American Collapse Will Not Happen in One Day

Rome did not fall apart in a single day. The fall came over time, fueled by decadence and hedonism.

People are panicking about the state of the country. That is fine, the concern may actually be a good thing. But there is much more hope than people realize. There are still thousands of individuals “who have not yet bowed to the Baals”. If American collapse is coming, it will not happen overnight.

We will not wake up one morning to overwhelming tyranny and government regulated living and think, “I wonder how we got into this situation”.

The majority of countries fall apart slowly over time.

They decay slowly instead of combusting spontaneously. This is how Rome fell: slowly over time, instead of overnight in mass hysteria.

Historians have generated hundreds of theories as to why the Roman empire fell. The real reason could be any one of those theories or any possible combinations of various theories. However, the primary point to be noted is that Rome did not fall apart in a single day. The fall came over time, fueled by decadence and hedonism.  

The citizens focused on pleasure and the enjoyment of life, causing them to become soft and weak. The empire was only as powerful as its people. The people only as powerful as their minds allowed them to be. The fall happened slowly.

The fact that there is panic about the state of the country actually provides some positive facts.

1 – We the People are Aware of what is going on in the country.

We are aware of the decadence and the destruction of core values that made America a world power. As long as we are aware of the problems, we can stave them off. Destruction and death happen to the people who are unaware of them. Countries are destroyed by apathy and stagnation.

The American people are fully aware of the condition that the country is in and the direction that it is headed. Because of this awareness, there is hope. Awareness is the foundational principle and key to all improvement and change. As long as we are aware of the evil that exists, there is still plenty of time to change it.

There also seems to be a delay in how nations decay when they have solid religious foundations. Many historians are shocked that the Roman empire lasted as long as it did. It could be because of the heavy Christian presence there. Just speculation, something to think about.

When Rome fell, Christianity went elsewhere, finding a home in other European countries.

Britain would become a world power much later in time, and Christianity would find its base there. It seems that whatever the world power is, it is infused with faith. And this faith preserves the nation because the nature of God is merciful.

God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of 10 people. That is less than 2% of the population of those two cities alone, not counting the other two cities that were destroyed (if historians are correct about the population of Sodom and Gomorrah being around 900-1200 people).

The American country will be spared as long as there is righteousness in it. And as long as we the people are still panicking about the state of the country, then we have enough righteous souls to spare the nation. We are aware enough of the evil to keep it at bay for a few more years. There is hope for the country yet.

Redefining Hypocrisy

“Hypocrisy is preaching a standard that you do not practice. It is telling others how they should live and then consciously choosing to live in the opposite way.”

The Problem with Hypocrisy is that is has not been clearly defined.

Matthew 7:1-5 – “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

Romans 2:3 – “Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?”

Titus 1:6 – “They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work”

Hypocrisy is a term that is thrown around as if it means nothing. We have forgotten what this word means because it is so overused. We accuse everyone and everything of being hypocritical without first defining the terms of what hypocrisy is. Here we define terms.


Definition: What Hypocrisy is NOT.

Hypocrisy is not having a high standard and failing to live up to it. That is called being a human being and making a mistake.
Hypocrisy is not committing sin.
Hypocrisy is not failing to do something we know we know we should, nor is it doing something we know we should not.
Hypocrisy is not a single failing or even a batch of failings.

Definition: What Hypocrisy IS.

Hypocrisy is preaching a standard that you do not practice. It is telling others how they should live and then consciously choosing to live in the opposite way.


1 – If a man promotes the standard of abstinence until marriage, yet he fails in this and has sex, he is NOT a hypocrite.

If the same man tells others to be abstinent and yet willing goes out and has sex repeatedly, he IS living a hypocritical life.

2 – If a man promotes sobriety, the avoidance of alcohol and other substances, yet he stumbles and has a drink because he has little self-control, he is NOT a hypocrite.

The man who preaches sobriety and maintains a lifestyle of constant drinking and drunkenness IS a hypocrite.

