“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
John 12:26
Service requires a small ego, or at least the ability to pretend like the ego is small. Many personality types do not enjoy service, this is an unavoidable fact. Good. There is no need to enjoy doing the right thing, there is only the need to do it.
Service is inconvenient. It is not really enjoyable. What most men in the Church call “service” looks weak and unmasculine.
We have transformed service into something feminine, and then we are surprised when men want nothing to do with it.
The problem that many Church people have with service (as with many other spiritual actions) is the idea that everything we do must be some great, grand and glorious event and that is must feel good. We serve in “Community Outreach Day” when the entire Church comes out to make a big show to the community about how righteous they are. We are required to have these “Huge” Bible studies with people or take half the Church out to door-knock (which is the spiritual equivalent of putting money in a bank with 0.02% interest as a way to generate income).
What if we focused on consistent, small daily disciplines instead?
Just mention the Church to a coworker instead of smothering him with the gospel and having him hate you. Pray silently in public before your meal, that can be a conversation starter. Serving others does not have to be a ballroom dance complete with dresses and metro-sexual males.
Also, serving others can begin with serving yourself.
The man who checks himself into rehab or starts an Alcohol Anonymous program is absolutely taking several weeks to focus on himself, but he is doing it so that he can be better equipped to serve his family. No one would call that man selfish even though he will spend weeks in rehab. Because people understand that he is bettering himself so that he can be better for others. The same thing applies in the smaller aspects of life. You must improve yourself before you can expect people to want anything to do with you. You must improve your value to society if you want to be competitive in the marketplace and be able to support a family. Work on yourself so that you are no longer a loser.
Taking time to improve the self is a necessity. No one wants to be served by a loser.
Service of Self is Service of others.

Do not make a big deal about your service. Most people do not care, though a few might notice. When you serve, do it quietly and professionally. Serve in humility. Do the small things. Quote a verse to someone, but don’t mention the book, chapter and verse immediately. Just mention the Word. You are planting small seeds in the mind, not forcing them down the other person’s throat. The sower scattered the seed, He did not uproot the earth and force the seed down (Mark 4).
Conduct yourselves like Men.