If you were to walk up to any of the chumps in the world and ask them about respect, they will often give you a long lecture about the moral nature of respect and men’s responsibility to respect elders and women. They will promote this idea even if the elders are fools and the women do nothing more than merely exist.
I am not convinced that having a vagina automatically confers respect. I am also not convinced that simply having watched the passage of 60 winters makes a man worthy of respect. In fact, I have a very simple, yet unpopular personal philosophy when it comes to respecting others. You likely guessed from the title:
Respect No One, but Treat Everyone With Respect
Read more: David – Warrior – Writer

Let’s Define some terms before we continue on:
Respect: “admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.“
That is the verb form of the first dictionary definition of the word. Take a good look at the definition. It becomes very clear that respect is based on qualities, achievements, and/or character.
Does an old man who has done nothing with his life besides complaining about the “kids today” deserve respect? No. Because he does have abilities, qualities, or achievements worthy of respect.
Does a woman who has done nothing besides own a vagina deserve respect? Well, that certainly is an anatomical quality, but not one that demands respect. Why is a vagina more respectable than a penis? I think men provide lip service to women, insisting they are respected so they can keep them happy and secure sexual intimacy with them.
The fact of the matter is that respect is contingent upon value. If you provide nothing of value to society you will not be respected.
I once had a friend when I was younger who loved to dish out verbal jabs but could never take them in return. He loved to make fun of the other guys but was always offended if you ever made fun of him. At one point we were in a group of four guys and were joking about respect. We joked that we didn’t really respect him at all (well, perhaps a half-joke). To which he came back to me privately and said, “Well, you know you really should respect me“, to which I responded, “why?” He had no answer to that one-word question. He thought respect was something that just fell out of the sky.
The problem with so many people is they think that their age, sex, race, or profession is what makes them worthy of respect. Perhaps that is true of some professions that are admirable, but the other qualities do not earn you respect. You will not be respected for your immutable biological qualities. You can and will only be respected based on the value you can bring to society.
There are more than enough soft males who think women should be respected simply because they are women. If you ask them, “Well why should women be respected“, they will answer “Because they are women“. And the circular reasoning will go round and round for infinity. The fact of the matter is that there is no real answer to this question. There is no answer because 80% of men have not sat down and taken the time to think through the idea of respect and why we as a society simply give it to a woman based on her anatomy alone.
The problem is that to even question whether women are worthy of respect gets you labeled a “misogynist“.
You cannot even question the status quo without being shamed by society and the feminized church. Imagine that: If you use your mind in an attempt to critically think, you will be shamed by that selected group. That single fact is one of the top reasons religious people are the targets of ridicule due to their lack of open-mindedness. Even though the majority of secular men are guilty of the same manner of mindless thought, the religious are the easiest target.
If the Bible is without flaw and the Church teaches the truth, it should be able to stand against any proposed criticism or question. The truth is what remains after all that is false has fallen away. What is false cannot be removed without asking questions.
Therefore, it is not disrespectful to simply ask a question. People may infer some form of disrespect, but that is generally because they are intellectually dishonest or have weak positions. But even if it was disrespectful to ask questions, perhaps they should still be asked anyways. Because you should respect no one, but treat everyone with respect.