3 – If a man believes that is is wrong to curse, yet one day he accidentally loses control of his mouth and says a word he considers to be a sin, he is NOT a hypocrite.

The hypocrite tells others not to curse and then goes out and uses whatever language he wants without even trying to restrain his tongue.

The difference is that the man who is not a hypocrite stumbles and makes mistakes, while the man who IS a hypocrite lives a constant, conscious lifestyle of evil that is in direct opposition to the lifestyle he wants others to live.

A person trying to live a “green lifestyle” (heaven help you) but every once in a while drives a gas burning car or needs to take a plane somewhere is not a hypocrite. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez IS a hypocrite because she wants everyone else to live a green, inconvenient life while having the rules not apply to her

The hypocrite dictates rules to others that do not apply to him. He is very aware of what he is doing. He usually attempts to disguise or bury it so that he can live the way he wants to while still attempting to appear as an angel of righteousness.

All men make mistakes and stumble, the hypocrite willingly lives the lifestyle he preaches against.

Some may even unknowingly live in hypocrisy. However, these individuals are hypocritical to a lesser degree because they do not actively choose to do what is wrong (We will examine these in detail later).

This is the difference.
This is true hypocrisy.
To require a person to never commit any of the wrongs he is opposed to is unreasonable and illogical.
We are still men in the flesh.
We will fail, but we will not willingly live in evil.

Hypocrisy is a choice that we will avoid.


Correct your perceptions about what you think hypocrisy is before you begin another day. Do not allow the false notion of what the weak call hypocrisy delude you to reality.

Do not require perfection from people who hold high standards. No man can reach perfection. However, that does not mean that man cannot have very high standards for himself. Those standards will only press him on to more greatness and improvement.

If you are wallowing in hypocrisy, purge it from yourself immediately. There is no need to contribute to the bad name of hypocrisy that Christians have built for themselves already. Eliminate your vices and replace them with strength and honor.

Control your mind.

Relocation of the Church


The Church never dies, is simply relocates. Many older Americans are paranoid about the fate of the country, and have made the mistake of intertwining the fate of Christianity with the fate of America.

This is absurd and Christians should know better. Take a good look as history, gentlemen.

Every time the home base nation for Christianity has fallen, Christianity has not fallen with it, but has simply relocated to another nation.

Throughout the Old Testament God’s people wandered from place to place until settling in Canaan. They went through several judges before they switched over to kings. Kings came and went and the nation rose and fell yet Israel remained God’s chosen nation.

This would continue until the Birth and Christ and the Church. Israel and Judaism would be obliterated with the destruction of the tempt in A.D. 70 and Christianity would eventually be named as the national religion of Rome (only after extreme levels of persecution from Romans).

Judaism was replaced by Christianity, and God’s chosen religion merely changed locations and forms.

Christianity relocated.

Over time Rome became rank with debauchery, the men became soft and weak and Rome would fall. The world power was toppled and small nations like the Byzantine empire resulted from what once was a great power.

What happened to Christianity in that time of Rome’s destruction? It remained alive. The Church grew and eventually would migrate into European country.

The Church would be spread out over England and remain there until the discovery of the new world. A little over a hundred years later the American colonies would be settled and begin to grow.

Over time people in America would grow tired of the regulation on religion and be disgusted with the church of England. Many of them left England to go to the colonies for this very reason.

Men decided that God was not being worshiped correctly so they left to have space where they could worship in spirit and truth.

America would eventually cut ties with England which sparked the revolutionary war. The American Revolution was not really a revolution. Most revolutions involve the attempt to overthrow the government of the nation. Americans simply wanted to go off and make their own nation instead, but the English would not have it. Thus a war began with the battles of Lexington and Concord. The war would end in British surrender, which marked the beginning of the end of England as a world power, and Britain would lose many other lands they “owned”. (They would also lose those lands because they become weak with political correctness). Christianity relocated to Britain, it was never damaged or destroyed. The Kingdom the relocated to America.

The Kingdom lives forever.

