Anger is destructive when not channeled into productive pursuits.
“Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath.”
Ephesians 5:26
Testosterone makes men aggressive. If you grew up in the Church, you have likely seen a large collection of men with low testosterone. Perhaps most men in the Church have no testosterone at all and are producing enough estrogen and prolactin that it is shocking they aren’t lactating out of their drooping male breasts. You know those same men have sex once or twice a year. The Church is filled with men with soft hands and even softer genitalia.
These men have less testosterone than the writers for Buzzfeed.
Meanwhile you sit uncomfortably in a pew trying to hide an erection while wondering if you are normal to want sex as much as you do. You wonder if it is natural to be as angry as you are. Because you could punch through a wall for no reason other than you are experiencing great anger from unknown sources; but for now you paint on a smile.
No one told you being a man would involve this much hormone driven anger.
This is because the weak men of the Church have spent their entire lives having to repress their aggression until it vanished, and it did, along with any semblance of masculinity that they once possessed. They repressed their anger and their manhood decayed.
The Church is filled with people like Lot, who when men beat on his doors asking for the men he took in, Lot offered his daughters to them to rape through the night. That is an example of a beta male.
The beta would forgive the man who raping his wife while he is still raping her, because betas use “forgiveness” to justify their own personal cowardice.
A Man would rip the genitals off a rapist and shove them down his throat. Barbaric? Yes. A proper desire of a man? Absolutely.
Violence, killing, judgement, anger, aggression, warfare; all these attributes are in the nature of man, and the Church pretends like they do not exist. Remember how Simon and Levi responded to the raping of Dinah? By hand they killed Shechem, his father and all the men of the city after they had just been circumcised and then plundered the city (Gen 34:20-31). Brutal. Justifiable. Appropriate.
Man is an angry beast, and that anger must be controlled and channeled into constructive endeavors and into protecting his family. The anger of man is gargantuan. The anger of man is a raging furnace, and it is completely natural to feel it course through the body, and it is the mark of a man to be able to direct its intensity towards something productive.
It is called Testosterone gentleman, to deny its effects on male aggression is to deny biochemical fact and natural law.
It is natural to be angry. With this anger I have the power to build, not destroy, but I will destroy if I must.

Notice your anger today. When you feel the chemical effects of the androgen course through your body, immediately take note and turn your attention to another matter. In this way you will redirect the destructive powers of anger and aim them at a constructive endeavor. Anger can be constructive or destructive depending on how you use it.
The best place to start redirecting anger is with your physical training. It is easy to express violence in a constructive way during sports or intense training.
If you are not training to strengthen your body, you are missing out on one of the most basic principles of masculinity: strength.
Relish when some event or individual makes you angry and say to yourself, “I will bottle up this emotion for later”. (Avoid keeping negative emotion bottled too long though, it has a short shelf-life and will damage you if it remains pent up).
When you arrive at your place of training, call to mind the incident and the accompanying emotion and then unleash all your masculine fury on the insufficiency of your physical body. Through intense emotion you force yourself to improve in strength, power and endurance. By doing this you have used negative emotion for constructive endeavors.
Do not suppress your emotion, instead redirect it. This is like harnessing the power of great winds with a windmill or great rivers with a water mill and generating energy through those natural sources. Your anger is also a natural source that can be turned towards more productive outlets.
Declare war on your own weakness and mediocrity and strike your inadequacy with a mighty slaughter.
Conduct Yourselves like Men.