I’ve begun to notice a certain genre of Christian in my local Church who avoid taking a stand for anything. Instead of clearly separating right and wrong, they are ambiguous. They allow certain behaviors to slide under the table. They ignore the stupidity of others to preserve relationships. they get their feelings hurt if they have to correct anyone.
These men care more about preserving relationships than about behaving morally. They would rather let a person wander off a cliff than correct him. Allowing someone to fall off a ledge because you do not want to correct them is not love, it is hate. It is easy to behave that way. It is easy to take the middle ground and do nothing for those around you. Any man can do that.
What is difficult is taking on the burden of correcting others. It is difficult to be the “bad guy” who rebukes the sinner in the presence of all (1 Timothy 5:20).

There is no nobility in indifference. There is nothing honorable about not choosing sides. Those who refuse to take sides are simply trying to avoid offending others. It would be better for you to offend others than be a weak, shell of a man who stands for nothing.
What you must do is decide to stand for what is right. Whether it is religious, political, or otherwise, you need to take sides. We as humans are built to go to war and fight. We are designed for “Us against them” interactions. Humans thrive in tribalism, though that word has been corrupted by modernity. Men need something to fight against, and you can start by fighting against stupid ideas. You can start with attacking those who decide to remain indifferent. Attack those who stand for nothing. This is the way of the warrior.
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