What the Church has Taught Men
For some time now, the Church has taught men that masculine aggression is to be avoided at all costs and that pacifism is a virtue. Because for some reason aggression is equivalent to violence in the minds of these individuals. People fear that if their sons grow up and manifest aggression, they will end up in gangs, crime or domestic warfare. This highlights a fundamental problem in the thinking of most Christian people – a misunderstanding of the proper, valuable uses of aggression.
Because the modern, civilized world is so peaceful and safe, people do not appreciate an aggressive, masculine man anymore. There is no need, generally speaking, for men to protect women and children against violence from other men. Were there this need, people would be able to regularly see and appreciate the value of masculine aggression when it is used for the good of society. This is what people have forgotten: masculine aggression tempered with wisdom benefits society, it does not damage it. Instead pacifism has been promoted as the key to being religious.
Instead of promoting this masculine aggression, however, the Church has chosen to preach against it. This is extremely damaging to men as it has made them weak, effeminate and fearful, unable to defend themselves or others.
- Aggression is preached as “evil”. Pacifism is preached as “good”.
- Idiotic views of government and punishment are caused by the suppression of appropriate aggression.
- The use of violence in self-defense situations has been replaced with “turn the other cheek“.
The result is that men are not only unable to resist violence and evil, but are unwilling to do so as well. Men do not even have the capacity to protect their families. Most Christian men would forgive a man for raping his wife while he is still raping her – that is the extreme to which “live peaceably with all men” has been taken, and it is an inappropriate extreme.
This is most evident with more progressive Churches. When was the last time you saw an aggressive, masculine man attend “Yoga for Jesus“?
This is also readily apparent in pacifist denominations such as the Baptist or Methodist Churches. If this applies to you, I would encourage you not to take this statement personally, but take a good look around your Church and ask yourself, “Are there any truly masculine men here?” I tend to notice that most Baptists come out of the womb docile and tame. I have never met an aggressive Baptist. If you are a Baptist, you have the responsibility to make yourself more aggressive, unless you are too busy being offended by this paragraph to see its importance.
What Spartans Believe – Masculine Aggression is highly appropriate.
Even a casual student of Biblical history is aware of the commands of God to utterly destroy various peoples. The book of Joshua outlines many of these conquests and battles. God commands MEN to utterly destroy these peoples because they are evil – many of them burn their own children alive as sacrifices to their gods. Most would agree that this single crime is punishable by death, and therefore is the justification for the obliteration of their infanticide-based society.
In order to destroy these infant murdering societies, men would have to employ extreme aggression. Men would be required to kill other men in hand-to-hand combat. The psychological burden of warfare on the mind’s men had to be extraordinary. For these men to override their immediate fears of battle, they had no choice but to use aggression. To engage in pacifism would have meant turning a blind eye to the evils of those countries.
Men cannot kill other men without aggression combined with the will to kill.
Through the properly channeled use of aggression, many of those evil societies were destroyed. Even to this day the same principles still apply. The evils of Germany were subdued by the applied bravery, training and AGGRESSIVE MENTALITY of brave Allied forces. Appropriately applied aggression saves the world during war, and contributes to the progress of society during peace.
How We Must Correct the Damage done by Weak Christian Men.
The aggression muscle of Christian men has expectedly gone flabby due to lack of use and training, but it can just as well be restored through training. Men have a responsibility to encourage their natural aggression and use it for the benefit of society. Here are a few basic applications of Masculine Aggression:
Aggression is to be Internal and Concentrated at the Weakness of Self.
Grace is not going to fix your personal problems. Grace will not take away your addiction to cocaine or pornography. God’s Grace will not allow you to overcome the weaknesses of your character. Grace covers your sin, it does not magically cure you of your sinful behavior. Each of your problems must be overcome by the proper application of masculine aggression. No problems were ever solved by pacifism.
When you become angry at your own shortcomings, you fuel yourself to destroy those shortcomings. You must hate evil and strike it with a mighty slaughter. Just as Paul hated his shortcomings (Romans 7:13-22) you must as well. You will find that simply learning to encourage feelings of anger and disgust towards your shortcomings can give you the energy you need to improve. I never advise chronically using anger for every little tiny detail of your life, at some point you need to be able to use discipline to behave properly. But until you get to that level, anger is a great burst of strength and power that can be used to destroy immediate temptation and weakness. Pacifism never destroyed anything.
Aggression is to be Targeted at Evil.
If you come in contact with evil, there are multiple ways to use aggression to overpower it. Never suppress aggression, instead learn to channel it.
- Target aggression at your sin as mentioned before.
- Aim aggression at the Devil, despise what he offers you, curse the immediate enjoyment of his “gifts”.
- Despise the actions of evildoers, but do not despise the individuals themselves.
- Hate your own cravings to do what is wrong.
- Hate your intellectual, physical and emotional poverty.
- Use aggression in real, physical warfare to destroy evil.
Aggression is to be Harnessed for the Improvement of Self and Society.
You are no longer allowed to be satisfied with where you currently are in your personal, physical and mental development. You are not satisfied with the development of those around you and of society as a whole.

It is vital that you harness this dissatisfaction and your aggression to build a better life for yourself and for others.
- Use aggression to train your physical body. This must be done daily and it a critical component of properly channeled aggression. Physical training is the easiest place to learn the basic procedure for how to channel aggression into an endeavor.
- Use aggression in politics, if you dare. Overpower evil and attack it with violence.
- Attack your bookshelf, wage war on ignorance.
- Use aggression to override any discomfort you have with talking to others, disciplining your children or working in the marketplace.
The damage that weak men in the Church have done to the new generation of men by promoting pacifism can be undone, but it will be very difficult. Until men have something real and tangible to fight against, the majority of them will not change their ways and voluntarily become strong. But you are different, you have read to this point so you must already desire strength and personal power. Use your God-given masculine aggression to create the life, mentality and character that you want to have.
Addendum: Soon to be introduced to the site will be the AGGRESSIVE STUDY SERIES, which is a Scripture memorization list that will provide you with Words that are very aggressive. As a man you need to be able to know why it is important to be aggressive, the value it provides, how you can use aggression to better your life and how to defend your aggressive position with Scripture. Men cannot argue against scripture without arguing against God.