“The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned. From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the LORD blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.”
Genesis 39:2-5
Weak men in the Church hate success. In fact, they point to success as a sign of worldliness and materialism. At the same time they point to their own lack of success as some kind of perverted virtue.
KEY: Weak religious men assume that wealth confers villainy and that poverty confers righteousness. Success is not Evil
However, lack of success is easily traced to our lack of work ethic or, quite simply, to the fact that what we do is not valued by society. A person’s paycheck represents nothing more than the value of their skillset in the marketplace.
Success doesn’t care about your natural gifts, it only cares about work. Not merely work in the workplace, but work done researching the best jobs, researching the highest value skills to develop, and spending time improving your value to society. Most weak men aren’t successful because they studied something stupid in college, wasted time walking to girls and playing beer pong, and didn’t work on developing marketable skills while they were there. It is as simple as that.
Are there cases where someone does everything right and works hard and still comes up short in the marketplace? Sure, but those are the rarest cases.
Most religious betas will clock in 25 hours a week or more at their television set, but scoff at the man who spends 60 hours at his job, accusing him of being “worldly”. Irony, anyone?
Success isn’t evil. In fact, if we do our work “As to the Lord and not as unto men” (Eph. 6:7), then we absolutely should be successful in whatever we do because our work ethic will be unparalleled.
Examine the lives and character of Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. These men were extremely wealthy, and yet they did not place their wealth above God. Their wealth was irrelevant to them because they knew Righteousness was most important.
Unlike what you hear in the Church, You can be righteous and be successful at the same time.
Be a man, be a success. If you can’t be a success, be the hardest worker in the room and that will be a success of its own.
Success doesn’t care about righteousness.

If you are being a beta and criticizing the successful merely because they have success, stop it now. Be a man for once in your life, look in the mirror at who is responsible for the way your life turned out. Sit on your bed and look back on your life and examine all the actions you took and the choices you made that landed you where you currently are. You will see that your lack of success is 100% your fault, and it is 100% your responsibility to change that fact. Look at all the time you wasted in college studying English and watching television. It’s not a matter of “evil success just passing you by”, it’s a matter of you being stupid and failing to manage time properly.
Today that changes. Start researching how you can improve your value to your company or start developing marketable skills on the side and change your life. Don’t waste it watching television.
Research what the fastest growing fields are and become a master of one of them.
Technology is growing at an exponential rate, becoming proficient in any form of tech would increase your value to society. Healthcare is a field that will never reach a point where it is not needed, but most men do not have the work ethic for healthcare of any form.
It is up to you to discover what is valuable in the marketplace and then build your skillset to maximize your personal value.
Conduct yourselves like Men.
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