and tore down the Baals (Judges 6). It is difficult to worship idols if you actually destroy them. 

As human beings, we all idolize something, or we at least come close to idolizing it. This natural tendency must be mitigated and controlled. Idolatry is nothing more than our natural desire to worship something being misplaced. 

We can enjoy our hobbies and the things we do to relax, all we need to do is avoid placing them above God in their importance. This is not an extreme stance. 

Football is not the problem, worshiping football at the expense of your faith is the problem. We used sports as the example in this section, but people worship many other things as well:

  • Business
  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Games
  • Hobbies
  • Food
  • Recreation (TV)

Reject idols. Keep God first in your actions. Reject modern weakness. Be a man.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

Developing the Inner Drill Sergeant

Developing the Inner Drill Sergeant

“Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.”

2 Timothy 2:3 & 4

One of the problems with most men is the fact that they have negative self-talk and do not demand enough from themselves. We fail ourselves often because our standards are not high enough. In fact, most men cannot even reach low standards, much less the maximum standard that is required of a Christian man. What men need to do to combat this is to develop their inner drill sergeant. 

A drill sergeant is a man who pushes army recruits through the army boot camp. A drill instructor is one who pushes marine recruits through the marine boot camp. You can watch a handful of videos online and see that these instructors seem like they are totally insane, but what they are doing to the men is completely controlled and calculated. Let us examine a few of the purposes of a drill instructor or sergeant and then learn why we must develop our own drill instructor in our minds. 

A Drill Instructor Simulates the Panic of War

One of the purposes of boot camp is to get men used to the mayhem and chaos that they will experience in combat scenarios. Drill Instructors cannot give the men the actual experience of launching live fire (i.e. real bullets) at them, but they can give them the next best thing. Battle sounds, screaming, smoke and hard training can give men a basic introduction to combat. 

A Drill Instructor Simulates Stresses and Hyper-Stimulates the Senses

Combat is no place for Zen meditation. Calmness and coolness under pressure are learned by being put under pressure, not by meditating on a soft pillow in a cool room with nature sounds coming from a noise machine. A drill instructor has to make sure that men are adapting and adjusting to combat sounds and stress. Men need to learn how to be calm during dangerous scenarios. The ability to be cool when you are in imminent danger is the type of skill that saves lives. 

A Drill Instructor Accepts No Excuses

Blood could be dripping off your face. You could be vomiting on the ground or you could pass out from heat or dehydration, but it does not matter. You are expected to finish the job, training scenario or drill. Because even if you are bleeding, puking or passing out, the enemy will not call a “time out” and fan you back to consciousness while squirting water in your mouth. Men must learn to handle the physical demands of war or die. Drill instructors know this and will accept no excuses.

A Drill Sergeant Pushes Men Beyond the Limits of Their Limits

It is one thing to “go to the limit”, as if any of us truly knows what that is. But it is a completely different scenario to be pushed so far beyond your current “limitations” that you wonder how you could have been holding yourself back all these years. A drill sergeant will do just that for you. He will show you that the point where you thought you could do no more was just the beginning. He does not do this to torture you, he does this to show you that your limits are far beyond where you think they are now.  

A Drill Sergeant is Brutal on The Men

Men are never physically assaulted by their drill sergeants, but that does not mean that they are given mental rest. The sergeant speaks to the men like dogs and trains them to ignore any outside stimulation. The only way the recruits can become hard is if they are treated brutally.

A Drill Sergeant Makes the Men Tougher

No one comes out of bootcamp as soft as they were before. That is the whole point of the training. You do not want to send men to war in the mental and physical condition that were in as civilians. Men must get tough if they are going to kill other men.

Recommended Reading: The Masculine Desire For War


I will never accept “Good Enough” from myself.

drill sergeant


Even if you are like me and have never served in the military, it is still easy to appreciate everything these men endure for the greater good. It is easier to be grateful for the military now that we have countless documentaries that have recorded what these men went through and accomplished in their lives. You will find that thankfulness comes much easier after you watch a few video clips of men going through boot camp and being screamed at and trained at high levels. When you gain knowledge of the difficulties that others face in their lives, then it is much easier to be thankful for your own life and its luxury.

What you must do today is work to develop your own drill sergeant in your mind.

It does not matter what you think you are capable of now, you need a voice in your head that will always tell you the following truths:

  1. You are not working hard enough, you can do more.
  2. You have not reached your limitations; there is more effort left in your tank.
  3. Whatever your current work output is, you should double it.
  4. There is no honor in being weak and apathetic.
  5. You have the responsibility to lead other men; would you follow yourself?
  6. Your character is not good enough, work harder.
  7. Your strength is not enough, train harder.
  8. You must contribute more value to the world, learn and apply yourself.

The second you begin to feel yourself getting weak, you should imagine your sergeant is in your head and examining your current effort. Is he impressed by your intensity or embarrassed by your weakness?

The easiest place to learn to apply this principle is in your physical training. You are performing your exercise of choice and it begins to be painful. You reach your “limit” and consider stopping for the day.

Pull Out the Mental Drill Sergeant

That voice in your head should be screaming at you by this point. “This current level of effort is completely unacceptable. Is this how you take advantage of your freedom, by quitting like a pantywaist? No. You are better and stronger than that. Keep moving.”