Now we are in the year 2019, America is becoming more evil and debauchery is praised. America looks much like the final Generation of Rome before its great downfall. However, this should not make us fear for the Church, because we can see through history that the Church has never fallen. The Kingdom has never been destroyed, it has simply relocated to more fertile ground.

Christianity is growing exponentially in Africa, and it may be that the next home base for Christians is the massive desert continent below Europe. And that would be just fine. It does not matter where the Hub of the Kingdom is while we are still on the earth, it only matters that there is a Kingdom, and it has never been damaged or destroyed by wars or the destruction of nations. The Kingdom lives forever, and it will thrive wherever necessary.

So do not lose heart. The Church will never end, the Kingdom will never die. We will simply move to the place where we are most able to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

Christian Persecution?

“And then this guy called me a ‘Bible Thumper’. Boy, we sure are persecuted as Christians.”

“My coworker called me a Jesus freak! I’m just glad I get to suffer for the name of Christ.”

“You Christians are so weird!”
“Wow, I just get called all kinds of names for being a Christian, I’m really having a hard time”.

“They called me intolerant! The struggle is real”.

“Wow, there are gay people out there, and they want us to let them get married! Paul warned us about this persecution, I tell you what!”


Really? Are we serious?

Meanwhile, 2000 years ago men and women wearing that same name of Christ were fed to lions in the Coliseum and it was commonplace. So commonplace that the coliseum was the movie theater of the day. People actually brought their kids to see how many people would die, and how creative their deaths would be.

Christians were crucified by the hundreds by virtue of the name they wore. They dwelt in catacombs, in the tombs of the dead to avoid capture. Their home was the tomb of their rotting Christian predecessors.

The persecution was so massive that Paul advised Christians to remain unmarried in 1 Corinthians 7. Jesus lamented for the women who would be pregnant and nursing in those days of persecution.

The apostle Paul himself was responsible for the death of many Christians. Jews would throw stones at Christians until they were dead. Bashing their heads in with large rocks, breaking bones all over their bodies.

Many times families were forced to watch the deaths of their families before being subjected to the same fate.

Paul would later have his head cut off in Rome for the name of Christ.

John the baptizer had his head chopped of either by sword, ax, or saw. His followers and friends had to retrieve his headless, lifeless body from Herod’s prison and bury it.

Matthew the tax collector was killed by halberd, a spear-like weapon with a large blade portion at the end, at Nadabah in A.D. 60.

The Psychopathic Nero had Christians coated in wax and lit them on fire to illuminate his garden. The smell of burning hair, skin and fat and the screams of human burning seemed to be no problem. His enjoyment of the garden was unaffected, maybe even enhanced. The vile Nero also had Christians sewn into the skins of animals and fed to dogs and other beasts.

Under Roman emperor Domitian in A.D. 81, it is reported that ten thousand Christians were put to death. Ten thousand living humans killed for Christ.

In year 192, Christians were killed by having hot tar poured on their heads, were burned at the stake and were immersed in boiling water until dead.

Today Christians complain about burning their tongue on their $5 coffee.

(Source of Stats)

The things we call persecution in the 21st century are trivial. Absolutely trivial. We aren’t being nailed to crosses. We are not being boiled alive, lit on fire or having boiling tar poured on our heads. No one has their heads severed from their shoulders or gets shot by archer firing squads. Christians aren’t being fed to wild animals anymore.

We get made fun of a little bit, then call it persecution.

We get called a name or two and call it suffering. Reprehensible. We should be thankful for the peace and ease we have.

Is there real persecution out there for Christians? We don’t hear about it in America if there is. Sure, there’s the occasional Church shooter, but that doesn’t mean there is widespread persecution against the Church. There are shootings at secular events as well, Churches aren’t being singled out.

One day there could be true persecution again, but not today. Probably not tomorrow. Humans have actually become more peaceful over time.

The next persecution to arise will purge the weak. It is our job to make sure we aren’t weak, and that we don’t forsake the Church if and when it does arise. We could just as easily forsake the Church. We need to be mentally prepared to stay committed regardless of pain or death.

