God will allow you to touch a hot iron. There is an idea in Christianity that God is nothing but love and goodness and would never want anything bad to happen to His children. Unfortunately what we have done is taken our own weak parenting strategies and placed them on God even if they are not accurate.
Because most parents never want their kids to get injured or hurt and will do anything to protect them, and they assume God will be the same way.
They think:
God would never let me do something to ruin my life! God won’t let me feel emotional pain or sorrow! No way! God is a loving God and would not let those things happen to me.
Emotionalistic Christian #1
The reality of the matter is that God will allow us to touch a hot iron.

If we are on the path to doing something stupid, He will allow us to do it. If we are about to do drugs, He will let us. Or if we are in compromising situation with another woman, He will allow us to have sex with her. He does not approve of any of these choices, but He allows them to happen.
This is because God never impedes our free will as individuals! He never overtakes our mind and forces us to do anything that we have not chosen to do with our rational mind. He will not miraculously pull us from an unfortunate situation.
Throughout all of history, God has allowed people to make their beds and then lie in them.
Look at the nation of Israel which is an example for us (Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 10:11). Just examine how many times God allowed the children of Israel to commit sin and then suffer the consequences of it.
Time and time again Israel would choose to worship pagan gods and participate in all kinds of sex rituals with the people of Canaan. And time and time again God would allow them to be captured and oppressed for many years.
So just because you decide you are going to be a panty-waist parents who never spanks their kid or allows them to suffer the consequences of their actions does NOT mean that God is the same way. The God of the universe will allow you to commit adultery and then allow your life to be damaged because of it.
God wants you to use your own rational mind and free will to choose to follow Him.
He wants you to choose to do what He says even when you do not feel like it. And because of this He also allows you to make stupids decisions and pay for them for life. How many people in the Bible made decisions with their own free will and paid for it with their life?
- Annanias and Saphira lied to God and died.
- Nadab and Abihu worshiped God indirectly and were killed by God.
- Uzzah was good-natured and tried to protect the Ark, but he touched it and died.
- Judas was allowed to kill himself out of self-inflicted grief.
- The son of David and Bathsheba died because of David’s sin, though David was penitent and was a man after God’s heart.
- God opens the earth and swallowed those who rebelled against Him (Numbers 16:10 & 16:32).
- Everyone but Noah and his family were killed in the flood.
We must realize that we too are capable of the evil that was written about in biblical times. And we too can suffer the consequences of our bad choices, though God has promised to wash away our sins and remember them no more (Hebrews 8:12).
So before you try to mold God into your image of what you think He should be, remember that He will allow you to jump off a building if you so choose. God does not control people like puppets, He allows them to do whatever they want. He allows them to touch the hot iron.