Other men who understand these concepts better than I do have compiled a few arousal components into the helpful acronym PSALMs. And please understand before you go any further, every concept must first be understood from a rational, logical perspective before it can be understood from the more complex moral perspective. So first let’s look at the rational, biological components of sexual arousal.
Here are the PSALMs components of a man’s sexual market value
Another possible arrangement is the following:

Both descriptions get the same message across. There are specific, measurable characteristics that women find sexually arousing, and these are the key ones.
Power is the degree to which you have control over your own situation. Many forms of power are arousing, some more than others. A man can have personal power by showing an ability to regulate himself and his desires. This one usually is not extremely arousing to most women. But nonetheless, this should be a tool in every man’s toolbelt. The ability to self-regulate and self-direct is critical to a man’s future success.
Perhaps this personal power is arousing to women because it is the signal of success to come. One 2011 study by Terry Moffitt et. al. tracked children from childhood to adulthood. Those children with better self-control grew into adults with better personal histories and better finances. The article is titled, “A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety” and is published in the PNAS journal. Perhaps with their magical intuition, women pick up on the tell-tale signs of future success, one of which being the ability to self-regulate.
A man must be able to regulate his emotions. No woman is aroused by a man who is equally emotional as she is. As much as pop culture claims that women want Mr. Emotionally Vulnerable, and she really wants is Mr. Silent Professional who can bear the world on his shoulders.
The idea that women can sense future success also plays out in a slightly different way when women bet on your possible future success as a man and hope that bet pays off. This is why you occasionally see attractive women in relationships with broke, 20-year-old musicians. She is wagering that his career will take off and intends to be there to ride his success to financial security. You never see an attractive woman with the broke 40-year-old musician. His window of opportunity has closed, at least in her mind.
Self-regulation is one form of power. A more overt form is the degree to which a man directs his own life through his value to society. The valuable man cannot help himself but become successful in the workplace. Through his success, he increases his ability to dictate the circumstances of others who have not earned the same level of freedom. This is the C-class boss type of man (i.e., CEO, CFO, COO, etc.). Through his orders, he dictates the lives of his subordinates and conversely has more freedom for himself.
Another form of PSALMs power is money or affluence, which is its own category.
But every man knows in his heart of hearts that money is attractive. It may not draw in the “wife-material” type of women, but it will certainly draw in the women who are interested in your genetics and security. At the end of the day, this money represents freedom and power. Weaker men use the phrases “Money cannot buy happiness” or “Money cannot buy time”, both of which are untrue.
Everything in life that you enjoy, more of it can be enjoyed with money. And if you have earned enough money so that you no longer have to work, have you not purchased back 8 hours of every day? Because of this money is both powerful and arousing.
Status is another PSALMs component of masculine arousal.
This is your societal standing. As we will discuss later, women are interested in men with status. This does not have to be a job title. It can really be simplified down to a man’s reputation in his environment. Women are aroused by the man who other women want and who other men want to be.
Muscle/Athleticism and Looks are separated into different categories simply because each can be controlled to a different degree. For the most part, your looks are determined by your genetics. You can learn how to groom and dress well, but you are still limited to the role of the genetic dice when it comes to your base physical attraction. However, your muscle/athleticism is infinitely modifiable. Barring severe physical disability, there is no man who cannot improve his athleticism or muscularity through a surprisingly small amount of physical training. And everyone knows that the muscular man is more attractive. Through his muscularity, he demonstrates that his genetics are good.
There you have the basic PSALMs components of biological arousal for a woman. It should not be offensive to anyone to consider that women have a biological basis for arousal just like men do. While religions put 95% of the focus on “emotional arousing” their wives, they miss the most critical point of biological arousal. There must be something beyond emotions that women find arousing you would never find women who are willing to engage in one-night stands. Unless you maintain the position that every one of those women is deranged or did not have a father figure, which is always a convenient explanation for behavior that religious men cannot explain or understand.
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