If there does arise another persecution against Christians, I dare you to find Joel Osteen and his sycophants.

I dare you to find him still “worshiping” God now that it is so longer convenient. I challenge you to find faithful Christians who were a part of the emotionalism movement of the second millennium. Emotionalism will not be able to survive persecution.

Jesus gave a parable about a sower (Matt 13), and one kind of seed fell on stony ground. It came up quickly and died because it had no strong roots. This represented people who would receive the Word with joy and endure for a while. But when persecution arises, they wither to nothing. This is the seed of emotionalism, it rises up then dies when the cross becomes heavy.

Thankfully for those seeds on the stony ground, there is no persecution.

It’s easy to be a Christian in America. No one kills us because we wear Christ’s name. No one crucifies us. Sure, we get called a name or two, or we get made fun of a bit, but that is the extent of our troubles.

We should be careful when we say we are persecuted for the Church or that we are suffering for the name of Christ, because I guarantee you that we do not even know the meaning of suffering.

Secular Reasons to Avoid Drunkenness


A lot of Christians believe it is sinful to drink alcohol. Some have good reasons for this belief, including scripture. Others simply take what their parents told them and parrot it back to everyone else with no rational thought of their own. But I think it is clear from scripture that it is not alcohol, but drunkenness that is the sin.

Nevertheless, I also believe it is important to create a list of reasons why you do not drink alcohol.

There are many times when people in the world ask Christians about their lifestyle choices.

Why don’t you curse?”
Why don’t you go to parties to meet people and have sex?”
Or “Why don’t you drink alcohol?

And most Christians give poor answers for a number of reasons.

Number 1, they do not know why they do anything. They are living lives on autopilot.

Number 2, they give only Bible answers. For other Christians, a bible definition, a bible defense, and a bible answer is all we need in order to be on the same page. But when we are talking to people in the world, we need more than that because they may not agree with us that the bible represents authority by which one should live their life. In this case, it is critical to have secular, rational reasons that explain why you live the way you live.

In this article, I want to give you practical reasons to avoid drunkenness.

It’s not the alcohol molecule itself that is a problem, otherwise taking most forms of medicine would be sinful. Any compound with -ol or -phen- has alcohol. Acetomino-‘phen’ which is Tylen-‘ol‘.

When it comes to alcohol, it’s not drinking that is the problem, it is drunkenness. You better hope that a carbon attached to an oxygen attached to a hydrogen isn’t sinful, because you take them into your body all the time. 

It’s not the alcohol itself that is the problem. Otherwise, Paul would have been recommending sin to Timothy when he tells him to have wine with his water for his stomach. That’s something we know Paul would never do.

It’s not Alcohol, it is drunkenness that is the problem. Almost anything taken to excess is sinful.

Generosity toward the homeless guy becomes enabling his drug addiction.
Eating Turns to Gluttony.
Being a good steward in excess turns to stinginess.
Being still and knowing that He is God can turn into lethargy.
Evangelizing to your neighbor becomes making yourself a nuisance. 

Even good, righteous behaviors become poor strategic maneuvers if they are taken to excess.

If I haven’t said it enough – Alcohol itself is not the problem, Drunkenness is the problem.

It’s what drunkenness does to the character of the individual. I could give you the typical spiritual reasons covered in every other emotional article for why you should not be getting wasted, but only stupid people think that secular people actually listen to reasons like that.

You need strong internal motivating factors that go beyond spirituality. Because as sad as it is to say it, people don’t care about the spiritual anymore, even people who wear the name of God. 

Here are some solid secular reasons why you should not get utterly plastered.
1 – Alcohol is a waste of time while drinking and also makes us waste time later while we nurse our hangover.

Every moment spent drinking could be spent improving yourself and making moves in your life. And it does not just waste time while we drink, but it also wastes our time the next day. Did you ever know a man to create a great invention, advance in his career, develop his thinking system, or hit a personal record on a squat while he had a hangover? Me either.

2 – Drinking makes us stupid and lazy.

