Liberalism taken to an extreme becomes pure emotionalism.
“In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
Matthew 15:9
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
John 4:24
“And he received the gold from their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool and made a golden calf. And they said, ‘These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!’ When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it. And Aaron made a proclamation and said, “Tomorrow shall be a feast to the Lord.” And they rose up early the next day and offered burnt offerings and brought peace offerings. And the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.”
Exodus 32:4-6
Liberalism pushes for progression in worship. They want more welcoming Churches and more “enjoyable” worship services. They tend to place the focus of worship on emotion, how they personally feel or the spiritual high they get while “worshiping”. This becomes a problem because it makes the individual the primary object of the worship service instead of God.
You are no longer worshiping God, but are merely using the worship as a tool to feel good about yourself.
Liberals enjoy anything that promotes emotion and that rejects negativity or feeling bad. They use negative emotion only as a tool to promote guilt. Because guilt is obviously a highlight of a good Christian.
Liberals love to feel guilty and “broken” and in need of a savior. The problem arises when liberals begin to wallow in their brokenness yet do nothing to fix the problem. God demands improvement and progression of faith. This,“I’m so bad, I need Jesus so much. I need grace so much” mentality is emotionalistic nonsense. It promotes no growth, and it generates nothing positive.
Liberalism is fundamentally effeminate.
Liberalism is feminized religion.
Weak, emotional men tend to gravitate towards this because it makes them think all their emotions are okay and should even be applauded.
It is okay for these men to cry and break down because they have bought into the feminist lie that a “vulnerable man is an attractive man”. (A Strong, masculine man is an attractive man).
It is okay for them to express emotion like a child. They think it is okay for them to get all emotional and touchy-feely about worship. They think it is fine to have no mastery over emotion and to just let it all out when anyone so much as mentions the name of Jesus. This is all nonsense.
This is not spirituality, it is emotionalism masquerading as spirituality.
Forms of liberalism are also beneficial. Without some element or progressiveness, nothing would ever change. Radical conservatives would have been unwilling to adapt to the modern times of technology and the Church would be stuck in the bronze age. Progressiveness is the reason we can accept PowerPoint and microphones in worship. The push for new things can bring about many benefits. But we should never try to make progress purely for the sake of making progress, which is the mission of the progressive. Progress should be made when newness is truly needed.
Radical liberalism has just as many problems and pitfalls as radical conservatism. Both should be avoided at all costs. We are called to be Christians, and such we should be. Reject these labels of extreme Christian genres.
To embrace a label is to kiss death.

Again, all labels must be rejected. After this, emotions must be controlled at all cost. Emotion may be fun and enjoyable, but it is neither productive nor rational, and is the birthplace of all kinds of problems.
You have heard about crimes of passion: emotion pushes individuals to kill.
Emotion pushes Kids to have sex before they are married because they think they are “in love”.
Extreme, unbridled emotion is a root of all kinds of evil and there is no need to bring it in the worship assembly.
To reject emotionalistic worship is to reject selfishness, because one who focuses on emotion in worship cannot also be focused on God. Emotions are not to be applauded, they are to be warned against.
Be willing to recognize overly emotional traits within yourself and start working to reject them. If you are an “emotional man” acknowledge that this is a weakness. Other men will exploit this trait if they ever discover you have it. And when it comes to something as apparent as emotions, they will certainly discover it.
You have to ask yourself difficult questions:
Am I concerned with worshipping God or merely with feeling good?
Do I make decisions based on logic and the Bible or based on emotions?
Do I tend to try extra hard to justify ideas or actions that I cannot support with reason or Scripture?
Be a man. Control your emotions. Be Serious with your faith.
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.