Note: this is not negative self-talk. You are not telling yourself what a failure you are. You are telling yourself how much more you are capable of and expect of yourself. By telling yourself that there is more that you can achieve and that you are capable of working harder, you learn to tap into that extra work ethic you have buried in your mind.

You can eventually apply the same techniques to your spiritual life.

The minute you feel yourself slacking in your spiritual disciplines, unleash the sergeant. “Do you really think reading one single Bible verse is making you more spiritual? You are better than that. Do not excuse yourself by saying that you ‘don’t have time’ because you have plenty of time. You would not expect to improve your body by training for one minute, so do not expect to improve your soul by reading for 8 seconds. Work harder. You are capable of more”.

Apply the same principle to other areas of your life. If you find yourself losing control over yourself (Note Galatians 5:22) then you should be hearing the voice in your head: “No real man loses control over himself. You are capable of commanding your emotions. If you want a better life, then you better start controlling yourself. Have some character and improve because this current behavior is unacceptable”. You get the picture for how to apply this. It does not really matter what you are saying to yourself in your mind as long as it drives you to work harder.

Learning to push yourself in this way does not happen instantaneously. The biggest mistake so many people make when beginning any new technique or habit like this is that they expect instant, massive results in exchange for minimal effort. What you should aim for is small amounts of progress each day.

If you pushed yourself farther and harder than yesterday, then consider the day a success.
If you got your mental drill sergeant to yell at you a little and drive you harder, then consider the day a success.

By making small progress every day, you will eventually look up and notice that you have completely left your peer group behind. Now you need a new peer group of men who want to perform better and achieve more in their personal lives and careers. So, get moving now and leave your peer group behind. You do not want your life to be limited by their influence on you.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

The Good Conscience

“Pray for us, for we are confident that we have a good conscience; in all things desiring to live honorably”.

Hebrews 13:19

“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

1 Timothy 1:15

“Holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith”

1 Timothy 1:19

While good consciences are over-promoted in the Church, we still cannot leave them out of this discussion. Because even though there are instances of bad consciences mentioned in the Bible, there is also much scripture recording the existence and importance of a functioning conscience.

Note: some scriptures that speak about a this promote the idea that conscience must be maintained (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and that if left to its own devices the it would lend itself to evil, much like the very nature of man. If you are going to use your conscience regularly, you must be sure that it is good, working, and actually pointing you in the right direction. Because, as we have noted, if your it is evil, defiled or seared, it will lead you directly into the mouth of sin. 

A well functioning conscience can be a great tool, because instead of having to think logically or run a cost-benefit analysis about an action, you can listen to that “little voice in your head” or that “feeling in your heart”.

This is not possible for all people. Many people don’t have any internal direction, so to tell them to listen to a voice inside their head is absurd. But if you have a good conscience, you can use it as a quick tool to discern between good and evil.

While not everyone has a good conscience, acquiring one should be a goal of the Christian man. Apostles have written about having a good conscience and have attested to its value and usefulness. 

This does not contradict the other sections about conscience. All conscience types exist in people. 


A good conscience is efficient for life.  

good conscience


Even though conscience is necessary, having a good conscience is still a noble and worthy goal. Even if merely for the advantage of being able to make moral decisions faster. I cannot tell you how to acquire one.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

Read on! Next: The War Against The Self

The Defiled Conscience

“To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled”.

Titus 1:15

This verse speaks primarily about the unbelieving man, implying that purity of mind and conscience is contingent upon belief in the Word. This makes logical sense, as the Word is filled with various moral directions. But God also instilled a sense of morality in most men, regardless of whether or not they believe in him.

Why does God include moral directions in His words to us? Because without that direction, we would not naturally know how to behave. Our nature pulls us towards evil (Promiscuous sex/theft etc.), and the Bible commands us to resist this nature. This is a key idea: the conscience itself must be cultivated, because otherwise it lends itself to sin. What good is a conscience that points us in the wrong direction? These men have defiled, dysfunctional consciences.

The conscience can be polluted.

Each of these sections on conscience should teach us that the conscience itself is malleable, which means it can either be made into a tool, or corrupted into an evil-seeking device. This is one reason why we should not put too much trust in conscience, because we cannot always definitively prove that it is pointing us in the right direction.

The main point of our discussion about each of the conscience types is this: Conscience itself is not action, it is not a substitute for action, and by itself it will never gain salvation for your soul. Salvation can only be acquired by taking action. Neither faith, hope or good intentions can save you if you do not follow the simple salvation outline in the Bible. Obedience based action must be taken in order to claim the free gift of salvation. Whether or not your conscience is good or bad does not matter if you are not taking any action. 


Action is greater than feelings.

defiled conscience


Action will always override any emotional feeling you have. Conscience is an emotional tool, and should be treated like any other emotion. We should not deify conscience, for salvation is not found in it. We should not promote the necessity of conscience to other people, because we do not know what state their conscience is in. If we tell an individual with an evil or defiled conscience to “listen to their conscience”, they will end up doing evil. 

This is your task: reject the dogma of the mandatory conscience. You will give account for your deeds, not the way you felt about them. Take action. Do good. Be a Man.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men

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