
Your foundation is built on yourself, and it is only as strong as your intrinsic motivation. If you still rely on mommy and daddy for answers, you have a problem.

What do you base your faith on? Why do you even have the faith? For most of the weak men in the church, the answer is, “because my parents taught me what to believe”. Last I checked, faith is an individual matter. It doesn’t care who your parents and grandparents were because every faith must be unique to the individual. If you base your faith on other people, your parents, significant other or Church members, then you have a pathetic faith. You should not have faith because of other people, it should be because of and for yourself. Human beings are a weak foundation to build anything on, much less a religious faith; every thinker since Machiavelli has known that. 

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock, And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Matthew 7:24-27

“He who builds on the people, builds on the mud” 

Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
Your foundation is built on yourself, and it is only as strong as your intrinsic motivation.

If you still rely on mommy and daddy for answers, you have a problem. The beta does these things, as does the Demominationalist; ask anyone from a denomination about a specific passage and they “have to ask their pastor”, because they are incapable of using their own minds and thinking for themselves. We have minds for the sole purpose of using them to make good decisions. We have minds with which we may build the faith. 

The modern man in the Church is a disgrace. He sings about having a “Firm Foundation”, yet he has already built his house on the sand. He already cares too much about the world to have a strong faith. In his mind he knows he is only doing the minimum amount necessary to get by and hopes that God will let him slip on into heaven after life is done. Our foundation is our own, and we must build it ourselves. We must constantly build it every day or we will die. Lay the foundation of your faith in your own mind.


My faith is my own. To mindlessly accept the knowledge of others is for the weak.

foundation. Arches.


Starting today, when you question the faith, don’t go to the internet or to some other Christian for answers, try to answer it yourself with your own mind. There is nothing wrong with getting help from others, however most people ask for help for the purpose of simply accepting whatever answer they get so they don’t have to do the difficult work of thinking. Mental laziness is the great evil we are trying to avoid. We must think through the faith on our own. Until we get to a point mentally where we always question what others say and write, then we should rely on ourselves for answers. We have to use our own minds. Don’t just accept what I write to you, think about it, because I could be dead wrong and you won’t know unless you think for yourself.

Conduct yourselves like Men.


Gather all your skill and remember why you are doing the things you are doing. Apathy is born out of a lack of reason and purpose.

With age comes apathy, so it seems. The Church is filled with the apathetic, the people who think doing the least amount of work is acceptable. The people who are content to sit in the pew and do nothing; to never improve or progress. These are people who utterly and completely lack zeal in every aspect of their faith. They do not share the faith, they do not talk about the faith. You can count on one hand the contributions they have made to the Church over the past 50 years. 

“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

Revelation 3:16

“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”

Romans 12:11
These individuals put the “pathetic” in apathetic.

You must not be this individual. You must be the person who is focused and improving himself. Does this mean you are always going to feel like doing what is right or feel like sharing the gospel? Absolutely not. Emotions are for women and weak males. Zeal is focused effort on a task, and it is divorced from emotion.

Gather all your skill and remember why you are doing the things you are doing. Apathy is born out of a lack of reason and purpose. Make sure you have a purpose. Ensure that you have a reason. Apathy is a slow-rot disease, you will not notice how much you have decayed until you are destroyed by the small, trivial matters of life. You will be like a  rotten tree that is blown over by a gentle breeze. 

Apathy will continue to exist until it is opposed by an outside force. Men will be content in their ways until some event large enough to disrupt normal life knocks them onto their heads. 


Apathy is for the dead. 

This is you.


The best way to face apathy is to recenter your focus on your goal. Take your mind and aim it at the end state that you want to achieve and focus on it. If you truly want to achieve that goal, you can be reignited mentally to get there. If you do not truly want to achieve that goal, you will experience burnout, lack of motivation and apathy.

Find out what your skills are.

“Following your passion” is a moronic phrase because most people do not know what their “passion” is. I say follow your skills and natural inclinations. What are your natural talents? Identify the goals that really motivate you to take action. Not everyone is going to be motivated to do what is right by the idea of heaven, many will be motivated by the fear of hell. To rid yourself of apathy you have to identify what really motivates you to take action.

Identify your true goals.

You will become apathetic if you spend your time trying to achieve your parent’s goals. Do not become a doctor or lawyer just because your friends and family tell you that you would be good at it. You must make a decision for yourself based on what you truly know about your own skills and what you want to achieve and spend your time doing in life. Creating an intrinsic purpose is the way to defeat apathy. 

Conduct yourselves like men.

Men Do Not Bow

Masculine men do not bow to other men.

A problem with most men in the church is that they lack testicles. Nowhere has this been more clear than during recent events. But before we talk about the state of men in the modern moment, we do have to cover some background facts.

#1 – The death of George Floyd was a tragedy, a crime and a disgusting display of human evil. Whether a man is black, white, yellow or purple, it is a vile thing to kneel on the neck of another man until he dies. Whatever the cause of death was, the death penalty should be on the table as punishment for the prime perpetrator. Otherwise he will be killed in prison.

