In times past, young boys spent a great deal of time around their fathers and other men. They learned skills and behaviors associated with the same traditional masculinity that built the world. Boys learned to riff and wrestle. They learned to work and play. They learned to strike their enemies with a mighty slaughter and protect their family with ferocity. This type of man is a far cry from what presently exists in the Church and world. What went wrong with society that it would produce the feeble, testicle-deficient males we have today?
It started with the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Prior to the advent of modern machinery that would eventually bring great ease to American life, boys spent their days working with their fathers on farms, hunting, fishing and doing masculine tasks. Most fathers worked from home (not in the pusillanimous ways that are done today by dad bod wielding men hunched over a keyboard for eight hours) and their sons worked with them. This hard labor would prepare the sons to take over the farm, or the smithy or whatever was the family business. Once machines began to expand in the marketplace, hundreds of jobs became available in the city.
Many fathers went to work in the factories and were out of the house for twelve or more hours a day. This meant that now the sons had to spend all their time around mommy.
Now there is nothing wrong with mommy, but children conform to whomever they spend the most time with.
If boys spend all their time around mom, they are going to be soft and effeminate like mom unless mom knows how to raise the son correctly by avoiding helicopter parenting and babying tactics.
Most moms don’t think to put their sons to work. They protect them from every conceivable harm, they prevent them from fighting and adventuring and block them from facing even the slightest level of adversity. Compound this helicopter parenting over 18 years and you have created a full-fledged pantywaist.
The boy had the perfect biological environment to grow up to be an absolute disgrace to masculinity.
These weak sons then grew up and gave birth to sons even weaker than themselves. Once married, these men removed their testicles and placed them in a box in the attic, never to be seen again. They let their wives wear the pants in the relationship and stopped them from enforcing any discipline on the new sons. No adversity was faced; therefore, no growth was experienced.
Boys continued to be weak boys for years, even generations.
It is almost a shame that the world is so safe that even the weakest men are able to pass on their genetics to another generation.
The weak, effeminate men who are fathers today are the same men who would have been eaten by lions thousands of years ago.
This cycle repeats itself today, which is why there are so many weak men in the world and especially in the Church. The Church is the breeding ground for weak men because women can try to override their natural tendency to seek out the most masculine genetics possible in favor of the best provider possible (and the best provider does not necessarily mean the most masculine provider).
Female spirituality and conviction can replace women’s natural desire to find the most “alpha” male and causes her to seek a good “spiritual leader”.
This is all fine and good, but good spiritual leaders are rarely masculine, primarily because men mistake their emotions for spirituality in the same ways that they mistake their lust for love.
How many masculine men do you have in your church? I find that about 5% of Church going men are masculine. It is our responsibility to undo this feminization of men.
The best thing we can do right now is to be more masculine in our own day to day lives.
We cannot pretend like this feminization of men has not affected us personally in some way.
We are not as hardened as Spartans.
We are not the men of the World Wars who withstood constant mortar fire for months.
We have become soft and set in our ways, so we must move towards Masculinity.
We have to train the body through exercise.
We have to train the mind through learning and reason.
We have to train the emotions through self control.
We must take small steps towards becoming more masculine every day so that we can become more masculine in a society where the feminine man is the ideal man.
Conduct yourself like a Man.
~Excerpt from the book: Spartan Christianity (Coming soon)
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