Alcohol kills neurons. And you most likely are not going to grow those back. If you want to be as sharp and powerful as possible, you have to be sober. There is no way around this.

Here are some scientific studies demonstrating this reality:

Long-term alcohol exposure impairs neurogenesis, leading to cognitive dysfunction and memory deficits commonly observed in individuals with alcohol use disorder.
Source: Nixon, K., & Crews, F. T. (2002). Alcohol and the adolescent brain: Hippocampal neurogenesis and related issues. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 14(3), 185-195.

Alcohol’s metabolic byproducts generate reactive oxygen species, leading to cellular damage, inflammation, and neuronal death.
Source: Rahman, I., Kode, A., & Biswas, S. K. (2006). Assay for quantitative determination of glutathione and glutathione disulfide levels using enzymatic recycling method. Nature Protocols, 1(6), 3159-3165.

Alcohol alters the release and reuptake mechanisms of neurotransmitters such as glutamate, GABA, and dopamine, disrupting normal brain communication and contributing to the cognitive and behavioral impairments observed during alcohol intoxication.
Source: Lovinger, D. M. (1999). Serotonin’s role in alcohol’s effects on the brain. Alcohol Health and Research World, 23(3), 200-206.

Alcohol disrupts normal brain development, resulting in structural abnormalities in brain regions critical for learning, memory, and executive functions, which may have long-term cognitive and behavioral consequences.
Source: Goodlett, C. R., & Johnson, T. B. (1997). Neonatal binge ethanol exposure using intubation: Timing and dose effects on place learning. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 19(6), 435-446.

3 – Alcohol stops us from burning fat, possibly by overproducing acetate, a chemical byproduct of alcohol metabolism.

Acetate is a cheap fuel that the body can break down very quickly but leaves you feeling terrible, this is where the hangover effect comes from. 

Here are some studies demonstrating this reality:

Alcohol impairs the liver’s ability to synthesize new fatty acids and reesterify plasma non-esterified fatty acids, leading to an imbalance in triglyceride synthesis. These findings contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying alcohol-related fatty liver disease.
Source: Diraison, F., Moulin, P., Beylot, M. (1997). Contribution of hepatic de novo lipogenesis and reesterification of plasma nonesterified fatty acids to plasma triglyceride synthesis during non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Diabetes & Metabolism, 23(4), 293-300.

Alcohol disrupts the function of sterol-regulatory element-binding proteins, key regulators of lipid synthesis and storage in adipocytes. This impairment leads to abnormal lipid accumulation in the liver and contributes to the development of alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Source: You, M., & Crabb, D. W. (2004). Molecular mechanisms of alcoholic fatty liver: Role of sterol regulatory element-binding proteins. Alcohol, 34(1), 39-43.

Alcohol affects lipid oxidation and storage, contributing to the dysregulation of fat metabolism. These changes have implications for the development of alcohol-related metabolic disorders.
Source: Eckardt, M. J., File, S. E., Gessa, G. L., Grant, K. A., Guerri, C., Hoffman, P. L., Kalant, H., Koob, G. F., Li, T. K., Tabakoff, B., et al. (1998). Effects of moderate alcohol consumption on the central nervous system. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22(5), 998-1040.

This systematic review by Sayon-Orea, Martinez-Gonzalez, and Bes-Rastrollo examines the relationship between alcohol consumption and body weight. It highlights the impairment of fat oxidation during alcohol metabolism, which leads to increased fat storage and weight gain. The review consolidates evidence from various studies, shedding light on the mechanisms underlying alcohol-related weight-related issues.
Source: Sayon-Orea, C., Martinez-Gonzalez, M. A., & Bes-Rastrollo, M. (2011). Alcohol consumption and body weight: A systematic review. Nutrition Reviews, 69(8), 419-431.

4 – Beer/wine is empty calories, a gateway into having your temple look like garbage.

Because the body is so busy breaking down alcohol byproducts, it will just store all the sugar. Not good for anyone.

5 – The brain isn’t the only organ that gets drunk, the entire body gets drunk.

