Conservatism is valuable until it radicalizes. At that point it becomes tradition focused.
“So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.”
2 Thessalonians 2:15
“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.”
Colossians 2:8
The problem with any ‘genre’ of Christians, (liberal, conservative, Anti or what have you) is the fact that at some point the label will supersede God. Meaning: Conservatives will put defining conservative characteristics above God in importance. Liberals do the same. And this is what we mean by becoming radical.
A Radical individual places what he believes above God in importance.
Conservatives will place tradition and liturgy above God, forgetting that God is the very Being we are worshiping, not tradition. Liberals will place emotions above God, using worship service as a chance to get a “spiritual high” from a theatrical performance based “service”. Obviously God should be placed above everything: tradition, emotion, liturgy, performance and especially SELF.
The subsequent problem with all genres of Christians is the fact that they are viewing their ideas as the most important items, rather than God. Preserving and protecting the labels becomes the goal for these individuals. People strive to preserve their conservatism and neglect truth as a result. .
The defining traits of a radical conservative are highly apparent and include the following:
- Resistant to progression or change of any kind.
- Resistant to positive or happy emotions, choosing rather to focus on negative emotions such as death and the thought of eternal destruction.
- Blatant Self-Righteousness.
Conservatives believe that positive emotions will cloud the judgement of man and cause him to make poor decisions. Emotions will lead us to think that the status quo is just fine, when God clearly commands us to improve over time (Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:22-24).
Conservatives tend to acquire an inflated sense of self-worth and as a result become self-righteous unless they are extremely careful in guarding themselves against it. They tend to minimize topics such as grace, because the liberals twisted the grace of God to the point where they no longer think they need to take action. Conservatives want to avoid that at all costs, knowing that a faith without works is dead (James 2:20).
Conservatives tend to focus on doom and destruction.
The inevitable death and punishment of man approaches and is constantly on their minds. Continual focus on negativity is unwise and breaks down the mind. It is unwise to constantly have negative thoughts festering in your mind without a productive use for them.
One problem that results from a conservative’s hyper-focus on works and a minimization of grace is the false idea that they have somehow “made themselves right with God”. There is absolutely something to be said for man’s role in his own salvation (Phil 2:12), but we also cannot minimize the importance of grace and the fact that we are lost without it.
This was not an exhaustive list of the conservative traits, but it gives the most common traits that you will see. Looking above at these traits from a detached, objective perspective, you can see that they can become problematic if left unchecked. Each of these characteristics can grow out of control. These ideas also become problems when they depart from the actual Word of God. Minimization of grace is a departure from scripture. Fixation on death and destruction is a poor evangelism technique.
Do not Place anything above God. You are a Christian before you are a conservative. Force your ego into submission. Be a Man.
To be labeled is to allow the mind to die.

First, be sure to understand that we are avoiding RADICAL conservatism, not conservatism itself. Remember from earlier that an individual is radical if he puts his personal beliefs above God in importance. So in this section, we are avoiding the tendency to put the traditions of man above God in importance.
Again, the foundation for defeating radical conservatism is awareness. Whether you are liberal or conservative, you MUST be aware of the downfalls of your “genre” of Christianity. Do not place the characteristics of your personal religious leaning anywhere above God in importance. Avoid attempts to preserve tradition at the expense of God. Do not focus on hell at the expense of the souls of others.
If you ever place anything above God in importance, you have just radicalized.
Your masculinity is diminished by radicalization, so this must be avoided at all cost. A radical man refuses to think for himself and blindly holds onto his current beliefs. You need to develop the mental wherewithal and humility and recognize your personal biases and then manage them properly.
Reject radical conservatism immediately, it is a problem. It promotes isolation and mechanical, superficial worship and interactions. It can cause individuals to develop cult-like behavior. The Church already has the reputation for being cult-like, make sure you are not contributing to that unsavory public image.
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.