#2 – The politicization of the death of George Floyd has been a disgrace to God and man. Human beings have demonstrated that they care more about getting new Nikes or flat screen TVs than they do about protesting the wrongful death of a man.

Normally we stay away from politics, but we need to address the effect that currents events are having on masculinity in the church.

First, we need to agree that the majority of what you hear in the media is a lie. There are plenty of political commentators talking about the real statistics of police and race violence, so we won’t cover them. Assume your news station is lying to you unless they provide ALL the facts. This applies to every political flavor: Conservative, independent and liberal. 

Trigger Warning: Black men are not shot more than white men by police.

America is not inherently racist. In fact, after thousands of years of commonplace slavery in Egypt, Rome, Greece, European countries and others, America was the only country to fight a war to end slavery, and yet they are the only country singled out as being racist. That is ridiculous.

The media have been working to divide the countries for several years now, and it has become apparent that it is working. People are at each other’s throats for no reason other than they believe everything they hear from politicians and the media and then act on it. The state of the country is not good, but the state of masculinity is equally terrible. Let’s talk about men in the church. What we see now is another symptom of the death of masculinity in society.

What we have seen in the church is this: 

1 – White men apologizing for the actions of one evil man.

2 – Sympathizers who wink at the rioting and consider it justified.

  1. If all Muslims are not to blame for the actions of a handful of radical Muslims for the attacks on September 11, 2001, then all white men are not to blame for the evil action of a few white men.

This should not be hard to comprehend. I do not have to apologize for an action I did not commit because I am not responsible for other men. The only people who should apologize for the actions of others are parents who apologize for the actions of their children. This is because parents are directly responsible for the behavior of their children. No white American is responsible for the behavior of every other white American. 

It’s interesting how the same group of people (blacks) who condemn others as racist when they group all blacks together as being the same (violent/criminals etc.) wants to lump all white people in the same group (racist/bigots etc.). And the men in the church simply go along with this. They go along with this because they lack any semblance of intestinal fortitude.

We have seen a shameful amount of apologizing from men in the church who had nothing to do with the murder of a black man.

Men do not apologize for other men. The only people who apologize for other men are effeminate betas who are seeking the approval of others. You won’t find masculine men apologizing for the evil, vile actions of the police officer. You will never find a manly man taking responsibility for the evils of others. Men are responsible for themselves and their sons alone, that is all. The next time you are in church and hear someone apologize for being white, think to yourself, “Now I know who the castrated man is”.

Look at me, I’m a good white boy because I apologize for the actions of another whte boy I never knew. I’m so nice, please love me black people. I like black people and I’m not racist, as you can clearly see from my profuse apologizing. I don’t think black people are evil. Don’t burn down my house during the riots please.

Now we have large groups of white people who committed no crimes bowing down to black people who have suffered no wrongs. This is absurd. Men do not bow to others regardless of their skin color.

The same weak men also say the mass rioting is justified. Every individual above the age of 1 has heard that, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”. Therefore, how is burning down buildings helping the cause? How is stealing from apolitical stores honoring the memory of George Floyd.

What does rioting and looting have to do with racism? How does stealing Nike’s improve the awareness of the statistically unverified police brutality?

Rioting and stealing and beating people doesn’t help the stereotypical view of blacks. Isn’t that the image they are trying to get away from? Isn’t the violent criminal something that most blacks say they aren’t? Then why are they acting that way?

The problem in the church is that men are just winking at this activity. Men in the church should go into the attic, find where they stored their testicles and use them for once by calling out evil when they see it.

Rioting is evil. 

Kneeling on a man’s neck until he dies is evil.

Burning down a church is evil.

Watching as a man is killed is evil. 

Ganging up on a man and beating him to death is evil.

This isn’t hard folks. Why is it wrong to say that this is evil? Nothing that is happening right now is justified, so we will not ignore any of it.

Men, stop apologizing for actions that were not yours. You did not kill anyone. Go on amazon and order some replacement testicles for yourself.


Service is inconvenient. It is not really enjoyable. What most men in the Church call “service” looks weak and unmasculine. We have transformed service into something feminine, and then we are surprised when men want nothing to do with it.

“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”

John 12:26

Service requires a small ego, or at least  the ability to pretend like the ego is small. Many personality types do not enjoy service, this is an unavoidable fact. Good. There is no need to enjoy doing the right thing, there is only the need to do it.

Service is inconvenient. It is not really enjoyable. What most men in the Church call “service” looks weak and unmasculine.

We have transformed service into something feminine, and then we are surprised when men want nothing to do with it. 

The problem that many Church people have with service (as with many other spiritual actions) is the idea that everything we do must be some great, grand and glorious event and that is must feel good. We serve in “Community Outreach Day” when the entire Church comes out to make a big show to the community about how righteous they are. We are required to have these “Huge” Bible studies with people or take half the Church out to door-knock (which is the spiritual equivalent of putting money in a bank with 0.02% interest as a way to generate income).

What if we focused on consistent, small daily disciplines instead?