The cells get drunk, and the liver and kidneys have to pull double shifts to filter that nonsense out of you. This is great if you want to die ten years earlier than you need to.

6 – Alcohol prevents you from having good character and integrity in your actions.

A great way to lose business or miss out on getting a raise is to act like a primate during a drunken stupor. People are watching you and recording you. Opportunities for success are going to pass you by while you are busy being a drunken idiot.

Have you ever seen someone act like a fool while drunk and thought, “I bet this guy is a great employee; I bet he is a great father and husband; This is a gentleman of character, one I would want to manage my assets; I think I’ll approach him with the business deal of a lifetime”?

7 – Alcohol makes us lose our mental edge and focus which allows us to dominate in the workplace.

Again, a hangover is a great way to have poor job performance. It’s a great way to miss out on that raise or on landing those new clients. No one ever drank their way to success.

Don’t drink your life away then wonder why you aren’t ahead in life. You aren’t ahead because you are an intoxicated loser.
8 – Alcohol drops natural testosterone production.

That is going to damage your sex life whether you are a man or a woman. No one in their right mind wants that. This reduction in testosterone is going to be another factor keeping you from burning fat, losing that weight, and getting in shape. 

Here are some scientific studies demonstrating this:

This study demonstrates that ethanol intoxication suppresses the release of LH and impairs testosterone production. These findings contribute to our understanding of alcohol-induced disruptions in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
Source: Välimäki, M., Tuominen, J. A., Huhtaniemi, I., & Ylikahri, R. (1984). The pulsatile secretion of gonadotropins and growth hormone, and the biological activity of luteinizing hormone in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 19(1), 19-23.

This study shows that while acute alcohol intake may initially elevate testosterone levels, chronic alcohol consumption leads to a subsequent decrease in testosterone production. These findings emphasize the negative effects of long-term alcohol use on endocrine function.
Source: Sarkola, T., & Eriksson, C. J. P. (2003). Testosterone increases in men after a low dose of alcohol. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 38(4), 369-373.

This study demonstrates alterations in testosterone metabolism, leading to testosterone deficiency and the development of alcohol-related hypogonadism. These findings highlight the negative impact of alcohol on hormonal balance and reproductive health in men.
Source: Pandey, G. N., Janicak, P. G., & Davis, J. M. (1987). Altered testosterone metabolism in male alcoholic patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 44(3), 259-264.

This study reveals that chronic alcohol consumption is associated with reduced semen quality and changes in reproductive hormones, including decreased testosterone levels. These findings provide evidence for the negative impact of alcohol on male reproductive function.
Source: Jensen, T. K., Gottschau, M., Madsen, J. O. B., Andersson, A. M., Lassen, T. H., Skakkebæk, N. E., Swan, S. H., Priskorn, L., Grandjean, P., Weihe, P., et al. (2013). Habitual alcohol consumption associated with reduced semen quality and changes in reproductive hormones; a cross-sectional study among 1221 young Danish men. BMJ Open, 3(3), e002964.

9 – Alcohol is an absolute waste of money.

Of all the different things you could spend money on, don’t waste it on a chemical designed to relieve you from the burden of existence that also kills you, reduces your testosterone, and impairs your fat metabolism. Use your money to serve God, take care of your family, and make yourself better through books and training.

Christians love pointing fingers at the alcohol molecule as “evil”. But it’s all the subsidiaries that come with drunkenness that make alcohol dangerous.

Probably only one in a thousand Christians can even tell you what the alcohol molecule looks like chemically. If people don’t even know what it is, how can they be trusted when they tell you it’s bad? It’s only bad for them because they are fearful of what they do not know.

The alcohol that most people drink is a two-carbon compound called ethanol, and it’s poisonous. But in truth, everything is a poison, it is just a question of dosage. All alcohol molecules are poisonous [such as methanol, propanol, butanol, etc.], ethanol just kills us the slowest and provides the intoxicating effect that people crave.

The problem with the majority of arguments against alcohol is the fact that most of them can be applied elsewhere.

