Social Media – Where the sheep come to drink from the pool of digital validation.
“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Galatians 1:10
“For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.”
John 12:43
“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.”
Psalm 118:6-9
“But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.
1 Thessalonians 2:4
- Instagram – Where the serf presents the illusion of complete happiness and of a perfect life.
- Facebook – Where the monkey performs for the mirage of an interested audience.
- Twitter – Where the peasantry labors under the delusion that their opinion is important.
- YouTube – Where the sycophant lives vicariously through the fabricated lifestyles of others.
There are more social media platforms, obviously, but these are the big four, and they serve as examples of what we are to avoid as Men.
These platforms can be used for marketing or communication, but so few people actually use them for that.
What most peasants use them for is listed in the descriptions above. Instagram could be a site to promote product images, but most use it to deceive others about the state of their life, capturing a mere snapshot of a brief moment of “happiness” rather than the full image of a life, and then those same people draw validation from the number of “likes”.
Facebook could be a place to connect with individuals, plan, coordinate, but most use it as a soap box from which they rant about politics and believe they are right if they cross a certain threshold of “likes”. That is blind mob mentality and tacit approval.
Twitter could be a place for anything other than whatever garbage it is currently being used for.
Youtube can be used as an education platform, but the majority use it to live life through someone else, or distract themselves from their own meaningless existence.
What are you using these social media platforms for? Are you using them to become more of a man, or are you using them to distract yourself?
Is Instagram a tool, or is it somewhere you can see pictures of basically naked women with breasts hanging out everywhere? Are you using Facebook as a tool or a rant box for racial and political division? Is twitter a tool or an outlet for you to voice your current, irrelevant, unintelligent and uneducated opinion? Is YouTube a tool for amassing knowledge or a place where you waste the waste majority of your day?
Be a man. Cut social media. If you cannot cut it, make a determination to use it only as a tool, not for entertainment and porn.
Use tools to build the life I want, not to escape the life I have.

Every time you want to use social media, ask yourself if it is because you want to use a tool, or because you want to be entertained. If it is the latter, just don’t use it. Try to delete one of these social media accounts. Just one. See how you feel. Then systematically cut out the rest of the social media outlets. Make it happen.
Good Uses For Social Media Bad Uses for Social Media
Using YouTube to listen to lectures and sermons. | Mindlessly scrolling through other people’s lives (Makes $0 per hour). |
Using youtube to learn how to build furniture, make knives or cook. | Comparing your life/body to others and getting depressed because you are a loser. |
Use instagram to show the new book you wrote or piece of furniture you built. | Using instagram to check out naked chicks who aren’t your wife. |
Use facebook to set up a family reunion | Use facebook to get into a giant fight with people on the opposite political aisle as you (I’m sure you’re changing tons of minds). |
Using LinkedIn to find job opportunities, grow your connections and put yourself in a better business situation. | Use social media to stalk people you know so you can judge how they are living thier lives. |
Conduct yourselves like Men.
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