Just mention the Church to a coworker instead of smothering him with the gospel and having him hate you. Pray silently in public before your meal, that can be a conversation starter. Serving others does not have to be a ballroom dance complete with dresses and metro-sexual males.

Also, serving others can begin with serving yourself.

The man who checks himself into rehab or starts an Alcohol Anonymous program is absolutely taking several weeks to focus on himself, but he is doing it so that he can be better equipped to serve his family. No one would call that man selfish even though he will spend weeks in rehab. Because people understand that he is bettering himself so that he can be better for others. The same thing applies in the smaller aspects of life. You must improve yourself before you can expect people to want anything to do with you. You must improve your value to society if you want to be competitive in the marketplace and be able to support a family. Work on yourself so that you are no longer a loser. 

Taking time to improve the self is a necessity. No one wants to be served by a loser. 


Service of Self is Service of others.



Do not make a big deal about your service. Most people do not care, though a few might notice. When you serve, do it quietly and professionally. Serve in humility. Do the small things. Quote a verse to someone, but don’t mention the book, chapter and verse immediately. Just mention the Word. You are planting small seeds in the mind, not forcing them down the other person’s throat. The sower scattered the seed, He did not uproot the earth and force the seed down (Mark 4). 

Conduct yourselves like Men.

What Men can Learn from the Corona Virus

When reality hits a world softened by leisure, everything that is not of immediate and readily apparent value is shut down. Pandemics show the world who is truly valuable, and who is a cog. Men can live without fast food, they can live without sports and entertainment, they can live without social recreation.


1 – Job Security is an Illusion

“Johnny, you should go to college and get a degree, that way you can get a good, secure job”. Can we see now how that is total nonsense? This virus has eliminated many jobs. Spartan Christians have been preaching for years that there is no such thing as “job security” (and this topic will be an important part of the book when it is complete). 

There is no Job security when two little words can cut off your only source of income (i.e. – “You’re Fired”). There is no job security when your job could be performed by a robot. The only reason a robot is not doing your job is because you are already cheaper. There is no job security for the college degree holder when more than one-million bachelor’s degrees are awarded per year. There is only the illusion of job security because society has been relatively safe and stable for decades.

In fact, society is so safe that even the most pathetic beta males can find women to mate with and pass on their inferior genes to the next generation.

Society is so stable that men with no marketable skills can find work and survive, at least until that stability is reduced.

When reality hits a world softened by leisure, everything that is not of immediate and readily apparent value is shut down. Pandemics show the world who is truly valuable, and who is a cog. Men can live without fast food, they can live without sports and entertainment, they can live without social recreation.

Men cannot live without food, water and shelter. This basic fact is forgotten by men who indulge in leisure and constant pleasure.

There is no Job security for anyone who relies on others for any form of income. One can only hope that this Virus will teach men to diversify their income streams, store up a nest egg in case of emergency, increase his value to society by acquiring marketable skills and work in a field that is not affected by disease or do work that can be completed from home.

2 – Physical Security is an Illusion

People’s physical health is being ripped from them, but the real problem is mass panic. This virus has revealed to most individuals how they truly lack any power over their circumstances. Humans desire personal power of circumstance, but that power and control is just an illusion. We allow ourselves to believe that we are “running the show” when, in fact, we “run” nothing.

How easily it seems that life can be taken from us is a solemn reminder that we can do very little to alter our state and circumstances, and that any little microscopic organism could kill us.

Usually we only get those small, fleeting, harrowing moments where we have a near-death experience and our life flashes in front of our eyes. Those instances last only for a few seconds or even a few hours at most, and for this reason we forget the lessons we learned in those experiences. This virus may last a few months; the benefit of that would be a much longer exposure to a “near-death” event that results in more deeply ingrained lessons of life. The lessons from near death experience that normally are gone by morning may actually last. Hopefully there will be some mental scar tissue from this event to remind us that we have no physical security. Life, food and possessions can be taken away in mere weeks. Do not trust in the illusion of physical security.

3 – Men are Soft and Unprepared For War

Men have had not needed to truly exercise strength and masculinity, and have therefore become soft. Being manly is optional in the 21st century. Most men cannot hunt, clean animals or sterilize water. They cannot perform the most basic functions necessary for survival because they have never needed to. This virus can teach us to learn skills that are valuable when madness ensues across a land and panic overtakes the mind of even the most reasonable man.

Will we learn from the Virus?

it’s very likely that we will actually learn very little once this pandemic has passed.

Why is that?

Because people have not really lost anything nor have they suffered. People have to stay home, cook their own meals and, heaven forbid, raise their own children, but they have not truly suffered. Because as stated by Creek Stewart during his interview with The Art of Manliness, people have not lost access to Food, Water, Electricity or healthcare. We have essentially lost nothing. Sure, some people have died, but most are unaffected. We have lost nothing therefore we cannot expect to improve. The worst thing most people are dealing with is having to hang around their families for multiplied hours.

The majority of men will learn nothing, and as a result will be unprepared when the next disaster strikes.

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