And once they are applied elsewhere, they become illogical. This transference test is a good way to determine if you are thinking on a logical basis or not.

Every argument against alcohol can be turned against lack of sleep, for example, and now in the 21st century, there is scientific evidence to back it up.

Most of these examples below comes from Mathew Walker, one of the foremost sleep science experts today, and the rest is common sense. Get his book “Why We Sleephere.

1 – Lack of sleep is not treating the body as the temple.

It is poor stewardship as it leads to deterioration in every part of your function and it damages your body’s physiology if done chronically.

2 – Lack of sleep causes the same reduction in cognitive function as drunkenness.

For every hour you go sleep deprived, you have the same loss of function as if your blood alcohol level increased by 0.05%

3 – Lack of sleep causes anger and stupidity, the same as alcohol.
4 – Lack of sleep causes us to be poor stewards of our time by making wake time less efficient. It also reduces our lifespan, the same as alcohol.
The real problem with alcohol is it causes us to not be sober and vigilant, as does lack of sleep. Alcohol is not the only molecule with that effect.

Therefore, applying the transference effect, is depriving yourself of sleep, willingly or unwillingly, not also sin? If it has similar physiological and psychological effects as alcohol, is it not a sin? And if drunkenness is a sin, would not something that causes you to be in a similar state of drunkenness not also be a sin? If you are going to be intellectually honest and consistent with your attacks on the alcohol molecule, you would have to say it is certainly a sin.

But truly, who is going to sit around and say someone committed a sin because they rolled around all night?

You can make similar arguments against caffeine due to its psychoactive effects. But of course, that molecule is not sinful because all the Christians got together and voted and no one can give up their coffee. Right?

Caffeine is a stimulating mind-altering [because it is known to induce anxiety] and sobriety-canceling [There is such thing as caffeine intoxication] drug as anything else.

Here’s a quick study for this:

This study by Childs and de Wit examines the acute effects of caffeine on anxiety levels in healthy volunteers. It demonstrates that caffeine administration leads to an increase in subjective anxiety levels and alterations in physiological measures associated with anxiety. These findings provide evidence for the anxiogenic effects of caffeine.
Source: Childs, E., & de Wit, H. (2008). Effects of acute caffeine administration on subjective anxiety and physiological measures in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology, 197(4), 595-604.

But of course, we can’t argue against it just because it’s not at intense of a high as cocaine, or because society says it’s legal. Maybe that’s a weak argument, but it is something to consider and is no weaker than 95% of the arguments that Christians make.

Where do we draw the line? At what point does a drug become a sin? Who is the person who gets to decide which chemical structures are sinful and which ones are not?

Did some random Ph. D decide that wherever two or more carbon hydroxyl groups are gathered that there will be a sin?

When Christians get together and vote, does that change the law of God? No. Judge among yourselves to determine which molecules are sinful. But you better look in the mirror as well at your own actions, because you may be ingesting some sinful molecules yourself. 

Know that you’ve been told your whole life that the alcohol molecule is a sin, but do you have any logic for believing that? Why is an alcohol molecule a sin but a caffeine molecule is not?

Caffeine is in the same chemical family as methamphetamine.

And meth is sinful if it’s made on the street, but not sinful if you give it to your ADHD kids [who really need outdoor play and discipline]. Who decided that?

Try a mirror out for size and make sure you aren’t being a hypocrite in the things you say. And your kid is probably just a poorly behaved, snot-nosed brat as well, not ADHD. Meth won’t make him better, a paddle applied to his posterior will. 

We need to logically consider what we believe so that we don’t end up looking like fools when it comes to what is right and to what the Bible teaches. Drunkenness is the problem. The alcohol molecule is fine.

Be extremely intense with yourself, and extremely kind to other people. This is a chance to be extreme on yourself. 

Here are some related articles on rational, practical reasons why we should be avoiding the sins outlined in scripture.

The Practical Consequences of Adultery

Monkeypox: A Practical Consequence of Homosexuality

The Practical Consequences of Sin

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